1. Atrial Flutter
    • may be regular or irregular
    • more than one flutter wave/QRS (2:1, 3:1)
    • Atrial rate: 250-350/min
    • QRS < .12 (flutter waves may conceal QRS)

    Very jagged marks (saw toothed)
  2. Sinus pause
    • Rate 60-100
    • Regularity interrupted by pause
    • (no p waves, no QRS)
  3. Sinus arrhythmia
    • Average rate 60-100 bpm
    • Speed up with breathing and slow back down rhythm irregular
    • R-R interval changes must vary by greater than .12 sec
  4. Atrial Tachycardia
    • p wave different (peaked, notched, flattened, diphasic)
    • 150-250 bpm faster than sinus
  5. Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT)
    • Rate (140+, 150-250 bpm)
    • ccannot see p waves
  6. 1st Degree AV block
    • not true block. The AV holds impulse longer than normal when reaches the ventricles the impulse is normal
    • PR > .2 sec (5 little boxes)
    • PRI constant from one beat to the next
    • Must always state underlying rhythm
  7. Junctional Escape Rhythm
    • back up pace maker when SA doesn't fire.
    • If p wave seen, will be inverted before or after QRS
    • Rate: 40-60 bpm
    • Rhythm: rhythm
    • PR < .12 (if before)
    • ST Normal
  8. Accelerated Junctional Rhythm

    Junctional Tachycardia
    • irritibility of tissue sends out impulses competing with SA node and takes over functions of the heart
    • Rate 60-100 bpm

    Junctional tachy > 100 bpm
  9. 2nd Degree AV Block Type 2
    • intermittent block @ AV node
    • PR intervals constant
    • more p waves than QRS complexes
  10. 3rd Degree AV Block
    • complete block of AV node; junctional or ventricle impulses compensate.
    • more P waves than QRS comples
    • P waves are NOT related to QRS complexes
    • PRI completely variable
    • AR normal range (60-100) bpm
    • VR: if junctional (40-60
  11. 2nd Degree AV Block Type 1
    • There are some P waves NOT followed by QRS comples
    • PRI get progressively longer until not followed by QRS, after blocked beat, the cycle restarts.
  12. Premature Junctional Contraction (PJC)
    • The ectopic impulse stimulates the atria and/or ventricles earlier than sinus impulse (intermittently)
    • EKG sinus rhythm, PJC, slight pause, sinus rhythm resumes, sinus rhythm resumes.
    • P wave inverted with PR <.12 not seen @ all, QRS followed by inverted p wave
Card Set
Abnormal Heart Rhythms