HIS - midterm study guide (1).txt

  1. POMO:
    • * The most southerly stock on the coast not brought under the Mission influence of the Franciscans in the 18th and early 19th centuries.
    • * The Pomo people are a linguistic branch of Native American people of Northern California.
    • * Lived in small group �Bands� instead of one large group �Tribe�
    • * Peaceful people
    • * Still around today
    • * Born in 1792, Dies Sept. 9, 1835
    • * He was the 6th Mexican Governor of California in 1833
    • * Came to prominence during Mexico�s Revolution against Spain.
    • * General in Mexican Army
    • * Most remembered for carrying out the policy of secularization of the California Missions in 1834.
    • * Buried under the floor of the church (Mission Santa Barbra)
    • * 1803-1880
    • * Wanted to establish a colony on the coast of California.
    • * Interviewed with governor, Alvarado (1840) and got permission to explore the country and establish a colony
    • * He explored down the largest river and selected the site where the city of Sacramento now stands.
    • * Sutter�s fort was an important point from the very beginning of the colony.
    • * No town till after the Gold was discovered in 1849
    • * One of Sutter�s employees, James Marshall, discovered Gold at his sawmill.
    • * Immediately Marshall told Sutter, who swore all his employees to secrecy.
    • o The �news� was too big to keep it secret, in no time it leaked out.
    • * 1851
    • * A result of the Mexican-American War. Transferring of northern Mexican land to the United States.
    • * California land Act gave Mexican landowners in the transferred territory a 2 year window to prove ownership, starting from the time the California Land Act was passed.
    • o If no proven ownership the land went to public domain
    • * Intended to serve fair treatment of Mexican�s land claims � it did the reverse.
    • * Mexican mostly lost their land and went bankrupt because of the price of the legal help.
    • * Mexican�s hopes for equality were squashed because of the land claim act.
    • * In 1820, a Presbyterian missionary, from Brazil, found the orange and sent tree cuttings to William Saunders at the USDA in Washington (1870).
    • * Saunders had a neighbor, Eliza Tibbets, she moved to the new Riverside colony, around 1872. Saunders sent her 2 starter trees.
    • * Navel oranges cannot reproduce naturally because they are seedless.
    • * Today the tree Tibbets planted still stands in Riverside.
    • * Changed the way farmers produced citrus.
    • * Developed a big market and citrus industry.
    • * The railroad made this all possible.
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HIS - midterm study guide (1).txt
history of california