1. DDx: Enhancing breast lesions on MRI
    • Carcinoma
    • Fibroadenoma
    • Papilloma
    • Fibrocystic Change / Sclerosing Adenosis / Ductal Hyperplasia
    • ADH, ALH, LCIS
    • Focal physiologic enhancement
  2. MRI signs of Intracapsular Breast Implant Rupture
    • Linguini, Teardrop, and Keyhole signs
    • Image Upload 2
  3. Ultrasound Signs of Breast Implant Rupture
    • Stepladder - intracapsular rupture
    • Snowstorm - extracapsular rupture
    • Image Upload 4
  4. DDx: Skin thickening of the breast

    • Carcinoma / Inflammatory Cancer
    • Radiation Therapy
    • Mastitis
    • Edema - CHF, Anasarca, etc.
    • Lymphedema
  5. DDx: Unilateral axillary lymphadenopathy
    • Occult breast cancer until proven otherwise
    • - US axilla, biopsy, look for primary carcinoma with MRI if necessary

    • Malignant causes:
    • - Breast CA
    • - Lymphoma
    • - Other metastatic processes
    • Reactive:
    • -Cat-scratch fever
    • -Other infections
  6. DDx: Bilateral axillary adenopathy

    • Connective Tissue Disorder - SLE, lupus
    • Lymphoma
    • Infection - TB, Fungal, HIV
    • Non-Breast Metastatic Disease
    • Inflammatory Arthropathy (RA, psoriasis)
    • Cancer Breast (ONLY VERY RARELY - usually unilateral)
    • Sarcoidosis
  7. Findings associated with malignancy

    • Calcifications
    • Skin Lesion
    • Thickening of Skin and Trabecula
    • Axillary Adenopathy and Architectural Distortion
    • Retraction of the Skin and Nipple
  8. DDx: Complex cystic mass on ultrasound of the breast
    "PAP is PO"

    • Papilloma
    • Abscess
    • Papillary Carcinoma

    • Post-op/post-traumatic collection (i.e. hematoma or seroma)
    • Oil Cyst / Galactocele
    • Image Upload 6
  9. Nonspecific area of posterior acoustic shadowing on ultrasound of the breast
    • ILC
    • IDC
    • Scar
    • Fibrosis
  10. Image Upload 8
    Dystrophic calcifications
  11. Linear retroglandular bands of density
    Retroareolar dystrophic calcification
    Parenchymal redistribution
    Breast reduction surgery associated findings
  12. Image Upload 10
    • Milk of calcium on ML view
    • "smudgy" on CC view
  13. Image Upload 12
    • Oil Cyst
    • "eggshell calcification"
  14. Image Upload 14
    Suture calcifications
Card Set
Breast imaging differentials and pearls for the oral radiology boards