Lumb/o- :
Loin, lower back
Anter/o-, Ventr/o- :
Front, Belly, Belly side
Clasis, Clasia,-clast :
Surgical breaking, fracture
Duct/o- :
To lead (tube shape)
-rrhage, -rrhagia
: Excessive flow, hemorrhage
Meta-, ultra- :
Beyond, Change, excessive
dis-, dist-, dif-
: Separation, not, reversal, taking apart, distant
: Form, structure, Shape
Necr/o, mort/o, thanat/o :
Dead, death
: Twisted, Curved
: Behind, toward the back
Amphi-, Peri-, Circum-
: Around, About, On both sides
Orth/o- :
Straight, Correct
Schiz/o, -schist/o :
Split, division
Heter/o, allo-
: Other, Different
Bi-, di-, bis-
: Twice, two 2
Homeo-, Homo- :
Likeness, Same, Constant
Pector/o, Thorac/o-, -thorax, Steth- :