
  1. Upon election FDR selected a _________ of advisors from colleges and universities.
    Brain Trust
  2. The Brain Trust Included:
    _____ Postmaster General/ political advisor
    James Farley
  3. The Brain Trust Included:
    ______ Secretary of Labor and the first_____ on the Cabinet
    Francis Perkins

  4. The Brain Trust Included:
    ______ Secretary of Agriculture
    Henry Wallace
  5. The Brain Trust Included:
    ________ Secretary of Treasury
    Henry Morgenthau
  6. The Brain Trust Included:________ Secretary of State
    Cordell Hull
  7. The Brain Trust Included:________ advisor on women's issues
    Molly Dewson
  8. The ______ was passed which changed the date of the presidential inauguration from March 4 to ______.
    20th Amendment

    Jan. 20th
  9. The _____ repealed Prohibition
    21st Amendment
  10. FDR's first action as president was to declare a ____ _____.
    Bank Holiday
  11. FDR's first 3 months in office were called the ____ ____ when several new pieces of major legislation were passed.
    100 Days
  12. FDR kept the American public informed via radio by a series of informal talks known as the _____ _____
    Fireside Chats
  13. (FDR) The alphabet agencies which he created included:
    ______ Protecting deposits in American banking institutions
    ______ Gave Young Men jobs so that our lands could be developed and protected
    ______Which regulated the stock market.
    ______ which paid farmers to reduce their acreage planted and livestock raised. It was declared unconstitutional in the case of _________ because processors were taxed to pay for the subsidies.




    Butter Vs. United States
  14. (FDR)
    ______ which regulated American Businesses through a series of regulations. The director was _____. The slogan was ______ and the symbol was the _____. It was declared ______ due to its regulation of intrastate commerce.

    Hugh Jonson

    We Do Our Part

    Blue Eagle

  15. (FDR)
    _____ controlled flooding along the ____ River and provided cheap electricity along with recreational facilities. Its director was ______. It was controversial due to the competition with private power companies.


    David Lilenthal
  16. (FDR)
    _____ gave jobs to people in construction and the fine arts.
  17. (FDR)
    ___ gave part time jobs to young people in high school and college to keep them in school. _____ headed the Negro Division, the first African-American to head a government agency.

    Mary Vethune
  18. (FDR)
    _____ guaranteed labor's right to organize, ____,and a ban on _____. It also had a nickname after the sponsor of the bill, _____. It was also called the ____ ____ ____
    National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)

    Collecting Bargaining

    Child Labor

    Robert Wagner

    Labors Magna Carta
  19. (FDR)
    ____ gave pensions to the ____, ____ insurance to the jobless, aid to the ____ and _____ children. _____,____,and the ____ supplied the Funds.
    Social Security Act



    handicap and Dependent

    Employers, Employees, and Federal Government
  20. (FDR)
    _____ which established a ___ wage and a _____ hours.
    Fair Labor Standards Act


  21. (FDR)
    ____ provided electricity to rural areas.
  22. In the election of 1936 the Democratic candidate was ____.
    The Republican candidate was _____.

    Alfred Landon
  23. Conservative critics of FDR included the ________. Its most well known member was ____.
    ______ was a radio priest based in the city of _____,____.
    American Liberty League

    Al Smith

    Charles Coughlin

    Royal Oak, Michigan
  24. Liberal critics of FDR included:
    _______ who wanted the federal government to provide for the elderly by giving them 200 dollars per month if they would ___ and _________.
    Francis Townsend


    spend the money that month
  25. _______ who was a louisiana senator who proposed that the federal government guarantee every American adult the following:
    Huey Long

    • 1. House
    • 2. Car
    • 3. Free Education
    • 4. Pension (retirment)
    • 5. Min. Income of $2,000 a year
  26. Huey Long's Proposal would be paid for by taxing those individuals with annual incomes of ____ by taxing 100% all income over that level. Anyone who had accumulated ____ must turn over the excess to the government. He promised to make _____. His slogan was ____. His Nickname was ___. He was _____.
    1 Million

    5 million

    every man a king

    share the wealth

    King Fish

  27. _____ proposed that the elderly over the age of ___ be paid a pension of ___ dollars a month and that workshops for the unemployed be created by the government.
    Upton Sinclair


    50 dollars
  28. In the 1930's the United States followed an ___ foreign policy. the ____ was a Senate investigation into our entrance into WWI. It had an ____ slant as it blamed the war on manufacturers, bankers , and others in the business world.


  29. ____ proposed a constitutional amendment so that a national vote was necessary before the US went to war. It was narrowly defeated.
    Louis Ludlow
  30. ___ directed a radio version of the ______ classic novel, War of the Worlds. It was announced that Martians had invaded ____, ____. The panic that followed was a reflection of American fears of events in Germany.
    Orson Wells

    H.G. Welles

    Princeton, New Jersey
  31. Those who opposed American entrance into WWII formed the ___ ___ ___. ____ was a founder while ___ was its most prominent spokesman. Their slogan was _____.
    America First Committee

    Henry Ford

    Charles Lindbergh

    Fortress America
  32. _____ was Army Air Force officer who predicted that ___ would be our greatest enemy. He demonstrated the importance of an ____ in any future war.
    William Mitchell


    Air Force
  33. WWII began on the date _______ with a German invasion of _____. The Japanese invasion of French Indochina: ____,____, and ____. Led the US to stop all sales of aviation fuel and scrap metal as well as freezing all Japanese assets in the US.
    Sept. 1, 1939


    Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos
  34. The US established a Good Neighbor policy toward ______ at a conference held in the city of ____,___.
    Latin America

    Montevideo, Urgay
  35. The US was ____ until the Japanese _______ on the date ________ which FDR called a date which will live in infamy. Only one person dissented from the vote to go to war: ____ of _____.

    Pearl Harbor

    Dec. 7, 1941

    Jeannette Ramkin of Montana
  36. The 5 Allies of WWII included:
    • Great Britain
    • France
    • Soviet Union USSR
    • China
    • United States
  37. The 3 Axis Powers of WWII included:
    • Japan
    • Germany
    • Italy
  38. In the election of 1940 the Democratic candidate was ____. His vice president was ______. The Republican candidate was ____.

    Henry Wallace

    Wendel Wilkie
  39. The ______ was established to regulate wages and prices. ____ promoted the ware effort. _____ revolutionized the ship building industry with pre fabrication techniques.
    OPA ( office of price admin.)

    Elmer Davis

    Henry Kaiser
  40. _____ became the assistant president in charge of the war effort.
    James Byrnes
  41. The US first saw action in _____ wehre the Allies defeated German Forces commanded by ______ or the ____. This was code named _____ .
    North Africa

    General Erwin Rommel

    Desert Fox

    Operation Torch
  42. Allied leadership made the decision to invade _____ and afterward, the mainland of ___. ____ was overthrown with Italy soon joing the Allies.


  43. On the eastern front, Hitler made the decision to invade an ally, the _____ which was code named _____. At ____ the Germans laid siege to the city for a period of over 2 1/2 yrs. The battle of ___ was the turning point of the war in the east in the year _____ as German forces were pushed back.
    Soviet Union

    Operation Barbarossa



  44. On the date ____ ,____ the Allies invaded _____ which was code named ____ or _____.
    June 6th 1944


    Operation Overlord

  45. Allied Forces were commanded by _______.
    Dwight D. Eisenhower
  46. At the battle of ____, General ____ made the famed reply of ____ to the German demands for surrender.

    A.C. McAuliffe

  47. Amercian Forces met at the _____ River at _____

  48. In the 1944 Election the Democratic Candidate was _____ his VP was ____. The Republican Candidate was ____.

    Harry Truman

    Thomas Dewey
  49. On the date _____, ____ the German Fuhrer, _____ committed Suicide.
    April 30th 1945

    Adolf Hitler
  50. On the Date ______, Germany surrendered in what became known as ____ Day
    May 8th 1945

    V.E. Day
  51. During the course of the war the Allied leadership or ______ met at such locations as ____,___, _____,___, and ____.
    The Big Three

    • Cairo
    • Casablanca
    • Tehran
    • Yalta
    • Potsdam
  52. Members of the Allied Leadership or The Big Three Included what three people and countries?

    Winston Churchhill-Great Britain

    Joseph Stalin- USSR (Soviet Union)
  53. At the battle of the ____ Americans stopped the Japanese advance on Australia. The battle of the ____ was the first battle fought entirely by aircraft carriers.
    Coral Sea

    Coral Sea
  54. The battle of ___ was a turning point in the war in the Pacific
  55. ___ commanded the American Navy in the Pacific.
    Chester Nimity
  56. ____ refers to the American plan to take the ____ at the battle of____ with as few men and supplies as possible. _____ ___ _____ commanded American naval forces at this batttle
    Operation Shoestring

    Soloman Islands


    Willaim Bull Halsey
  57. _____ commanded the American Army in the Pacific. When he was force to surrender the Phillippines to the Japanese he promised ____. Americans regained control of the Philippines at the battle of ____.
    Douglas Mac Arthur

    I Shall Return

    Leyte Gulf
  58. At the battle of ____ Japanese suicide pilots or ____ were first used.

  59. The final meeting of the Big Three took place at ____, a suburb of ____. Battles fought at ____ and ___ less than 350 miles from Japan conviced the American High Command of the terrible toll it would take on American forces to invade the Japanese home islands.


    Okiniwa and Iwajima
  60. The ______, directed by______, refers to the development of atomic weapons. German Refugee ______ had convinced FDR of the necessity of American creation of such sophisticated arms. One was first tested at _____, ______.
    Manhatten Project

    Robert Oppenheimer

    Albert Einstein

    Almamagordo, New Mexico
  61. The ____, piloted by _____, dropped the first bomb on ______. This Plane took from the island of _____ to complete what was considered to be a suicide mission. The second was dropped on ____
    Enola Day piloted by Paul Tibbets



  62. The Japanese surrendered on _____, ____ which became known as _____. The formal surrender took place _____ on board the battleship____ with _____ presiding.
    Sept. 2, 1945

    BJ Day

    Tokyo Bay


    Douglas Mac Arthur
  63. The United Nations was first organized in the city of ____. At _____ trials were held for those accused of war crimes.
    San Francisco

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US History Since 1876