MCR - Ischemic CVA

  1. Medical Treatment of Ischemic CVA
    • 1. Blood pressure management
    • 2. Anticoagulation therapy
    • 3. Thrombolytic agents
    • 4. Nimodipine: Ca2+ channel antagonist
    • 5. Corticosteriods (Dexamethasone)
  2. Surgical Management of Ischemic CVA
    • 1. Carotid endarterectomy
    • 2. Posterior fossa decompression
  3. Medical Intervention for Ruptured Aneurysm
    • 1. Decrease arterial blood pressure
    • 2. Bed rest
    • 3. If patient comatose:
    • - treatment of shock
    • - maintain airway and oxygen flow
    • - monitor blood gases, blood, CT, and spinal fluid
    • - tube feeding
  4. Surgical Intervention for Ruptured Aneurysm
    • 1. Surgery is the treatment of choice
    • 2. Preoperative management of recurrent hemorrhage and vasospasm
    • 3. Surgery can be
    • - embolization with glue or coils
    • - radiosurgery
    • - clipping of the neck of the aneurysm
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MCR - Ischemic CVA
Medical Management for Ischemic CVA