Medical Conditions

  1. CVA Etiologies
    • Hemorrhage (20%)
    • Embolus
    • Thrombus
  2. CVA Hemorrhage
    sudden, poor prognosis
  3. CVA Embolus
    Sudden not related to activity - fair to good
  4. thrombus
    gradual, evolving good prognosis
  5. Ischemic Strokes
    Due to embolus & thrombus - Tx Thrombolytics & Anticoagulants
  6. Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 Symptoms
    polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, hyperglycemia, glycosuria
  7. Type I Diabetes
    Insufficient or ineffective insulin
  8. Diabetes Type II
    obesity, adult onset
  9. Diabetes Type II Tx
    diet, excercise
  10. Diabates Brain
    Stroke, TIA (transient ischemic attacks)
  11. Diabetes Eye
  12. Diabetes Heart
    angina, heart attack
  13. Diabetes Kidney
    Kidney Disease
  14. Diabetes BP
    High Blood Pressure
  15. Diabetes male organ
    erectile dysfunction
  16. Diabetes legs
    loss of legs & feet
  17. Diabates nerves
    peripheral neruopathy (nerve disease)
  18. Classic Symptoms Coronary Artery Disease
    Arthersclorosis & Diabetes
  19. HIV Opportunisitc Infections
    Candidiasis, Herpes Simplex, Pneumocysti Carnii Pneumonia, TB
  20. Candidiasis
    fungal infection normally present in body orfices
  21. HSVI (herpes simplex
    causes lesions
  22. PCP
    causes lung infection resulting in fever, cough and chest pain
  23. TB
    bacterial infection of lungs resulting in fever, weight loss and anexoria & malaise
  24. Kaposi Sarcoma
    AIDS - leisions arises from capillaries causing bluish/red lesions
  25. True AIDS
    symptomatic with opportunistic infections and cancers
  26. Prostate Gland Shape
    like donut uretha runs through it, when inflames pinches uretha
  27. seminferous tubules
    100 yards
  28. Fertilization
    • 1ovum 1 sperm - single birth
    • 2 ovum 1 sperm - fraternal birth
    • 1 ovum 1 sperm that splits - identical twins
  29. Tx of cryptoorchism
    orchiopexy or they will naturall descend
  30. hydrocele
    sac of fluid in the scrotum
  31. variocele
    dialted spermatic veins
  32. Carcinoma of Prostate
    • Risk increase with age
    • DRE
    • PSA
  33. Prostate Hyperplasia
    • Enlarged benign growth of prostate, could cut off uretha
    • Tx - TURP
  34. Prostate Hyperplasia Symptoms
    Urinary obstruction, UTI
  35. Phimosis
    constriction of prepuce opening over glans penis - Tx circumcision
  36. Chlamydia
    bacteria, most common STD, asymptomatic
  37. Gonorrhea
    2nd most commonly, bacteria, inflammation of genitalia and other mucus membranes
  38. HSVII
    viral no cure
  39. HSVI
    usually oral but can affect genitalia 1 in 5 americans, lymphadenopathy
  40. Syphilis
    Bacteria Tx Antibiotics
  41. Male Diagnostic Procedures
    PSA, Semen Analysis, Circumcision, DRE
  42. PSA
    prostate specific antigen, increase may be sign of infection, BPH or cance
  43. Semen Analysis
    infertility test on count, motility, and shape of sperm
  44. Circumcision
    excision of prepuce (foreskin)
  45. DRE
    digital rectal exam - approach to exam prostate gland
  46. TURP
    transurethral resection of prostate - using resectoscope to go thru urethra to cut pieces of prostate
  47. Preclampsia
    hypertension, protein in urine, edema
  48. Abortion
    spontaneous and induced
  49. after 20 weeks
    preterm, before 20 weeks abortion
  50. C-Section reasons
    cephaopelvic - head too big, maternal hemorrhage, fetal distress, abnormal presentation
  51. Labor gestation
    38-42 weeks length of time from conception to birth
  52. parts of pregnancy
    • antepartum - begins at conception until active labor
    • labor and delivery
    • perperium (post-partum) end of 4th stage of labor -lasts 6 weeks
  53. presentation
    how baby travels birth canal
  54. abruptio placenta
    embryo separated from placenta requires C-Section
  55. Croup
    acute viral infection causing barking cough
  56. diptheria
    bacterial infection causing inflammation and leathery membrane to form over trachea & pharynx
  57. Pertussis
    whooping cough
  58. Asthma
    chronic inflammatory disorder, etiology = allergies and infections
  59. asthma triggers
    cold air allergens
  60. asthma Tx
    bronchodialtors, glucocortoicoids
  61. Cystic Fibrosis
    inherited exocrine disorder, causes thick sticky mucus, affects pancreas, salivary glands and mucus glands, no cure Tx at symptoms
  62. Emphysema
    Hyperinflation of lungs, etiology = cigs, large barrel chest
  63. Pneumoconiosis
    Chronic inflammation caused by dust particles
  64. types of pneumoconiosis
    • anthracosis - black lung disease
    • asbestosis - exposure to asbestos
    • Silicosis - glass grinders
  65. Pneumonia
    7th most common cause of death, inflammation of the lung, caused by bacteria, fungi
  66. types of pneumonia
    community acquired and hospital acquired
  67. Hospital Aqcuired Pnuemonia
    Occurs @ least 48 hrs after hospital admission and incubating at time of admissions
  68. Manifestation of pnuemonia
    • hyper or hypo thermia
    • chills
    • coughs
    • pleuritic chest pain
    • tachypnea
  69. Pulmonary Edema
    Fluid accumulation in the alveoli and bronchioles, etiology - most often left side heart failure
  70. COPD - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
    chronic persistent obstruction of airflow
  71. COPD TX
    Tx symptoms - o2 weight loss, quit smoking, antibiotics as necessary
  72. Pleuarl effusion
    accumulation of fluid in the pleura
  73. atelectassis
    collapsed lung ususally due to blockage in pleura
  74. Atrium
    top chambers of heart
  75. ventricle
    bottom part of heart
  76. Diastole
    less pressure, normal 60-90, 80-89 pre-risk
  77. systole
    high pressure, 100-140, 130-139 pressure risk
  78. BP
  79. Arrhythmias
    abnormal heart rythm, flutter and fibrillation
  80. flutter
    regular rythm but fast
  81. fibrillation
    irregular rythm and also fast
  82. Coarctation of aorta
    narrowin of aorta, ventricle works harder to push through aorta, Tx surgical excision
  83. Patent Ductus Arteriorosus (PDA_
    duct b/w aorta and pulmonary artery remains open, can cause cyanosis, fatigue and tachypnea
  84. PAD Tx
    resolves itself, surgery, medication
  85. VAD
    ventricle atrial septal defect - opeining in spetum that separtes the chambers
  86. ASD
    Atrial Septal Defect - opeining in spetum that separtes the chambers
  87. Tetralogy of Fallot 4
    Pulmonary artery stenosis, VSD, Shift of aorta to the right, hypertrophy of right ventricle

    in babies treated right away
  88. Coronary Artery Disease
    • impaired blood flow thru coronary arteries, etiology = atherosclerosis = fat
    • results in ischemia (blood held back) leading to necrosis(tissue being sick) or myocardial infarction (heart attack)
  89. CAD Tx
    nitrates, anticoagulants, and antihypertensives
  90. more Tx of CAD
    • PTCA (stent or balloon placement)
    • CABG (coronoary artery bypass graft, open heart surgery)
    • artherectomy - excision of arethoma
  91. percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty
    thread catheter to obstructed area inflate balloon, and possibly stent take balloon out
  92. Endocarditis
    inflammation of lining of the heart, usually due to bacterial infection
  93. mitral valve prolapse
    hardening of walls bigger splash back, charachteized by a murmur
  94. Pericarditis
    inflammation of pericardium, etiology is usually bacterial, viral or idiopathic
  95. Aneurysms
    thinning widening of arterial wall - etiology atherosclerosis, hypertension, risk of rupture or hemorrhage
  96. Hypertension
    60 M have it, increase with age, Blacks highest rate, affects all
  97. types of hypertension
    primary/essential and secondary
  98. primary HT
    chronic elevation of BP w/o evidence of underlying cause
  99. 2ndary HT
    elevation of BP is due to some other cause (kidney disease)
  100. Natue of HT
    • benign - well managed under control
    • accelerated - significant increase in BP
    • Malignant - lethal rarely occurs syst>200Dia>140
  101. HT contributing factors
    genes, age, obesity, alcohol, lack of excercise, smoking, stress
  102. HT damages organs
    • brain - CVA, encephalopathy
    • Heart - atherosclerosis, hypertrophy
    • Eyes - hemorrhages, papilledema
    • Kidneys - nephrosclerosis
    • blood vessels - PVD, athersclerosis
  103. Varicose veins
    swollen dialted contorted veins
  104. Varicose Veins Tx
    surgery, sclerotherapy, or destruction with laser
  105. Cardiac Catheritzation
    used in PTCA, threading of small flexible tube guideed through vessel and into heart
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Medical Conditions
test 3 conditions