Psych- Methodology and Classification

  1. Methodology in Psychopathology

    Case Studies-- a record of part of the life of the individual as seen in therapy.

    • -not artificial, real person with real problems
    • -they can document rare phenomena that could not be studied in standard ways
    • -they are a good source of hypotheses/theories
  2. Methodology in Psychopathology

    Case Studies-- a record of part of the life of the individual as seen in therapy.

    • -Selectivity of memory--memory is limited, false memories
    • -selectivity of recorded data, bias based on which perspective
    • -unable to repeat a case study
    • -Can't generalize--can only describe one person.
    • -Insufficient evidence for causality
  3. 5 Purposes of Classification
    • 1. communication
    • 2. information
    • 3. descriptive value
    • 4. prediction
    • 5. source of concepts for scientific theory
  4. Arguments against Classification
    • -labeling--people don't have a problem until they are labeled
    • -you don't need the lable to have the problem

    -secondary labeling--once someone is classified they exhibit more of the problem (self fulfilling prophecy).

    -Doesn't consider uniqueness of the Individual.
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Psych- Methodology and Classification
Psych- Methodology and Classification