Professional Baking Chapter 7

  1. Artisan Bread
    Bread made by a skilled manual worker; usually referring to handmade breads made using traditional methods and with natural ingredients only.
  2. Autolyse
    A resting period early in the mixing procedure of yeast doughs, during which the flour fully absorbs the water.
  3. Barm
    A sourdough starter with a thin, batterlike consistency.
  4. Biga
    A yeast pre-ferment made as a stiff dough.
  5. Lactobacillus
    A group of bacteria that are primarily responsible for creating the acidity in sourdough starters.
  6. Levain
    Sourdough starter.
  7. Levain-Levure
    French for "yeast pre-ferment."
  8. Levure
    Commercial yeast.
  9. Natural Sour
    A dough or batter that contains wild yeasts and bacteria, that has a noticeable acidity as a result of fermentation by these organisms, and that is used to leaven other doughs
  10. Natural Starter
    A dough or batter that contains wild yeasts and bacteria, that has a noticeable acidity as a result of fermentation by these organisms, and that is used to leaven other doughs
  11. Pâte Fermentée
    Fermented dough, used as a starter.
  12. Poolish
    A thin yeast starter made with equal parts flour and water, plus commercial yeast.
  13. Pre-ferment
    A fermented dough or batter that is used to provide leavening for a larger batch of dough.
  14. Sourdough
    A dough that is leavened by a sourdough starter.
  15. Sourdough Starter
    A dough or batter that contains wild yeasts and bacteria, that has a noticeable acidity as a result of fermentation by these organisms, and that is used to leaven other doughs
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Professional Baking Chapter 7
Chapter 7 of Professional Baking vocabulary words on understanding artisan breads