Sport Development

  1. What is Abduction?
    Lateral movement away from the midline of the body
  2. What is Adduction?
    Medial movement toward the midline of the body
  3. What is Circumduction?
    Circular movement (combining flexion, extension, adduction, and abduction) with no shaft rotation
  4. What is Extension?
    Straightening the joint resulting in an increase of angle
  5. What is Flexion?
    Bending the joint resulting in a decrease of angle
  6. What is Pronation?
    Internal rotation resulting in appendage facing downward
  7. What is Supination?
    External rotation resulting in appendage facing upward
  8. What is Rotation?
    Rotary movement around the longitudinal axis of the bone
  9. What is Dorsiflexion?
    Movement at the ankle to point the toes upward
  10. What is Plantar flexion?
    Movement at the ankle to point the toes downward
Card Set
Sport Development
Movement Terminology