
  1. How low are helicopter fuel reserves kept?
  2. little as 20 minutes of fuel for R/W aircraft The reserves can be as
    and 45 minutes for F/W aircraft
  3. What percentage of aircraft hours are designated as training?
  4. It has been estimated that approximately 20 percent of all fixed wing (F/W)
    • flight hours and 40 percent of rotary wing (R/W) hours must be dedicated
    • to training so pilots and crew members can maintain skill proficiency andcomplete the various training syllabi leading to the next designation
  5. How is deadheading calculated?
  6. one half of the number of flight hours spent deadheading shall count as crewmission time. Deadheading shall not be calculated as part of crew rest time
  7. What are the flight hours maximums, day, week, month and yearly?
    • Consecutive Days A flight crew member shall not fly as a crew member more than 50 hours in
    • any seven consecutive days.
    • Thirty Consecutive Days A flight crew member shall not fly as a crew member more than 125 hours
    • during any 30 consecutive days.
    • 365 Consecutive Days A flight crew member shall not fly as a crew member more than 1100 total
    • military/civilian hours during any 365 consecutive days.
    • Alert Duty Flight crew members shall not be assigned alert duty for more than 24
    • consecutive hours; they should have at least 10 hours off duty immediately
    • before assuming alert duty. Alert duty is limited to 12 hours unless adequate
    • crew rest facilities are available.
  8. What are limits and restrictions on donating blood?
    • • Aircrew personnel shall obtain permission from the Commanding Officer
    • before donating blood.
    • • Aircrew personnel shall be grounded for a period of 3 days (72 hours) after
    • a donation of 200 cc or more of blood.
    • • Aircrew personnel shall be grounded for a period of 7 days after donation
    • of 500 cc or more of blood. (The standard unit of donated blood is less
    • than 500 cc).
    • • Aircrew personnel shall not donate blood more than every 120 days.
    • • Aircrew personnel should not be permitted to engage in-flights above
    • 35,000 feet, night flying, or other demanding flights for a period of oneweek after blood donation
  9. What are the restrictions on donating bone marrow?
  10. • Aircrew personnel selected for and undergoing bone marrow donation aregrounded for a minimum of 30 days
  11. How close to an object can you taxi an aircraft without a wingwalker?
    • When an aircraft is being taxied within 25 feet of obstructions, a two
    • person (minimum) taxi crew is required. One member will serve as taxi
    • signalman/wing walker, the other as an additional wing walker. Aircraft shall
    • not be taxied at anytime within 5 feet of obstructions.
  12. What are air and water temps for ADC?
    • Water Temp (W) Air Temp (A) Garment
    • 70° F≤W and Any Flight Suit
    • 60° F≤W<70° F and 85° F≤A Flight Suit
    • 60° F≤W<70° F and A<85° F ADC
    • W<60° F and Any ADC
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Airops manual gouge