flash 2P.txt

  1. Of whom is Simon Peter a servant and
    apostle? / Jesus Christ / 2P 1:1
  2. Through what may grace and peace be yours in
    abundance? / The knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord / 2P 1:2
  3. What has given us everything we need for life and
    godliness? / His (God's) divine power / 2P 1:3
  4. What corruption is caused by evil
    desires? / The corruption in the world / 2P 1:4
  5. What has he given us through his own glory and
    goodness? / His very great and precious promises / 2P 1:4
  6. To what should you make every effort to add
    knowledge? / Goodness / 2P 1:5
  7. What should you make every effort to add to your
    faith? / Goodness / 2P 1:5
  8. What is anyone who does not have these
    qualities? / Nearsighted and blind / 2P 1:9
  9. What should you be all the more eager to make your calling and
    election? / Sure / 2P 1:10
  10. When will you fall if you make your calling and election
    sure? / Never / 2P 1:10
  11. When will Peter remind you of these
    things? / Always / 2P 1:12
  12. When will Peter put the tent of this body
    aside? / Soon / 2P 1:14
  13. Where will Peter soon put the tent of this
    body? / Aside / 2P 1:14
  14. Of whose majesty were we
    eyewitnesses? / Our Lord Jesus Christ's / 2P 1:16
  15. What did the voice from the Majestic Glory
    say? / This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased / 2P 1:17
  16. Who received honor and glory from God the
    Father? / Our Lord Jesus Christ / 2P 1:17
  17. Where were we when we ourselves heard this voice that came from
    heaven? / With our Lord Jesus Christ on the sacred mountain / 2P 1:18
  18. Who heard this voice that came from
    heaven? / We ourselves / 2P 1:18
  19. What
    dawns? / The day / 2P 1:19
  20. What shines in a dark
    place? / A light / 2P 1:19
  21. When did prophecy have its origin in the will of
    man? / Never / 2P 1:21
  22. Who spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy
    Spirit? / Men / 2P 1:21
  23. What should you make every effort to add to
    knowledge? / Self-control / 2P 1:5-6
  24. What should you make every effort to add to
    perseverance? / Godliness / 2P 1:5-6
  25. What will Peter soon put
    aside? / The tent of this body / 2P 1:13-14
  26. To whom did the voice come from the Majestic
    Glory? / Our Lord Jesus Christ / 2P 1:16-17
  27. On whom will false teachers bring swift
    destruction? / Themselves / 2P 2:1
  28. Into what will many bring the way of
    truth? / Disrepute / 2P 2:2
  29. Who will follow the shameful ways of false
    teachers? / Many / 2P 2:2
  30. What has long been hanging over these
    teachers? / Their condemnation / 2P 2:3
  31. With what will these teachers exploit
    you? / Stories they have made up / 2P 2:3
  32. Where did God send angels when they
    sinned? / To hell / 2P 2:4
  33. Whom did God put into gloomy
    dungeons? / Angels / 2P 2:4
  34. Whom did God send to hell when they
    sinned? / Angels / 2P 2:4
  35. Who protected Noah and seven
    others? / God / 2P 2:5
  36. What cities did God
    condemn? / The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah / 2P 2:6
  37. How did God condemn the cities of Sodom and
    Gomorrah? / By burning them to ashes / 2P 2:6
  38. What did God condemn by burning them to
    ashes? / The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah / 2P 2:6
  39. Who rescued
    Lot? / God / 2P 2:7
  40. Who was distressed by the filthy lives of lawless
    men? / Lot (a righteous man) / 2P 2:7
  41. Whom does the Lord know how to hold for the day of
    judgment? / The unrighteous / 2P 2:9
  42. Whose punishment does the Lord
    continue? / The punishment of the unrighteous / 2P 2:9
  43. Who are stronger and more powerful than celestial
    beings? / Angels / 2P 2:11
  44. Like what will these men too
    perish? / Beasts / 2P 2:12
  45. Why are brute beasts
    born? / Only to be caught and destroyed / 2P 2:12
  46. When do they
    carouse? / In broad daylight / 2P 2:13
  47. What did Balaam
    love? / The wages of wickedness / 2P 2:15
  48. What was
    Balaam? / The son of Beor / 2P 2:15
  49. By what was Balaam rebuked for his
    wrongdoing? / By a donkey / 2P 2:16
  50. What did a donkey
    restrain? / The prophet's (Balaam's) madness / 2P 2:16
  51. What is a man to whatever has mastered
    him? / A slave / 2P 2:19
  52. Who is a slave to whatever has mastered
    him? / A man / 2P 2:19
  53. Than when are these men worse off at the
    end? / Than they were at the beginning / 2P 2:20
  54. Of whom are the proverbs
    true? / These men (who blaspheme in matters they do not understand) / 2P 2:22
  55. What proverbs are true of these
    men? / A dog returns to its vomit and A sow that is washed goes back to her wallowing in the mud / 2P 2:22
  56. To what does a dog
    return? / Its vomit / 2P 2:22
  57. What goes back to her wallowing in the
    mud? / A sow that is washed / 2P 2:22
  58. Who will follow their own evil
    desires? / Scoffers / 2P 3:3
  59. Since when has everything gone on as it has since the beginning of
    creation? / Ever since our fathers died / 2P 3:4
  60. Out of what was the earth
    formed? / Water / 2P 3:5
  61. When did the heavens exist by God's
    word? / Long ago / 2P 3:5
  62. By what was the world of that time deluged and
    destroyed? / These waters / 2P 3:6
  63. What was deluged and destroyed by these
    waters? / The world of that time / 2P 3:6
  64. What are reserved for fire by the same
    word? / The present heavens and earth / 2P 3:7
  65. What are like a day with the
    Lord? / A thousand years / 2P 3:8
  66. With whom is a day like a thousand
    years? / The Lord / 2P 3:8
  67. Who wants everyone to come to
    repentance? / The Lord / 2P 3:9
  68. Like whom will the day of the Lord
    come? / A thief / 2P 3:10
  69. What will come like a
    thief? / The day of the Lord / 2P 3:10
  70. What do you
    speed? / The day of God's coming / 2P 3:12
  71. With whom should you make every effort to be at
    peace? / The Lord / 2P 3:14
  72. What does our Lord's patience
    mean? / Salvation / 2P 3:15
  73. Whom did God give
    wisdom? / Our dear brother Paul / 2P 3:15
  74. Who distort some things Paul's letters
    contain? / Ignorant and unstable people / 2P 3:16
  75. Who distort the other Scriptures to their own
    destruction? / Ignorant and unstable people / 2P 3:16
  76. Who speaks in all his letters of these
    matters? / Paul / 2P 3:16
  77. What is your
    position? / Secure / 2P 3:17
  78. Who may not be fall from their secure
    position? / Simon Peter's dear friends [OR you] / 2P 3:17
  79. What be to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ both now and
    forever? / Glory / 2P 3:18
  80. Who is our Lord and
    Savior? / Jesus Christ / 2P 3:18
  81. Who will say, "Where is this 'coming' he
    promised"? / Scoffers / 2P 3:3-4
Card Set
flash 2P.txt
Hebrews WCCN Bible quizzing