unliateral termination of care byt the EMT-B without the patients consent and without making provisions for transfering the care to another medical proffessinal with skills at the same level or higher
advance directive
written documentation that specifies medical treatment for a competent patient should the patient become unable to make decisions, also called a living will
unlawfully placing a patient in feat of bodily harm
touching a patient or providing emergency care without consent
a process in which a person, an institution or a program is evaluated and recognized as meeting certain predetermined standards to provide safe and ethical care.
able to make retional decisions about personal well-being
permission to render care
dependent lividity
blood setting to the lowest point of the body, causing discoloration of the skin
written documentation by a physician giving permission to medical personel not to attempt resucitation in the event of cardiac arrest
duty to act
a medicolegal term relating to certain personnel who either by statute or by function have a respnsibilty to provide care
a serious situation, such as injury or illness, that threatens the life or welfare of a person or group of people and requires immediate intervention
emergency medical care
immediate care or treatment
expressed consent
a type of consent in which a patient gives authorization for provision of care or transport
forcible restraint
the act of physically preventing an indivual from any physical action
good samaritan laws
statutory provisions enacted by many states to protect citizen from liabilty for errrors and omissions in giving good faith emergency medical care, unless there is wanton, grossm or wilful wrong
implied consent
type of consent in which a patient who is unable to give consent is given treatment under the legal assumption that he or she would want treatment
informed consent
permission for treatment given by a competent patient after the potential risks, benefits, and alternatives to treatment have been explained
a term relating to medical jurisprudence (law) or forensic medicine
failure to provide the same care that a person with similar traing would provide
basing current action on lessons, rules or guidelins derived from previous similar experiences
decompsition of body tissue
rigor mortis
stiffening of hte body, a definitive sign of death
standard of care
written accepted levels of emergency care expected by reasons of training and proffesion, written by legal or proffesional organizations so that patients are not exposed to unreaonable risks or harm