Roy's Way

  1. Aloha
    • Welcoming and acting toward people with genuine kindness, warmth, caring, and a
    • generous spirit.
  2. Humility
    Accepting and appreciating good fortune with grace and showing quiet confidence.
  3. Respect
    Having reverence for the diversity, individuality, rights, and worth of people.
  4. Kokua
    Being of service, telling the truth, and enhancing and protecting what is valued by others.
  5. Energy
    Having a sense of urgency to do what needs to be done.
  6. Fun
    Enjoying work and doing it well.
  7. Quality
    Having very high standards and acting on them with conviction.
  8. Mastery
    • Combining intensity, craftsmanship, creativity, good taste, and an understanding
    • of the marketplace in order to create value.
  9. Courage
    • Being strong in difficult moments and honoring our ohana, history, traditions,
    • and Roy's Way.
  10. Clear Direction
    Specific and continuous communication of Roy's Way and its implications for you.
  11. Teaching
    Building skills and creating understanding of Roy's Way.
  12. Support
    Doing the most that can be done to help you succeed.
  13. Belonging
    • Welcoming you to the team and ohana, including you, and showing
    • appreciation for your contribution.
  14. Dedication
    • Learning Roy's Way in detail, understanding how it applies to you,
    • and practicing it without exception.
  15. Teamwork
    • Knowing how your job meshes with the jobs of your teammates, doing it,
    • and consistently supporting their success.
  16. Self-Responsibility
    • Leading by being the best at what you do, doing exactly what you are supposed to do, and
    • taking a "No excuses" approach to your attitude, performance, and results.
  17. Winning Attitude
    Making "Yes, I will take care of you" your first thought.
Card Set
Roy's Way
Roy's Way Principals