Professional Baking Chapter 13

  1. Chiffon Pie
    A pie with a light, fluffy filling containing egg whites and, usually, gelatin.
  2. Cooked Fruit Method
    A method for making pie fillings in which the fruit is cooked and thickened before being placed in the pie crust.
  3. Cooked Juice Method
    A method for making pie fillings in which the fruit juices are cooked, thickened, and mixed with the fruit.
  4. Cream Pie
    An unbaked pie containing a pastry-cream-type filling.
  5. Crumb Crust
    A pie crust made of cookie crumbs, butter, and sugar.
  6. Drained Weight
    The weight of solid canned fruit after draining off the juice.
  7. Flaky Pie Crust
    A pie crust that has a flaky texture due to layers of fat sandwiched between layers of dough.
  8. Fruit Pie
    A baked single- or double-crust pie with a fruit filling.
  9. Heavy Pack
    A type of canned fruit or vegetable with very little added water or juice.
  10. Instant Starch
    A starch that thickens a liquid without cooking because it has been precooked.
  11. Lattice Crust
    A top crust for a pie made of strips of pastry in a criss-cross pattern.
  12. Mealy Pie Crust
    A pie crust in which the fat has been mixed in thoroughly enough so that the dough does not have a flaky texture.
  13. Soft Pie
    A single-crust pie with a custard-type filling-that is, a filling that sets or coagulates due to its egg content.
  14. Solid Pack
    A type of canned fruit or vegetable with no water added.
  15. Syrup Pack
    A type of canned fruit containing sugar syrup.
  16. Water Pack
    A type of canned fruit or vegetable containing the water used to process the item
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Professional Baking Chapter 13
Professional Baking Chapter 13 vocabulary about baking pies