335 8.1 Dentition

  1. types of teeth
    • incisors - slicing, cutting
    • canines (cuspids) - tearing, ripping
    • premolars (bicuspids) - grinding
    • molars - grinding
  2. baby teeth are called
    deciduous or milk teeth
  3. deciduous teeth
  4. deciduous teeth number
    • 20 (10 on each arch)
    • 4 incisors (2 central and 2 lateral)
    • 2 canines (cuspids)
    • 4 molars
  5. deciduous teeth ages
    • first in by 9 months (incisors)
    • last out by 12 years (molars)
  6. top arch
    maxillary arch
  7. bottom arch
    mandibular arch
  8. adult teeth aka
    permanent teeth
  9. permanent teeth number
    • 32 (16 on each arch)
    • 4 incisors (2 central 2 lateral)
    • 2 canines (cuspids)
    • 4 premolars (bicuspids)
    • 6 molars
  10. permanent teeth ages
    • first in by 8 years (incisors)
    • last in by 18-25 years (wisdom)
  11. draw diagram of teeth
    slide 5
  12. surfaces of teeth
    • medial - toward the midline of the arch
    • distal - toward the endpoint of the arch
    • buccal - toward the cheek
    • labial - toward the lips
    • lingual - toward the tongue
  13. Class I Occlusion
    • normal occlusion / neutroclusion / overjet
    • upper incisors project just a few mm ahead of lower incisors
    • first mandibular molar is one half tooth advanced of maxillary molar
  14. Class II Occlusion
    • distocclusion / overbite
    • lower first molar is even with or behind the 1st upper molar
    • mandible is retracted from (distal to) the maxilla
  15. Class III Occlusion
    • mesiocclusion / underbite
    • lower first molar is a whole tooth or more ahead of the 1st upper molar
    • mandible is protruding from (mesial to) the maxilla
    • can lead to lisps and tongue being further ahead in the jaw
  16. overjet bite
    1 to 3 mm horizontal clearane at the incisors
  17. overbite bite
    1/3 to 1/2 tooth vertical overlap at the incisors
  18. openbite bite
    vertical space between the arches
  19. closed bite
    excessive vertical overlap
  20. crossbite
    maxillary tooth falls lingual to the mandibular tooth
  21. most important teeth for articulation
    • incisors
    • split the airstream on many fricatives
    • add stridency (high frequency)
    • needed for fricatives (s,z), labiodental fricatives (f,v), and linguadental fricatives (th, th)
    • entire upper arch may be contacted for different sounds
Card Set
335 8.1 Dentition
dentition and occlusion