Respiratory Terminology

  1. Boyle's Law
    pressure of a gas is inversely related to the volume of a gas
  2. Dalton's Law
    • each gas contributes its percentage of atmospheric pressure
    • pressure of a gas is known as the partial pressure
  3. 2,3 diposphoglycerate (DPG)
    2,3 bisphosphoglycerate (BPG)
    chemical produced by RBCs which causes oxygen to release from hemoglobin
  4. anosmia
    inability to detect odors
  5. anoxia
    deficiency of oxygen
  6. apnea
    to stop breathing
  7. atmospheric pressure
    pressure exerted by gases in the air
  8. bronchioles
    • part of the respiratory tract that has no cartilage and serves the lobules of the lung
    • its spasms cause asthma
  9. carbon monoxide
    • odorless, colorless gas from incomplete combustion
    • competes with oxygen at the hemes
  10. chloride shift
    movement of chlorine ions in/out of the RBC as bicarbonate ions move out/in
  11. cough
    respiratory mechanism to clear obstructions from the airways
  12. emphysema
    • condition characterized by a loss of elasticity of the lungs
    • walls of the alveoli break down and are replaced by larger air sacs
  13. eupnea
    normal quiet breathing
  14. expiration/exhalation
    forcing of air out of the lungs due to positive pressure
  15. heme
    iron containing part of hemoglobin where oxygen and carbon dioxide attach
  16. hemoptysis
    coughing and spitting of blood as a result of bleeding within the respiratory tract
  17. hiccup
    spasmodic contraction of the diaphragm resulting from stimulation in the diaphragm or in the respiratory center of the brain
  18. hilus
    point of attachment of vessels to the lungs
  19. hemeothermic
    animals that maintain a constant body temperature
  20. hyperpnea
    • increase in breathing rate due to exercise
    • increased body temperature or emotional stress
  21. hyperpyrexia
    elevated or high body temperature (fever)
  22. hypothalamus
    • region of the brain which controls the temperature of endothermic animals
    • its sensors detect changes in the temperature of the circulating blood and initiate the appropriate responses
  23. hypoxia
    state of having too little oxygen in the tissures for normal metabolism
  24. inspiration/inhalation
    movement of air into the lungs due to negative pressure
  25. laryngitis
    inflammation of the vocal cords
  26. mediastinum
    cavity that includes everything in the thoracic cavity except the lungs
  27. negative pressure
    lower than the surrounding atmospheric pressure
  28. paranasal sinuses
    • air containing spaces lined with mucous membranes and open to the nasal cavity via ducts
    • includes maxillary, frontal, sphenoid, ethmoid sinuses
  29. partial pressure
    exerted by a specific gas in the atmosphere
  30. pleura
    membranes of the lungs and lung cavity
  31. pleurisy
    inflammation of the pleural membranes
  32. parietal pleura
    membrane that lines the inside of the pleural cavity wall and covers the diaphragm
  33. pneumonia
    any lung condition in which the alveoli become filled with fluid or blood
  34. poikilothermic
    • animals whose body temperature changes with atmospheric temperature
    • ex: reptiles, amphibians, fish
  35. pulmonary
  36. pyrogens
    substances that cause fever by resetting the thermostat in the hypothalamus
  37. pulmonary edema
    condition in which fluid accumulated in the alveoli and interstitial spaces of the lungs
  38. pulmonary/visceral pleura
    membrane which covers the lungs
  39. pulmonary ventilation
  40. respiratory membrane
    2 squamous cell layers between the alveolar and capillary walls
  41. sinusitis
    inflammation of the membranes of the paranasal sinuses
  42. sneeze
    • forcible exhalation of air through the nasal passageways
    • upper respiratory cough
  43. tracheotomy
    opening in the trachea
  44. tracheostomy
    procedure in which the trachea is brought to the skin or a tube is placed in ot keep it open for a periond of time
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Respiratory Terminology
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