
    six pain questions.

    • Onset - when the pt problem first began
    • Provoking factors - what brought on the problem and what makes it better or worse
    • Quality - decription of pain
    • Radiation - if the pain travels for example the pain radiates from the heart to the arms
    • Severity - how painfull use a 10-point scale to decribe pain 10 being highest
    • Time - when the problem began and if it happened on other occasions
  2. AVPU
    level of responsiveness

    • Alert - pt is alert and responds without stimuli
    • Verbal - pt responds to verbal stimuli
    • Painful - pt requries some form of tactile or painful stimuli to generate a response
    • Unresponsive - pt is unresponsive to any form of stimuli
    • Deformities
    • Contusions
    • Abrasions
    • Puntures
    • Burns
    • Tenderness
    • Lacerations
    • Swelling
    pt history

    • Signs and Symptoms (SxS)
    • Allergies
    • Medications
    • Pertinent past history
    • Last oral intake
    • Events leading up to present illness
  5. croup
    viral infection affecting the larynx, trachea, bronchi
  6. cyanosis
    bluish discoloration of the mucous membranes or skin, caused by oxygen-depleted hemoglobin
    • Salivation
    • Laceration
    • Urination
    • Diarrhea
    • Gastrointestinal cramps
    • Emesis (vomiting)
    • Miosis (small pupils)
    • Muscular trwitching
  8. braycardia
    a heart beat less than 60bpm in children or less than 80bpm in infants, slow beating of the heart
  9. pneumothorax
    a partial or complete accumulation of air in the pleural space
  10. shunts
    a device running from the brain to the abdomen to drain exess cerbrospinal fluid that may accumilate near the brain
  11. ventrical tachycardia (v-tach)
    rapid heart rhythm 150-200bpm
  12. spinal column
    consists of 33 bones called verebrae

    • cervical 7 that form the neck
    • thoracic 12 to which the ribs are attached
    • lumbar 5 that form the lower back
    • sacral 5 fused that form the sacrum or back of pelvis
    • coccygeal 4 fused that form the coccyx or tailbone
  13. flail chest
    2 or more ribs fractured in 2 or more places
  14. anemia
    decrease in normal number of red blood cells
Card Set
pre-hospital care