mhr 318 final

  1. Perception
    process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment
  2. Perceiver is influenced by...
    Attitudes, Personality, Interests, Experience
  3. The target is influenced by...
    volume, appearance, proximity, and size
  4. The situation is influenced by
    Time, location, light
  5. What is attribution theory?
    When we observe an individual's behavior, we attempt to determine whether it was internally or externally caused
  6. Determination of whether behavior is interally or externally caused is based on (3)
    Distinctiveness, consensus, and consistency
  7. Fundamental attribution error
    When judging others, we underestimate external factors and overestimate internal ones
  8. Self-Serving Bias
    when judging ourselves, attribute success to internal factors and failures to external factors
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mhr 318 final
mhr 318 final