Chapter Nine

  1. substance of Schwann cell composed of lipoprotein
  2. nerve fiber with many branches that conducts impulse toward the cell body
  3. nerve fiber arising from slight elevation of the cell body that conducts impulse away from the cell body
  4. transmits impulse from sensory to motor neuron
  5. transmits impulse out of brain or spinal cord to effectors
    motor neuron
  6. transmits impulse into brain or spinal cord from receptors
    sensory neuron
  7. connects cerebral hemispheres
    corpus callosum
  8. ridge on surface of cerebrum
  9. separates frontal and parietal lobes
    central sulcus
  10. part of brain stem between diencephalon and pons
  11. rounded bulge on underside of brain stem
  12. enlarged continuation of spinal cord
    medulla oblongata
  13. thin layer of gray matter on surface of cerebrum
    cerebral cortex
  14. connects cerebellar hemispheres
  15. Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Response of:
    • S: dilates pupil
    • P: constricts
  16. Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Response of:
    • S: increase HR
    • P: decrease HR
  17. Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Response of:
    • S: dilates brochi
    • P: returns to normal size
  18. Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Response of:
    • S: decreases activity
    • P: increases
  19. What does damage to the cerebellum results in?
    • tremors
    • inaccurate movements of voluntary movements
    • loss of muscle tone
    • reeling walk
    • loss of equilibrium
  20. What are the functions of the CNS?
    sensory, integrative and motor functions
  21. What are the two parts of the CNS?
    brain adn spinal cord
  22. What is the name of the fluid that lets the brain take in nutrients and remove wastes with blood?
  23. Whta is the largest part of the brain?
  24. What increases the surface area of the cerebrum
  25. If someone had a stroke in his brain adn couldn't use the muscles on the right side of the face, which hemisphere of the brain had the stroke?
    left side
  26. What are the four main lobes of the cerebral cortex?
    • frontal
    • parietal
    • occipital
    • temporal
  27. What connects the two brain hemispheres/
    corpus callosum
  28. What are the two parts of the diencephalon?
    • thalamus
    • hypothalamus
  29. What part of the brain regulates balance, coordinates and smoothes movements?
  30. What brain part receives sensory info and relays it to the cerebral cortex?
  31. What controls recognition and analysis of body temp?
  32. What are the three parts of the brain stem?
    • midbrain
    • pons
    • medulla oblongata
  33. What connects the brain to the PNS?
    spinal cord
  34. Certain kinds of info are processed in the spinal cord. Give one example.
    houses spinal reflexes
  35. WHy would it be good for certain info to be processed directly in the spinal cord?
    it leads automatically to the brain, resulting in a faster response
  36. Why does paralysis occur when a person gets a spinal cord injury?
    messages wouldn't be able to get to brain
  37. What are the two divisions of the PNS?
    • somatic
    • autonomic
  38. What does the somatic nervous sysme control?
    voluntary actions
  39. The autonomic NS is composed f two subvisions called __.
    • parasympathetic
    • sympathetic
  40. Which ANS subdivision is involved when you are startled and panicking?
  41. Which ANS subdivision is involved when you eat potato chips on the couch?
  42. Which PNS system controls skeletal muscles?
    somatic nervous system
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Chapter Nine