What distinguishes NAF employees from other Air Force civilian employees?
NAF employees are federal employees of the DOD. Because they are paid with NAF dollars, they are distinguished from other AF civilian employees who are paid with fund appropriated by congress.
Why must the Air Force operate a career program for NAF employees?
To ensure sufficient qualified emplyees are available to meet worldwide management needs. Employee benefits and entitlement programs offered to NAF employees must be similar to those offered to DOD and certain employees in the private sector. And finally, the Air Force must also operate a NAF performance appraisal system that serves as the basis for adjusting pay and business based actions.
Who establishes and publishes NAF personnel program implementing procedures?
Air Force Services Agency (AFSVA)
What are the 2 types of NAF employee appointments?
Regular and flexible
How many hours per week are flexible employees guaranteed?
The Air Force doesn't guarantee that flexible employees will work every week and they may work up to 40 hours per week.
What office maintains central custody of all employee folders?
Human resources office (HRO)
When an employee moves, within how many workdays must a losing supervisor send the employee's work foler to the new supervisor (activity within the same installation)?
10 workdays
How many days after a NAF employee is transferred to another installation must a supervisor wait before destroying the employee record?
60 days
Who approves NAFI MOAs?
Installation commander
Strategic sourcing MOAs allow continued in-house operation of activities despite the loss of what?
APF manpower
When can you use non-strategic sourcing MOAs to provide goods or services to installations?
When the goods or services are among those NAFIs are authorized to provide.
At what level are non-strategic sourcing MOAs approved?
What is the primary purpose of Temporary MOAs?
What is our most valuable resource?
Our work force
What are the 2 types of appropriated employees?
military and civilian
What position information is contained in the UMD?
Data elements identifying the unique attributes of a position, including position number, work center and grade, number of authorizations, Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC), and functional account code (FAC)
What primary document reflects positions authorized for accomplishment of the mission?
What document identifies and lists people assigned by FAC as well as projected assignments and losses?
What are the 2 types of NAF appointments?
regular and flexible employees
What office prepares, maintains, safeguards, and disposes of all records and forms it uses for personnel administration?
What is the key to classifying a position?
The position description
What is the purpose of the AFEMS?
Provides a standard method of equipment management applicable to all Air Force activities.
Who appoints equipment custodians?
The Services Commander
As a new equipment custodian, what 2 documents do you use to take an equipment inventory?
CA/CRL and NAF equipment listing.
What do you maintain to keep abreast of the things occuring with your equipment account?
You must maintain a file to keep abreast of all things occurring with the equipment in your activity.
What information must you include in your custodial file?
Current action, information, suspense and completed, adjustment documents, register of control numbers, and regulations and certificates.
What is a custodial authorization/custody receipt listing?
A computer-produced list that shows all authorizations, assets, and due-outs for your activity.
What form do you use to request, turn in, or transfer equipment?
AF Form 2005
If you submit a local purchase request, what is your most important document? Explain why.
DD Form 1348-6, DOD Single Line Item Requisition System document. This form describes the item you want base contracting to procure for you.
How can you acquire NAF assets?
Through purchases, donations, and nonreimbursable, inter- and intra-NAFI transfers.
Define nonreimbursable, inter- and intra-NAFI transfers.
Transfers between Services activities
What determines the degree of security for resale merchandise?
The size of the inventory, value of the individualized items, accessibility of merchandise to patrons, limitations of visual surveilaance, sensitivity of resale items, and the physical characteristics of your facility
List the uses of a DD Form 200, Financial Liability Investigation of Property Loss.
DD Form 200 is used to assess financial liability when Air Force property is lost damaged or destroyed. It is also used to relieve the resposible person from financial liability when there is no evidence of negligence, willful misconduct, or deliberate unauthorized use of property.
Under what circumstances do you prepare a DD Form 1131, Cash Collection Voucher?
When the individual admits to financial liability and damage to the fair market value or depreciated value of merchandise under $500.
What is the primary consideration during a robbery?
Safeguarding human life
Who does an employee notify by phone, that a robbery has been committed?
Security Forces
Why do you secure the scene of a robbery?
To avoid unnecessary handling of evidence, safeguarding evidence for security police, and to avoid disturbing any fingerprints left by the robber.
What are intrusion detection systems?
The are passive alarms to alert security forces of intrusion when duty personnel are not present in a secure area of your activity
Who is responsible for determining the requirements for an alarm system?
The resource management flight chief and activity managers are responsible for consulting with security forces to determine the requirements for an alarm system
As a minimum, what type of training should cashiers receive?
Operating a register, receiving/transfering a change fund, handling credit card/check transactions, reporting sales and services, making change, handling customer complaints, making deposits and refunds, shift change procedures and what to do in case of robbery
What determines whether your activity is to operate out of cash register or a locking cash box?
The volume of cash receipts your activity receives monthly
List 5 guidelines to follow when developing cashier procedures.
- Any 5 of the following 7
- - Place the cash register so cashiers ring up each sale in view of the customer, inform cashiers to never work from an open cash drawer, and cashiers must not adjust incorrectly rung sale on a subsequent sale.
- - In most instances, more than one cashier should not work out of a single cash register drawer.
- - However, this is permitted in small activities (total annual revenue under $12,000, with few personnel), or on an exceptional case-by-case basis in large activities when necessary in the interest of customer service.
- - Never give cash register read or reset key to the cashier
- - Train cashiers to follow established procedures for reporting sales and services at the end of their shift.
- - Conduct a surprise cash count at least once a quarter
- - The activity manager or designated rep who has no involvement with the cash function performs this task. The count includes the change fund and receipts on hand.
Define internal control
Steps taken with an organization to guard against mismanagerment, waste, loss, unauthorized use, or misappropriation of funds.
Why is it necessary to have internal controls in Services activities?
Safeguarding resources, assure accuracy and reliability of information, assure adherence to applicable laws, instructions, and policies, and promote operational economy and efficiency
Define internal control standards.
Internal control standards define the minimum level of quality acceptable for an internal control system and comprise the criteria against which all systems are evaluated.
What do general standards consist of?
Reasonable assurance, supportive attitude, competent personnel, control objectives, and control techniques.
What do specific standards include?
Documentation, recording of transactions and events, separation of duties, supervision, and access to accountability for resources.
To understand the effectiveness of internal controls, what 4 inherent limitations do you consider?
To understand the effectiveness of internal controls you need to consider people, circumvention/collusion, control override, and changing circumstances.
Who is responsible for administering the internal management control program?
To be on the alert for weakness in your activity, what areas do you assess to find out whether internal control procedures are working?
General internal control, protection of cash, protection of resale merchandise and inventory, loss of cash and other NAF assets, and internal controls procedures for payroll
Name and describe the 2 parts of the self-inspection/assessment of your activity.
The self-inspection consists of 2 parts: evaluation and testing. Evaluationdetermines whether a control exists, what established it, if it is adequate, and whether any controls are excessive and uneconomical for the function risk exposure. Testing is done to determine whether controls are functioning as intended and ensures it is effective in minimizing the risk exposure it was designed to control.
What is an audit?
A formal examination of your organization's financial situation.
List 2 responsibilities of the director of internal management controls.
Provides policy for internal management control program, issues guidance for compliance and reporting requirements, provides technical advice, training, and program direction, directs quality assurance reviews, and receives and processes primary reporting organization inputs and prepares overall Air Force reports
List 3 responsibilities of commanders, flight chiefs, and activity managers.
Must have a strong commitment and involvement in internal controls, must realize the buck stops at the top, ensure adequate resources are available, maintain a continuous training program for employees, and foster a winning attitude.