Reproduction & Sexually Transmitted Diseases Jeopardy

  1. What is the pathophysiology of primary amenorrhea?
    Ovary not receiving signals from luteining and follicle stimulating hormones from ant. pit. to develop secondary sex characteristics and menstruation.
  2. What is the etiology of ovarian cysts?
    Follicular cysts: Low follicle stimulating hormone prevents follicle development
  3. What is the etiology of variocele?
    Decreases blood flow through testis interfering with spermatogenesis
  4. What is testicular torsion?
    Rotation of testis in scrotum causing interruption of blood supply and ischemia of testis requiring immediate treatment
  5. What are causes of dysfunctional bleeding?
    An imbalance between estrogen and progesterone in younger and older women
  6. What are two theory of cause of endometriosis?
    Retrograde menstrual flow OR endometrial tissue spread thru blood or lymph
  7. What are manifestations of a spermatocele?
    Discrete, firm, freely-movable mass within the scrotal sac
  8. How is condylmata acuminate recognized?
    Wartlike lesion on the penis
  9. What produces the manifestation of hirutism in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome?
    Hyper-insulinism stimulates androgen secretion by ovary, reduces sex hormone binding increasing free testosterone
  10. What are manifestations of endometriosis?
    Dysmenorrhea, pain during intercourse, and/or pain with bowel movements.
  11. What is prostate cancer?
    Androgen-dependent, slow-growing adenocarcinoma
  12. What are gonorrhea and chlamydia?
    Bacterial STDs causing cervical friability, dysuria and pelvic inflammation disease
  13. What produces the manifestations of amenorrhea and ifertility in women with polysystic ovarian sydrome?
    Increased luteinizing hormone with decreased follicle-stimulating hormone
  14. What are risk factors for cervical cancer?
    Human papilloma virus, multiple sexual partners, many pregnancies, herpes virus 2 infection
  15. What are clinical manifestations of prostate cancer?
    Urgency, frequency, nocturia, hesitancy, dysuria, and hematuria
  16. What effect does mother having gonorrhea at time of delivery have on neonate?
    Corneal ulceration and scarring to newborn after vaginal delivery of infected mom.
  17. What is a definition of pelvic inflammatory disease?
    Inflammation of cervix, uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes by chlamydia
  18. What are clinical manifestations of uterine cancer?
    Bleeding between menstrual period or postmenopausal bleeding
  19. What is cryptochidism?
    Failure of one or both testicles to descend to the scrotum
  20. What effect does mother having chlamydia at time of delivery have on neonate?
    Conjuntivitis and keratitis to newborn after vaginal delivery of infected mom
  21. What are clinical manifestations of vaginitis?
    White vaginal discharge, red mucous membranes, intense itching, pain with urination and intercourse
  22. What are clinical manifestations of fibrocystic breast disease?
    Breast tenderness before menstrual period. Cysts are firm, regular in shape and mobile
  23. What are clinical manifestations of benign prostatic hyperplasia?
    Urgency, nocturia, hesitancy, intermittent urinary stream
  24. How can syphillis be recognized?
    Causes chancre at site of local invasion
  25. What is leiomyoma (fibroid)?
    Benign smooth muscle tumor in the uterus
  26. What are clinical manifestations of breast cancer?
    Painless, irregularly shaped, nonmobile breast mass
  27. What is hydrocele?
    Non-tender fluid filled mass from impair lymphatic drainage around testis
  28. How do herpes virus 1 and 2 infections appear?
    Fluid-filled vesicles of genital structures
Card Set
Reproduction & Sexually Transmitted Diseases Jeopardy
Jeopardy style way to learn pathophysiology on reproduction and sexually transmitted diseases