histology chapter 13

  1. inner part of the tooth...usually not visible
    dentin pulp complex
  2. composition of dentin
    • 70% inorganic matter
    • 20% organic (cells)
    • 10% water
  3. induce outer cells of dental papilla to differentiate into odontoblast
  4. begin secreting predentin(dentinogenesis)
  5. T/F: the odontoblasts move away from the DEJ depositing layers of predentin
  6. ____covers most of the crown and root
  7. T/F: only some afferent fibers to a tooth are pain fibers
    false: all afferent fibers to a tooth are pain fibers
  8. during what stage is the mineral content increased in the dentin
  9. dentin that is more heavily mineralized
  10. dentin that is less mineralized
    interglobular dentin
  11. cellular extensions of the odontoblast
    odontoblastic process
  12. ? extend form DEJ or CEJ to the pulp chamber
    contain odontoblastic process(makes the tubules)
    may contain afferent axon
    dentinal tubules
  13. channels that carry axons(nerve fibers) To the brain
  14. channels that carry axons(nerve fibers) away form the brain
    motor nerves
  15. cellular extension of odontoblast
    odontoblastic process
  16. 8 types of dentin
    • 1. peritubular dentin
    • 2. intertubular dentin
    • 3. mantle dintin
    • 4. circumpulpal dentin
    • 5. primary dentin
    • 6. secondary dentin
    • 7. tertiary dentin
    • 8. sclerotic dentin
  17. highly mineralized and forms the walls sof the dentinal tubules
    pertubular dentin
  18. fills in the space between the tubules and is less mineralized than peritubular dentin
    intetubular dentin
  19. the first layer of dentin to form, it is more tubular than the inner dentin,and more heavily mineralized than inner dentin(circumpupal dentin)
    • mantle dentin
    • (covering)
  20. found adjacent to the pulp, forms after mantle dentin most of the dentin in a tooth is this type
    circumpupal dentin
  21. formed BEFORE the completion of the apical foramen
    primary dentin
  22. formed AFTER the completion of the apical foramen-makes pulp chamber smaller over time
    secondary dentin
  23. reparative dentin
    tertiary dentin
  24. formed in response to injury and is more irregular than primary or secondary dentin
    tertiary dentin
  25. formed in response to chronic caries-the odontoblastic processes die and the tubles fill in with dentin-it has a dark smooth and shiny appearance
    sclerotic dentin
  26. this dentin is rare
    sclerotic dentin
  27. tiny hole at the end of the root of a tooth
    apicla foramen
  28. growth lines of dentin
    dark lines or bands
    correspond to growth rings
    imbrication lines of Von Ebner
  29. formed when several imbrication lines adjoin
    neonatal line is most pronounced
    demonstrates disturbances in metabolism
    contour lines of owen
  30. this is found adjacent to the DCJ
    only appears granular
    only on root surface
    tome's Granular layer
  31. T/F: tubules become filled in over time
    true-as one ages the pulp chamber gets smaller
  32. provides support maintenance and formation of the dentin
  33. this pulp is with in the crown
    coronal pulp
  34. this pulp is within the root
    radicular pulp
  35. opening at root tip where nerves and vessels enter
    apicla foramen
  36. secondary openings into the pulp chamber along the lateral surface of the root
    accessory canals
  37. these make RCT very difficult
    accessory canal
  38. features of the pulp-componets of connectve tissue(cells)
    • fibroblast
    • odontoblasts
    • mesenchymal
    • red blood
    • white blood
  39. contains mostly collagen fibers
  40. has extensive vascular supply,
    has a rudimentary lymphatic system
  41. most numerous cells of the pulp
  42. 2nd most numerous cells of the pulp
  43. masses of dentin within the pulp chamber
    pulp stones
  44. 2 types of pulp stones
    • attached
    • unattached
  45. microscopic zones in the pulp
    • odontoblastic zone
    • cell free zone(some cells)
    • cell rich zone(tons of cells)
    • pupal core(center of pulp)
  46. T/F: the pulp becomes less cellular, more fibrotic, smaller and has less capacity to repair itself
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histology chapter 13
histo chapter 13