vocab 35

  1. specialized cells
    uniquely suited to perform a particular fuction
  2. Epithelial tissue
    glands and tissues that cover interior and exterior body surfaces
  3. Connective tissues
    provides support and connects its parts
  4. Nervous tissue
    transmits nerve impules throughout the body
  5. muscle tissue
    enables the body to move
  6. himeostasis
    keeps things in balance
  7. feedback inhibition
    process in which a stimulus producesa respone that opposes the original stimulus
  8. neurons
    cell that carries a message throughout the nervous system
  9. cell body
    largest part in the neuron
  10. dendrites
    carries impulses neurons to the cell body
  11. axon
    the cell body
  12. myelin sheath
    the surrounding membrane of the axon
  13. action potential
    reversal of charges across the cell membrane of a neuron (nerve impulse)
  14. resting potentential
    electrial charge across the cell membrane of a resting neuron
  15. threshold
    minimum level of stimulus that is required to activate a neuron
  16. synapse
    location in which a neuron can transfer an impulse to another cell
  17. Neurontransmitters
    are chemicals used by a neuron to transit an impulse across a synapse to another cell
  18. meninges
    the connective tissue that surrounds the brain and spinal cord
  19. Cerebrospinal fluid
    fluid in the space between that meninges that acts as a shock absorber. protects nervous system
  20. Cerebrum
    that largest and most prominent region of the human brain
  21. cerebellum
    the second largest region of the brain
  22. brain stem
    connects the brain and the spinal cord
  23. thalamus
    receives messages from all of the sensory receptors throughout the body then relays the message to the proper region
  24. reflex
    quick, automatic response to a sitmulus
  25. reflex arc
    includes a sensory receptor, sensory neuron, motor neuron, and effector
  26. sensory receptors
    react to a specific stimulus such as light or sound by sending impulses
  27. pupil
    the middle of the iris
  28. lens
    behind the iris changes shape tp help eye focus
  29. retina
    innermost layer of the eye
  30. Rods
    are extremely sensitive to light but do not distinguish colors
  31. Cones
    are less sensitive then rods but do respond to differnt colors and lights
  32. cochlea
    fluid-filled part of the inner ear, sends nerve impulses to the brain
  33. semicircular canals
    two tiny sacs located behind the monitor the position of your body
  34. taste buds
    the snese organ that detects taste
  35. drug
    any substance, other then food that changes the structure or function of the body
  36. stimulants
    increses the actions regulated by the nervous system
  37. depressants
    decrease the rate of functions regulated by the brain
  38. Fetal alcohol syndrome
    is a group of birth defects caused by the effects of alcohol on the fetus
  39. drug abuse
    can be defined as the intentional misue of any drug for nonmedical reasons
  40. addiction
    uncontrollable dependence on a drug
  41. hypothalamus
    is the control cents for recognition and analysis of hunger thirst fatigue anger and body temperature
Card Set
vocab 35
vocab words for chapter 35