Quant Stats

  1. Construct
    • the thing that's being measured;
    • can be abstract
    • or tangible
  2. Indicator
    • a construct that gives information about another construct
    • used when researchers can't get to a construct directly
    • eg; skin response to indicate nervousness
  3. Operationalization
    Indicators that give us access to to some aspect of the real-world manifestation of their respective constructs
  4. Artifacts
    Other unwanted factors that impact on a result
  5. Valid
    an indicator that is not contaminated by artifact or error
  6. Reliable
    an indicator that produces the same result every time
  7. Variable
    • an operationalization of a construct that can change
    • there are no universal variables
    • can be btwn people or over time
  8. Discrete variables
    • variables can only take certain values and no others
    • accurately measurable in principle
    • eg categorical or numerical
  9. Continuous
    • variables which theoretically could take any value over their
    • range
    • only ever measured aproximately
  10. Nominal measurement
    a variable has categories or states that differ in kind but not in any order or degree
  11. Ordinal measurement
    a variable has categories or ranks that are ordered but whose differences are not quantifiable
  12. Interval measurement
    • a variable has values on a scale whose differences are quantifiable but which lacks a true zero point
    • therefore cannot make comparisons because you need a true zero point
  13. Ratio measurement
    • A variable has a scale with quantifiable differences and a true zero
    • is therefore comparable
Card Set
Quant Stats
measurement, variables and data