OE Vocab 8

  1. āgan
    (pret.-pres.) own, possess
  2. āgen
    (adj) own
  3. andswarian (past tense andwyrde)
    (weak 2) answer
  4. ascian
    (weak 2) ask, question
  5. ǣfre
    (adv.) ever, always
  6. be
    (prep. + dat.) by, by means of, about
  7. becuman
    (strong 4) come, arrive
  8. beran
    (strong 4) bear, carry; bring forth, give birth to; wear
  9. betera
    (adj.) better (comparative form of gōd, ‘good’)
  10. betst
    (adj.) best (superlative form of gōd, ‘good’)
  11. brōðor, brōðer
    (masc.) brother
  12. brūcan
    (strong 2) enjoy, use, eat (+ gen. or dat. object)
  13. (ġe)ċēosan
    (strong 2) choose
  14. cynn
    (neut.) kind, sort; family, people, nation
  15. (ġe)feallan
    (strong 7) fall
  16. forġi(e)fan
    (strong 5) grant, give
  17. mōd
    (neut.) mind, heart, spirit
  18. sum
    (adj.) some, a certain
  19. wīse
    (fem) way, manner
  20. (ġe)wītan
    (strong 1) depart, leave; betake, undertake to do something (+ reflexive +infinitive)
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OE Vocab 8
Old English vocab for quiz 8