Professional Baking Chapter 26

  1. Blown Sugar
    Pulled sugar that is made into thin-walled, hollow shapes by being blown up like a balloon.
  2. Inversion
    A chemical process in which a double sugar splits into two simple sugars.
  3. Poured Sugar
    Sugar that is boiled to the hard crack stage and then poured into molds to harden. Also called cast sugar.
  4. Cast Sugar
    Sugar that is boiled to the hard crack stage and then poured into molds to harden. Also called poured sugar.
  5. Pulled Sugar
    Sugar that is boiled to the hard-crack stage, allowed to harden slightly, then pulled or stretched until it develops a pearly sheen.
  6. Spun Sugar
    Boiled sugar made into long, thin threads by dipping wires into the sugar syrup and waving them so that the sugar falls off in fine streams.
  7. Sugar Cage
    A lacy dome of hard or caramelized sugar.
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Professional Baking Chapter 26
Professional Baking Chapter 26 vocabulary baking using sugar techniques