- Sterile Foley kit (plus extra on hand) CHECK EXPIRATION DATE
- Sterile gloves
- clean gloves available in room
- perineal care supplies
- for males 5-10 mL 2% Xylocaine if agency allows
- Hand hygieve
- Introduce self
- ID patient
- Explain procedure and their help - e.g. empty bladder completely prior to surgery
- If female is this going to be comfortable for you? (Agency policy on person of same gender in attendance...)
- Provode for patient privacy
- If female, can knees bend and hips externally rotate?
- Last void or last cath?
- Raise bed to working height
- Positioning and draping of the patient
- Clean gloves for perineal care, discard gloves, hand hygiene
- Confirm no allergies
- Place kit between their legs
- Form bag into waste receptacle
- Confirm manufacturers inflation volume
- Open kit between their legs, tape towards you
- Drop first drape shiney side down
- Don sterile gloves
- Drop fenestrated drape
Equipment Preparation
- Move inner trap closer to Pt
- Apply syringe and test balloon
- Saturate cleansing balls
- Open lubricant and empty into tray
- Lubricate catheter
: 1-2 or 6-7
Cleanse Patient
- Left hand spreads labia OR holds base of penis
- With forceps take cotton ball to right labia majora and discard - AVOID STERILE FIELD
- Repeat for
: left labia majora, right then left labia minora and finally urinary meatus
Insert catherter
- Pick up catherter 2-3 from tip
- Ask patient to take a deep breth and exhale slowly
- Insert catheter without contamination on the skin, advance 2" after flash of urine
- Without releasing labia hold catheter in nondominant hand and with dominant hand inflate balloon
- If pain deflate and advance, otherwise
- Remove syringe, gentle tug, if an uncircumcised male pull foreskin back.
Finishing steps
- Remove sterile gloves
- Assess color, clarity, and volume (Do not drain more than lOOOcc initially)
- Secure catheter to leg/bag on bed frame
- Cleanse perineal area
- Discard supplies
- Instruct Pt on movement with catherter in place
- Hand hygiene
- Document
Remove catheter
- Hand hygiene, etc.
- Don clean gloves
- Deflate catheter and squirt water in towel
- Check for additinal water in balloon
- Remove catheter and PINCH to keep urine from spraying
- Fold catheter into towel
Empty catheter
- Protective barrier on floor
- Cleanse drainage spout with alcohol
- Empty catheter bag into beaker
- Cleanse drainage spout with alcohol
- Cover beaker with towel and take to bath to empty into...
- Clean graduated cylinder with patient name and room number ON PAPER TOWEL
- Accurately read graduated cylinder using infection control principles
- Discard urine in the toilet
- Hand hygiene
- Document