Lab Exam Ex. 7-11

  1. What are the components of the axial skeleton?
    • Cranium and Facial Bones
    • Hyoid Bone
    • Ribs
    • Vertebrae
    • Sternum
  2. What are the components of the Appendicular Skeleton?
    • Pectoral Girlde (clavicle & scapula)
    • Pelvic Girdle (Coxal)
    • Upper and Lower limbs
  3. Spongey bone contains what?
    • Trabeculae
    • Flat bones contain trabeculae called Diploe
  4. Label the Parts of the Bone
  5. Label Osteon Model
  6. Give the shapes of the bones and an example for each
    Flat: skull, scapula, ribs

    Irregular: vertebrae, facial, pelvic

    Short Bones: Carpals, Tarsals

    Long Bones: Femur, Humerus, Tibia, Fibia, Radius, Ulna, Phalanges

    Sesmoid: Patella

    Wormian/Sutural: in Skull sutures
  7. Name the cartilages and give examples
    Costal Cartilages: connects ribs to the sternum

    Pubic Symphysis: Fibrocartilage

    • Intervertebral discs: Fibrocartilage of 2 parts
    • 1. Nucleus Pulposes
    • 2. Annulus Fibrosis
  8. The Skull is composed of
    • 1. Cranium
    • 2. Facial Bones
  9. Name the cranial bones
    • Frontal
    • Parietal
    • Occipital
    • Sphenoid
    • Ethmoid-criform plate (crisit gali)
  10. Name the facial bones
    • Maxilla
    • Palantine
    • Nasal
    • Vomer
    • Zygomatic
    • Lacrimal
    • Manidble
    • Inferior Nasal Concha
  11. Label the Sternum
  12. label the ribs
  13. Where do the ribs articulate?
    Head of Rib and vertebral body(demifacet)

    Tuberacle of Rib and transverse process of vertebrae

    • *note the head, tuberacle, and shaft of the rib
  14. Label the Vertebral column
    know how many vertebrae in each column
    label the Curvatures
  15. Name that vertebrae
    • Thoracic
    • *note costal facets (unique to thoracic)
  16. Name That Vertebrae
  17. Name That Vertebrae
    • Atlas C1
    • *note no vertebral body
  18. Name that Vertibrae
    • Cervical
    • *note transverse foramen (unique to cervical)
  19. Name That Vertebrae
    • Axis C2
    • *note dense
  20. Label the parts of the a vertebrae
  21. Label the clavicle
  22. Label the Scapula

  23. Label the humerus
  24. Label the radius and Ulna
  25. Indentify the Bones of the hand
  26. Label the bones of the foot
  27. Label the Pelvic Girdle

    Hip Bone
  28. Label the femur
  29. Label the Tibia and Fibula
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Lab Exam Ex. 7-11
skeletal tissue, skeleton, joints