HS 015

  1. Teratogen
    any agent that causes a birth defect, teratology field--looks for birth defects
  2. Psychoactive Drugs
    drugs that act on the nervous system to alter states of consciousness, midify perceptions, and change moods
  3. Maternal Age
    • harmful effects on the fetus and infant are considered;
    • -Adolescence
    • -35 years and older
  4. Birth Stages
    • 1.Uterine Contractions
    • -15-20min apart can last 6-12 hours

    2.Baby's head begins to come out, baby is now out lasts 45min

    3.Afterbirth--umbilical cord+placenta are now out of womb
  5. Nicotine Use
    Ø Low birth-weight

    Ø Respiratory problems

    Ø Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

    Ø ADHD
  6. Alcohol Use
    Ø FASD

    Ø Facial deformities & defective limbs, face and heart

    Ø Mentally Retarded

    Ø Impaired Memory
  7. Doula
    • A caregiver who provides continuous physical, emotional, and educational support
    • for the mother before, during, and after childbirth
  8. Prenatal Development #1
    • Germinal Period--first 2 wks after conception
    • -Fertilized egg (zygote) attaches to uterine wall
    • --Blastocyst--inner layer of cells soon form embryo
    • --Trophobalst--outer layer of cells, provide nutrition and
    • support for emryo
  9. Implantation
    attachemnt of the zygote to the uterine wall, takes place about 11-15 days after conception
  10. Prenatal Developemt # 2
    • Embryonic Period (occurs 2-8 wks after conception
    • --Cell differentiation intensifies, support systems form and organs appear
  11. Prenatal Development #3
    Fetal Period--2 months and birth
  12. Gamete
    One cell fussing with another cell in fertilization
  13. Viable
    • Ø
    • Refers to a point in fedal development at which the fetus may survive outside the womb
  14. Breech Position
    Baby's position in the uterus that causes the buttocks to be the first part to emerge fromt the vagina
  15. Low Birth Weight Infants
    Weigh less than 51/2 pounds
  16. Analgesia
    used to relieve pain
  17. Anesthesia
    used in late first-stage labor and during delivery to block sensation in an area of the body or block consciousness
  18. Apgar Scale
    • Asses health of newborn
    • -Heart
    • -Respiratory
    • -Muscle Tone
    • -Body Color
    • -Reflex Irritabliity
  19. Postpartum Depression(4 wks after delivery)
    Characteristic of women who have feelings of sadness, anxiety, despair of having trouble in daily tasks
  20. Postpartum Blue
    About 70% of new mothers in US. Depressed, Anxious and Upset. Last only 1 or 2 wks after, usually occurs about 3 to 5 days after birth
  21. Bonding
    The formatoin of a close connection, especially a physical bond, between parents and their newborns in the period shortly after birth.
  22. Kangaroo Care
    Treatment for preterm infants that involves skin-to-skin contact
  23. Rooming
    an arrangement in a hosptial whereby a newborn infant id kept in a crib at the mothers bedside instead of a nursery
  24. Sensation
    the product of the interaction between information and the sensory receptors--the eyes, ears, tongue, nostrils and skin.
  25. Perception
    The interpretation of what is sensed
  26. Perceptual-Motor Coupling
    • Children perceive in order to move and move in order to
    • perceive. Perceptual and motor
    • development do not occur in isolation from each other but instead are coupled
  27. Fetus hearing in the Womb
    • Ø During the last two months of pregnancy, the fetus can hear
    • sounds such as the mother’s voice and music.
  28. Cephalocaudal Pattern
    growth occurs at the top to bottom
  29. Proximodistal Pattern
    growth from center of the body and moves outward
  30. Infants Average heaight and weight
    • Ø
    • Average
    • height is 20 inches long

    • Ø
    • Weight is
    • 7 pounds
  31. Dr. Fantz--Visual Preference Method
    • Ø
    • Visual
    • Preference Method-- >studying whether infants can distinguish one stimulus
    • from another by measuring the length of time they attend to different stimuli
  32. Habituation
    decreased responsiveness to a stimulus after repeated presentation of the stimulus
  33. Dishabituation
    recovery of a habituated response after a change in stimulus
  34. Reflexes
    built-in reactions to stimuli that govern new borns movements
  35. Marasmus
    a wasting away of body tissues in the infants first year, caused by severe protein-calorie defiency
  36. Kwashiorkor
    Severe protein deficiency in which the childs abdomen and feet become swollen with water
  37. z
Card Set
HS 015
Prenatal Development and Birth