Blood Vessels and Circulation

  1. The abdominal aorta terminates by dividing into the

    C. Common iliac arteries
  2. The artery which is the continuation of the femoral
    artery after itapsses to the posterior side of the thigh is the:

    E. Popliteal
  3. The venous anastomoses are more common than arterial anastomoses
  4. Veins contain thick layers of smooth muscle and play a major
    role in regulating systemic blood pressure
  5. Circulatory shock can occur when output from the
    sympathetic nervous system is suddenly inhibited
  6. The smooth muscle in the walls of blood vessels is found
    in which of the following layers

    B. Tunica media
  7. There is not enough blood in the body to fill the entire
    vascular system at once. About how much of the body’s capillaries is closed at
    any given time?

    B. Three-fourths
  8. Veins have lower blood pressure than arteries, averaging
    about 80mm HG, in contrast to the 120 mg Hg seen in large arteries during systole
  9. Arteries

    A. Have a thicker wall than veins
  10. Diastolic pressure is the peak arterial BP reached during
    ventricular contractions and systolic pressure is the minimum arterial BP between heartbeats

    A. 110
  11. Pulse pressure equals the systolic pressure minus the diastolic pressure. Mean arterial blood pressure (MABP) equals the sum of the diastolic pressure plus 1/3 of the pulse pressure. What is the MABP in an individual with a blood pressure of 15/90.

    C. 140/90
  12. Because of their ability to expand during systole and recoil
    during diastole, the elastic arteries “smooth out” changes in blood pressure.
  13. A three-fold increase in the radius of a blood vessel
    produces an 81-fold increase in blood flow
  14. The rising temperature of active muscles promotes
  15. The baroreceptors

    D. All of the above
  16. Reduced capillary reabsorption of fluid can lead to
    edema. Which of the following does not contribute to edema?

    C. Extreme muscular activity
  17. Which of the following types of low venous return (LVR)
    shock occurs when released histamine causes extensive generalized vasodilation

    C. Anaphylactic shock
  18. Which of the following is not a branch of the abdominal

    B. Intercostal arteries
  19. In contrast to the superficial veins run parallel to the arteries
    and have similar names
  20. Blood vessels that connect two capillary network are

    C. Portal systems
  21. The tissue layer of a vessel that differs most in
    thickness when comparing arteries and veins is the

    A. Tunica media
  22. These have the most control of perfusion of a capillary

    A. Precapillary sphincters
  23. These structures present in medium-sized veins, prevent
    backflow of blood

    B. Venous valves
  24. All of these factors may increase peripheral resistance

    D. Blood type
  25. Vasodilation may be brought about by:

    D. Histamine
  26. Venous pooling in a soldier standing at attention for a
    prolonged time occurs mainly when this mechanism fails

    D. Skeletal muscle pump
  27. Blood flowing from the Dural sinus will eventually go
    through this vein immediately before continuing into the superior vena cava

    B. Brachiocephalic
  28. The right common carotid receives its blood from this
    artery directly

    C. Brachiocephalic
  29. A unique venous system, called the ___________ carries
    blood directly from the intestines to the liver for processing rather than directly into the inferior vena cava

    A. Hepatic portal system
  30. A heartbeat of less than 60 beats per minute is called

    A. Tachycardia

    B. Bradycardia

    C. Arrhythmia

    D. Fibullartion
    B. Bradycardia
  31. What are three factors which help venous blood return to
    the heart?
    A. Skeletal muscle contraction

    B. Respiratory movement

    C. Vein vasoconstriction
  32. The higher the tissue’s rate of metabolism, the more capillaries
    are in the tissue.
  33. The pressure within the right atrium is called
    Central venous pressure
  34. The volume of blood discharged from the ventricle is the
    • Stroke
    • volume ~70ml
  35. The force that the blood exerts against the inner walls
    of the blood vessels is ____________
    Blood pressure
  36. What is Vasodilation
    Increased diameter of a blood vessel
  37. Force produced by the friction between the blood and the walls
    of the blood vessels is
    Peripheral resistance
  38. When blood vessels are the
  39. What is the pace maker
    SA node
  40. The ____ of an artery wall is largely composed of
    connective tissue
    Tunica external
  41. Relaxation of the smooth muscle in a blood vessel being
    in a condition of _______.
  42. Filtration results when substance are forced through
    capillary walls by ______Pressure
  43. The presence of plasma proteins in blood increases the
    _____ pressure as compared to tissue fluids
  44. There exists a 1 mmm Hg pressure differential between
    blood flow from the pulimonary artery and the returning blood flow carried by the pulmonary veins. What mechanism prevents the alveal sacs of the lungs from filling with fluid?
    Osmotic pressure
  45. Most of the average adult heart lies to the left of the
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Blood Vessels and Circulation
Blood Vessels and Circulation