Day 9, botany, leaves
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Functions of leaves (2)
Functions of the leaves take place in... (2)
-at the node
-just below the axillary/lateral bud
Leaf structures (6)
-type of leaf
Blade (leaf structure)
green and leafy
Petiole (leaf structure) (2)
-leaf stalk
-not always present
Stipules (leaf structure) (3)
-paired (2 at a node)
-just below the leaf
-often fall off or not seen
Veins (leaf structure) (2)
-net veins : Dicots
- parallel veins : Monocot
Venation (major vein pattern) (leaf structure)
-pinnate veins and palmate veins
(venation pattern) Pinnate veins
-mid rib and side veins
* feather or ladder like
(venation pattern) Palmate vein
many veins radiating from center
ex) maple leaf
(leaf structure) Type of leaf (2)
simple leaf and compound leaf
(type of leaf) Simple leaf
-blade is all in one piece
(look for auxillary bud)
(type of leaf) Compound leaf
-blade divided into segments
-has leaflets
(types of compound leaves) Pinnately compound
branch then branches off
(types of compound leaves) Palmentely compound
-looks like a palm
Modifications of leaves (6)
-Environmental conditions
(Environmental conditions) Xerophytes (3)
-dry and arid
-has sunken stomates
ex) cacti, succulents
(Environmental conditions) Hydrophytes (3)
-wet and aquatic
-stomates on top
ex) underwater and floating plants
(Environmental conditions) Mesophytes
-middle conditions
(modification of leaves) Tendrils (3)
-used for attachments
-some vines have it
ex) peas and grapes
(modification of leaves) Spines (3)
-modification of leaves to prevent water loss
ex) barberry or cacti
(modification of leaves) Scales (3)
-fleshy leaves (bulbs)
*used for storage
ex) onions
(modification of leaves) Bracts (seaflowers)
-just below the flowers
-green or colored
ex) poinetta
(modification of leaves) Insectivirous
-catch bugs with leaves
-used to get extra nitrogen
(leaf anatomy) Epidermis (6)
-upper and lower epidermis
-one layer thick
-parenchyma tissue (lack chloroplasts
-cuticle (waxy covering)
-can have hairs or trichomes
-lower epidermis contained guard cells and stomates
(leaf anatomy) Mesophyll
-middle of leaf
2 levels: palisade and spongy layer
(mesophyll) Palisade (5)
-towards the top
-are a few layers
-vertical cells
-tightly packed
-***they trap light
(mesophyll) Spongy layer (4)
-toward bottom
-has air spaces
-gas exchange with stomates
(leaf anatomy) veins
-vascular bundle in the leaf
*xylem towards the top of leaf
*Phloem towards the bottom of leaf
*bundle sheath surrounds the leaf
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Day 9, botany, leaves
Leaves chapter
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