Activated Charcoal Class?
Activated Charcoal Mechanism of Action
Absorbs toxic substances from the gastrointestinal tract; onset of action is immediate.
Activated Charcoal indications
most oral poisonings and medication overdoses. Can be used after evacuation of poisonings.
Activated Charcoal contraindications
- oral administration to a comatose patient
- after ingestion of corrosives, caustics, or petroleum distillates (ineffective and may induce vomitting)
- simultaneous administration with other oral drugs
Activated Charcoal adverse reactions
- May induce nausea / vomitting
- may cause constipation
- may cause black stool (dark dookie)
Activated Charcoal Drug interactions
Bonds with and generally inactivates anything it mixes with (ex syrup of ipecac)
Activated Charcoal how supplied
25 or 50 gram black powder
Activated Charcoal dosage and administration
Note: if not in premixed slurry dilute and mix with 4 parts water (1:4 ratio)
Activated Charcoal Adult Dosage
1 to 2 grams per kilogram PO (oral) or via Nasal gastrointestinal tube
Activated Charcoal Pediatric Dosage
1 to 2 grams per kilogram PO (oral) or via Nasal gastrointestinal tube
Activated Charcoal Duration of action
Depends on the gastrointestinal function. Will act until excreted.
Activated Charcoal Special Considerations
- Often used in conjunction with magnesium citrate.
- Must be stored in a close container
- Does not absorb cyanide, lithium, iron, lead, or arsenic
Albuterol (proventil / Ventolin) Class
Sympathomimetic, Bronchiodilator
Albuterol (proventil / Ventolin) Mechanism of Action
Selective Beta-2 agonist that stimulates adrenergic receptors of the sympathomimetic nervous system resulting in smooth muscle relaxation in the bronchial tree and peripheral vasulature
Albuterol (proventil / Ventolin) Indications
- Treatment of bronchospasm in patient's with reversable obstructive airway disease (COPD / Asthma).
- Prevention of excersise induced bronchospasm
Albuterol (proventil / Ventolin) contraindications
- Known prior hypersensitivity to albuterol
- Tachicardia Arrhymmias, especially those caused by digitalis
- Synergistic with other sympathominetics
Albuterol (proventil / Ventolin) Adverse reactions
Often dose related and include: restlessness, tremors, dizziness, palpitations, tachicardia, nervousness, peripheral vasodilation, nausea, vomitting, hyperglycemia, increase blood pressure, paradoxial bronchospasms.
Albuterol (proventil / Ventolin) Drug Interactions
Trycyllic Antidepressant may potentiate vasculature effects.Beta Blockers are antagonistic. May potentiate hypokalemia caused by diruetics.
Albuterol (proventil / Ventolin) How supplied
- Solution of aerosolization; .05% (5mg per mL.)
- Metered dose inhaler: 90ug per metered spray (17g canister with 200 inhalations)
- Syrup 2 mg per 5mL
Albuterol (proventil / Ventolin) Adult dosage and administation
Adult: Administer 2.5mg. Dilute .5mL of .5% solution with 2.5mL normal saline in nebulizer and administer over 10 to 15 minutes.
Metered dose inhaler: 1 to 2 inhalations (90 to 180ug.) 5 minutes between inhalations
Albuterol (proventil / Ventolin) Pediatric dosage and administration
Administer solution of .01 to .03mL (.05 to .15mg per Kg per dose) diluted in 2mL of 0.9% normal saline. May repeat every 20 minutes 3 times.
Albuterol (proventil / Ventolin) Duration of action
Onset in 5 to 15 minutes with peak effect in 30 minutes to 2 hours and duration of 3 to 4 hours.
Albuterol (proventil / Ventolin) Special Considerations
- Pregnancy Safety: Category C antagonized by beta blockers (examples inderal, lopressor)
- May precipitate angina pectoris and arrhythmias.
- Should only be administered by inhalation methodogy in prehospital management
Aspirin Class
Platelet inhibitor / Anti inflamatory agent.
Aspirin Mechanism of Action
Prostaglandin inhibition
Aspirin Indications
New onset chest pain suggestive of acute myocardial infarction. Signs and symptoms suggestive of recent CVA
Aspirin Contraindications
Hypersensitivity and relatively contraindicated with active ulcer disease or asthma
Aspirin Adverse Reactions
- Heartburn, GI Bleeding, Prolonged bleeding, nausea / vomitting.
- Wheezing in allergic patients
Aspirin Interactions
Use caution in patient's allergic to NSAIDs
Aspirin How supplied
81mg, 160mg or 325mg tablets. Chewable and standard
Aspirin Duration of Action
- Onset: 30 to 45 Minutes
- Peak effect: variable
- Duration: variable
Aspirin special considerations
- Pregnancy Safety: Category D
- Not recommended in pediatric population
Epinephrine (Adrenalin) Epi 1:1 Class
Epinephrine (Adrenalin) Epi 1:1 Mechanism of Action
- Direct acting alpha and beta agonist.
- Alpha: Vasoconstriction.
- Beta-1: Positive inotropic, chronotropic and dromotropic effects.
- Beta-2: Bronchial Smooth muscle relaxation and dilation of skeletal vasculature.
Epinephrine (Adrenalin) Epi 1:1 Indications
- Cardiac Arrest (V-Fib / Pulseless V-Tac, Asystole, Pulseless electical activity)
- Symtomatic Bradicardia: As an alternative infusion to dopamine
- Severe Hypotension secondary to bradicardia when atropine and transcutaneous pacing are unsuccessful
- Allergic Reactions: anaphalaxis
- Asthma
Epinephrine (Adrenalin) Epi 1:1 Contraindications
- Hypertension
- Hypothermia
- Pulmonary edema
- Myocardial Ischemia
- Hypovolemic Shock
Epinephrine (Adrenalin) Epi 1:1 Adverse Reactions
- Hypertension
- Tachicardia
- Arrhymmias
- Pulmonary Edema
- Anxiety
- Restlessness
- Psychomotor agitation
- Nausea
- Headache
- Angina
Epinephrine (Adrenalin) Epi 1:1 Drug Interactions
Potentiates Other symphathomimetics deactivated by alkaline solutions (ex: sodium bicarbonate), Monomine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) may potentiate effects, beta blockers may blunt effects.
Epinephrine (Adrenalin) Epi 1:1 how supplied
- 1 to 1000 solution: ampules and vials containing 1mg per mL
- 1 to 10,000 solution: prefilled syringes containing 1mg in 10mL
- Autoinjector (epipen) .05mg per mL (1 to 2000)
Epinephrine (Adrenalin) Epi 1:1 Dosage and Administration (adult mild allergic reactions and asthma)
.3 to .5mg of 1:1000 SC
Epinephrine (Adrenalin) Epi 1:1 Dosage and Administration (adult anaphalaxis)
.1mg (1mL of 1:10,000) IV/IO over 5 minutes
Epinephrine (Adrenalin) Epi 1:1 Dosage and Administration (adult cardiac arrest)
- IV/IO Dose: 1mg (10mL of 1:10,000 solution) every 3 to 5 minutes during resusitation. Follow each dose with 20mL flush and elevate arm for 10 to 20 seconds after dose.
- Higher Dose: (up to .2mg per Kg) may be used for specific indiacations (beta blocker or calcium channel overdose).
- Continuous infusion: Add 1mg(1mL of 1:1000 solution) to 500mL normal saline or d5w. Initial infusion rate of 1ug per minute titrated to effect. (typical dose: 2 to 10ug per minute).
- Endotrachial Dose: 2 to 2.5mg diluted in 10mL normal saline.
Epinephrine (Adrenalin) Epi 1:1 Dosage and Administration (adult profound bradicardia or hypotension)
2 to 10ug per minute: titrate to patient response
Epinephrine (Adrenalin) Epi 1:1 Dosage and Administration (pediatrics mild allergic reactions and asthma)
0.01mg per kg (0.01mL per kg) of 1:1000 solution SC (maximum of .3mL)
Epinephrine (Adrenalin) Epi 1:1 Dosage and Administration (pediatrics cardiac arrest)
- IV/IO Dose: .01mg per kg (.1mL per kg) of 1:10,000 solution every 3 to 5 minutes during arrest
- All endotracial doses .1mg per kg (.1mL per kg) of 1:1000 solution
Epinephrine (Adrenalin) Epi 1:1 Dosage and Administration (pediatrics symptomatic bradicardia)
- IV/IO Dose: .01mg per kg (.1mL per kg) of 1:10,000 solution
- All endotrachial doses: .1mg per kg (.1mL per kg) of 1:1000 solution
Epinephrine (Adrenalin) Epi 1:1 Dosage and Administration (pediatrics coninutious IV/IO infusion)
Begin with rapid infusion then titrate to response. Typical initial infusion .1 to 1ug per minute. Higher doses may be effective.
Epinephrine (Adrenalin) Epi 1:1 Duration of Action
- Onset: Immediate
- Peak effect: Minutes
- Duration: Several Minutes
Epinephrine (Adrenalin) Epi 1:1 Special Considerations
- Pregnancy Safety: Category C
- May cause syncope in asthmatic children
- May increase myocardial oxygen demand
Nitroglycerin Class
Nitroglycerine Mechanism of Action
- Smooth muscle relaxant acting on vascular, bronchial, uterine, and intestinal smooth muscle
- Dilation of arterioles and veins in the periphery
- Reduces preload and afterload
- Decreases the workload of the heart and thereby myocardial oxygen demand
Nitroglycerine Indications
- Acute angina pectoris
- Ischemic Chest Pain
- Hypertension
- Pulmonary Edema
Nitroglycerine Contraindications
- Hypotension
- Hypovolemia
- Intercranial bleeding or head injury
- Previous administration of viagra, revatio, levitra, cialis, or similar agents within past 24 hours
Nitroglycerine Adverse Reactions
Headache, hypotension, syncope, relex tachicardia, flushing, nausea, vomitting, diaphoresis, muscle twitching
Nitroglycerine Drug interactions
- Additive effects with other vasodialators
- incapadible with other drugs IV
Nitroglycerine How Supplied
- Tablets: .15mg, .3mg, .4mg, .6mg
- NTG Spray: .4mg to .8mg under the tounge
- NTG IV (tridil)
Nitroglycerine Dosage and administration
- Adult
- Tablets: .3 to .4mg sublingually. May repeat every 3 to 5 minutes with a maximum dose of 3 doses
- NTG Spray: .4mg under the tounge. 1 to 2 sprays.
- NTG IV Infusion: Begin at 10 to 20ug per minute. Increase by 5 to 10 drips per minute until desired effect
- Pediatrics: Not recommended
Nitroglycerine Duration of Action
- Onset: 1 to 3 minutes
- Peak Effect: 5 to 10 minutes
- Duration: 20 to 30 minutes or if IV 5 to 10 minutes after discontinuation of infusion
Nitroglycerine Special Considerations
- Pregnancy Safety: Category C
- Hypotension more common in geriatric population
- NTG decomposes if exposed to light or heat. Must be kept airtight
- Active ingredient may have a stinging effect when administered.
Oral Glucose (insta glucose) Class
Oral Glucose (insta glucose) Mechanism of Action
Provides quickly absorbed glucose to increase blood glucose levels
Oral Glucose (insta glucose) indications
Conscious patient's with suspected hypoglycemia
Oral Glucose (insta glucose) Contraindications
- Decreased level of consciousnes
- Nausea / vomitting
Oral Glucose (insta glucose) Advserse reactions
Nausea / Vomitting
Oral Glucose (insta glucose) Drug interactions
Oral Glucose (insta glucose) How supplied
- Glucola 300mL bottles
- Glucose Pastes and Gels in various forms
Oral Glucose (insta glucose) Dosage and administration (Pedi and Adult)
Sipped slowly by patient until clinical improvement noted
Oral Glucose (insta glucose) Duration of interaction
- ONset: Immediate
- Peak Effect: Variable
- Duration: Variable
Oxygen Class
Naturally occuring atmospheric gas
Oxygen Mechanism of action
reverses hypoxia
Oxygen Indications
- Confirmed or expected hypoxia
- Ischemic Chest pain
- respiratory insufficiency
- Prophylactically during air transport
- Confirmed or suspected carbon monoxide poisoning
- All other causes of tissue oxygenation
- decreased level of consciousness
Oxygen Contraindications
- Certain patient's with COPD or emphysema who will not tolerate oxygen concentrations over 35%
- Hyperventilation
Oxygen Adverse Reactions
- Decreased level of consciousness and respiratory depression in patients with chronic carbon monoxide retention
- Retrolental fibroplasia if given high concentrations to premature infants. Maintain 30 to 40% oxygen
Oxygen Drug interactions
Oxygen How Supplied
Oxygen cylinders usually green and white of 100% compressed oxygen gas
Oxygen Dosage and Administration
- Adult: Cardiac Arrest and Carbon Monoxide Poisoning: 100%
- Hypoxemia: 10 to 15L per minute via NRB
- COPD: 1 to 6L per minute via NC or 28-35% via Venturi Mask
- Be prepared to supply ventilatory support if higher concentrations of oxygen are needed
- Pediatrics: Same as adult with exception of premature infant
Oxygen Duration of Action
- Onset: Immediate
- Peak Effect: N/A
- Duration: Less than 2 minutes
Adenosine (Adenocard) Class
Endogenious Nucleotide
Adenosine (Adenocard) Mechanism of Action
- Slows conduction time through the AV node
- Can interupt reentry pathways
- Slows heartrate
- Actions directly on the sinus pacemaker cells
- Is drug of choice or reentry SVT
- Can be used diagnosticly for stable, wide complex, tachicardias of unknown type after two doses of lidocaine
Adenosine (Adenocard) Indications
- Conversion of PSVT to sinus rhythm
- May convert reentry SVT due to wolff-parkinson-white syndrome
- Not effective in converting atrial fibrilation / flutter or Ventricular tachicardia
Adenosine (Adenocard) Contraindications
- Second or third degree block or sick sinus syndrome
- atrial flutter / fibrilation
- ventricular tachicardia
- hypersensitivity to adenosine
- Poison induced tachicardia
Adenosine (Adenocard) Adverse Reactions
- Facial Flushing
- Shortness of breath
- Chest Pain
- Headache
- Paresthesia
- Diaphoresis
- Palpitations
- Hypotension
- Nausea
- Metallic Taste
Adenosine (Adenocard) Drug interactions
- Methylxanthines (theophylline-like drugs) antagonize the effects of adenosine
- Dipyridamole (persantine) potensiates the effects of adenosine
- Carbamazepine (tegretal) may potensiate the AV node blocking the effects of adenosine
- May cause bronchoconstriction in asthmatic patients
Adenosine (Adenocard) How Supplied
3mg per mL in 2 mL flip top vials for IV injection
Adenosine (Adenocard) Dosage and administration (adult)
Adults: 6mg over 1 to 3 seconds followed by a 20mL saline flush and elevate extremity; If no response after one to two minutes administer 12mg over 1 to 3 seconds. Maximum total dose of 30 mg.
Adenosine (Adenocard) Dosage and administration (pediatric)
.1 to .2mg per kg rapid IV; maximum single dose 12mg
Adenosine (Adenocard) Duration of Action
- Onset and peak effects in seconds
- Duration is 12 seconds
Adenosine (Adenocard) Special Considerations
- Short half life limits side effects in most patients
- Pregnancy Safety: Category C
Amiodarone (Cordarone, Pacerone) Class
Amiodarone (Cordarone, Pacerone) Mechanism of Action
Blocks sodium channels and myocardial potasium channels
Amiodarone (Cordarone, Pacerone) Indications
V-Fib / Pulseless V-Tac and unstable V-Tac in patient's refractory to other therapy
Amiodarone (Cordarone, Pacerone) Contraindications
- Known hypersensitivity
- Cardiogenic Shock
- Sinus Bradicardia
- Second or third degree AV Block (unless a functional pacemaker is available)
Amiodarone (Cordarone, Pacerone) Adverse Reactions
- Hypotension
- Bradicardia
- Prolongation of the P-R, QRS, and QT intervals
Amiodarone (Cordarone, Pacerone) Drug interactions
- Use with digoxin may cause the digitalis toxicity
- Antiarrhymtics may cause increased serum levels
- Beta Blockers and calcium channel blockers may potensiate bradicardia, sinus arrest, and AV heartblocks.
Amiodarone (Cordarone, Pacerone) How supplied
Ampules containing 150mg per 3mL and prefilled syringes containing 150mg per 3mL
Amiodarone (Cordarone, Pacerone) Dosage and Administration (adult)
- V-Fib / Pulseless V-Tac (unresponsive to CPR, defibrilation, or vasopressors): 300mg IV/IO Push (recommended dilution in 20 to 30mL of D5W). INitial dose can be followed 1 time in 3 to 5 minutes at 150mg IV/IO push.
- Recurrent Life threatening ventricular arrhythmias: Maxium cumulative dose is 2.2g per 24 hours and administered as follows: Rapid Infusion: 150mg IV/IO over 10 minutes (15mg per minute). May repeat rapid infusion every 10 minutes as needed. Slow infusion: 360mg IV/IO over 6 hours which is 1mg per minute. Maintainence infusion: 540mg IV/IO over 18 hours at .5mg per minute
Amiodarone (Cordarone, Pacerone) Dosage and Administration (pediatrics)
- Refractory V-Fib/ pulseless V-Tac: 5mg per kg IV/IO bolus. Can repeat the same dosage up to a total dose of 15mg per kg per 24 hour. Maximum single dose 300mg.
- Perfusing supraventricular and ventricular tachicardias: Loading Dose of 5mg per kg IV/IO over 20 to 60 minutes (maximum single dose of 300mg) Can repeat to a maximum of 15mg/kg per day
Amiodarone (Cordarone, Pacerone) Duration of Action
- Onset: Immediate with peak effect in 10 to 15 minutes
- Duration of Action: 30 to 45 minutes
Amiodarone (Cordarone, Pacerone) Special Considerations
- Pregnancy Safety- Category D
- Monitor patient for hypotension
- May worsen arrhythmias or precipitate new arrthymias.
Atropine Sulfate Class
Anticholinergic Agent
Atropine Sulfate Mechanism of Action
- Parasympatholytic: Inhibits action of acetycholine at postganglionic parasympathetic neuro effector sites
- Increases heartrate in life threatening brady arrhythmias
Atropine Sulfate Indications
- Hemodynamicly unstable bradicardia
- Asytole
- Bradicardia (Less than 60bpm)
- Pulseless Electrical Activity
- Organophosphate poisoning
- Bronchospastic pulmonary disorders
Atropine Sulfate Contraindications
- Tachicardia
- Hypersensitivity
- Unstable cardiovascular status in acute hemorrage
- Myocardial Ischemia
- Narrow angle glaucoma
Atropine Sulfate Adverse Reactions
- Headache
- Dizziness
- Palpitations
- Nausea / Vomitting
- Tachycardia
- Arrhythmias
- Anticolonergic Effects (blurred vision, dry mouth, urinary retention)
- Paradoxical bradicardial when pushed slowly or at low doses
- Flushed hot dry skin
Atropine Sulfate Drug interactions
- Potensial adverse effects when administered with digoxin, cholinergics, physostigmine.
- Effects enhanced by antihistimines, procainamide, quinidine, antipsychotics, benzodiazapines, and antidepressants
Atropine Sulfate How supplied
- Prefillled syringes: 1mg in 10mL (.1mg per mL)
- Nebulizer: .2% (1mg in .5mL) .5% (2.5mg in .5mL)
Atropine Sulfate Dosage and administration (adult)
- Asystole, bradicardic PEA: 1mg IV/IO push. May repeat every 3 to 5 minutes if asystole or PEA persists to a maximum of 3 doses (3mg)
- Endotrachial Administration: 2-3mg diluted in 10mL of water or normal saline
- Unstable Bradicardia: .5mg IV/IO every 3 to 5 minutes as needed not to exceed total dose of 3mg. Use shorter dosing intervals (3 minutes) and higher doses in severe clincal condtions
- Organophosphate poisoning: Extremely large doses (2-3mg or higher) may be needed
Atropine Sulfate Dosage and administration (pediatric)
- .02mg/kg via IV/IO push; may double this dose for second IV/IO dose
- minimum single dose .1mg
- maximum doses: (child single dose: .5mg) (child total dose: 1mg) (adolescent single dose: 1mg) (adolescent total dose 2mg)
- endotrachial administration: .3mg / kg. Absorbtion may be unreliable
Atropine Sulfate Duration of Action
- Onset: Immediate
- Peak Effect: Rapid (1 to 2 minutes)
- Duration: 2 to 6 hours
Atropine Sulfate Special Considerations
- Pregnancy Safety-C
- Moderate doses may cause pupilary dilation
Diltazam (Cardizem, Lyo-ject) Class
Calcium Channel Blocker
Diltazam (Cardizem, Lyo-ject) Mechanism of Action
- Block influx of calcium ions into cardiac muscle
- Prevent spasm of corronary arteries
- Arteriol and Venous vasodilator
- Reduces preload and afterload
- Reduces myocardial oxygen demand
Diltazam (Cardizem, Lyo-ject) Indications
Control of rapid ventricular rates due to atrial flutter / A-Fib / Reentry SVT / Angina Pectoris
Diltazam (Cardizem, Lyo-ject) Contraindications
- Hypotension
- Sick Sinus Syndrome
- Second or Third degree AV Block
- Cardiogenic shock
- Wide Complex tachicardias
- Poison / Drug induced Tachicardia
Diltazam (Cardizem, Lyo-ject) Adverse Reactions
- Bradicardia
- Second or Third Degree AV Block
- Chest Pain
- Syncope
- V-FIb
- V-Tac
- Nausea
- Vomitting
- Dizziness
- Dry Mouth
- Dyspnea (difficulty breathing)
- Headache
Diltazam (Cardizem, Lyo-ject) Drug interactions
Caution in patient's using medications that affect cardiac contractility. In general should not be used on patient's taking beta blockers.
Diltazam (Cardizem, Lyo-ject) How Supplied
- 25mg per 5mL vial
- 50mg per 10mL vial
- Non refrigerated; lyo-ject syringe
Diltazam (Cardizem, Lyo-ject) Dosage and administration
- Initial Bolus: .25mg per kg. (average dose 15-20mg) IV over 2 minutes
- If inadequate response may rebolus in 15 minutes: .35mg per kg (average dose 20 to 25mg) IV over 2 minutes
- Maintainance Infusion of 5 to 15mg per hour
- Not recommended for pediatrics
Diltazam (Cardizem, Lyo-ject) Duration of Action
- Onset: 2-5 minutes
- Peak Effect: Variable
- Duration: 2-3 hours
Diltazam (Cardizem, Lyo-ject) Special Considerations
- Pregnancy Safety Category C.
- Use with caution in patient's with renal or hepatic disfunction
- PVC's may be noted at time of converstion of PSVT to sinus rhythm
Dopamine (Intropin) Class
- Sympthomimetic
- Inotropic Agent
Dopamine (Intropin) Mechanism of Action
Immediate metabolic precursor to norepinephrine. Increases systemic vascular reisistance, dialates renal and splanchnic vasculature. Increases myocardial contractility and stroke volume
Dopamine (Intropin) Indications
- Cardiogenic, septic, or spinal shock
- Hypotension with low cardiac output states
- Distributive shock
Dopamine (Intropin) Contraindications
- Hypovolemic Shock
- Pheochromocytoma
- Tachyarrhythmias
- V-Fib
Dopamine (Intropin) Adverse Reactions
- Cardiac Arrthymias
- Hypertension
- Increased Myocardial oxygen demand; extravasation may cause necrosis
Dopamine (Intropin) Drug interactions
- Incapatible in alkaline solutions. MAOI's will enhance effects of dopamine
- Pretylium may potentiate the effect of dopamine.
- Beta Blockers may antagonize effects of dopamine
- When administered with phenytoin; may cause hypertension, bradicardia, seizures
Dopamine (Intropin) How supplied
- 250mg per 5mL to 400mg per 500mL prefilled syringes,
- ampules for IV infusion 400mg in 250mL D5W premixed solutions
Dopamine (Intropin) Dosage and administratio(Adult & Pediatric)
- Adult: 2 to 20 drips per kg per minute titrated to patient response
- Pediatric is the same
Dopamine (Intropin) Duration of Action
- Onset- 1 to 4 minutes
- Peak Effect- 5 to 10 minutes
- Duration- Effects cease almost immediately after infusion is shut off
Dopamine (Intropin) Special considerations
- Pregnancy Safety not established
- Effects are dose dependant
- Dopaminergic response: 2-4 drips per kg per minute: dialates vessels in kidneys; increased urine output
- Beta-adregergic response: 4 to 10 drips per kg per minute: positive chronotropic and inotropic adregergic response: 10 to 20 drips per kg per minute: primary alpha stimulant / vasocontriction
- Greater than 20 drips per kg per minute: Reversal of renal effects / override alpha effects
- Always monitor drip rate
- Avoid extravasation injury
Lidocaine (Xylocaine) Class
Lidocaine (Xylocaine) Mechanism of Action
Decreases automaticity by slowing the rate of phase 4 depolariztion
Lidocaine (Xylocaine) Indications
Alternative to amiodarone in cardiac arrest from V-Fib to pulseless V-Tac, stable monomorphic V-Tac, Stable polymorphic V-Tac with normal baseline QT interval
Lidocaine (Xylocaine) Contraindications
- Hypersensitivity
- Second and Third degree AV blocks in the absense of artificial pacemaker
- Stokes Adams Syndrome
- Profalactic use in AMI
- Wide Complex Ventricular escape beats with bradicardia
Lidocaine (Xylocaine) Adverse Reactions
- Slurred Speech
- Seizures with high doses
- Altered Mental Status
- Confusion
- Lightheadedness
- Blurred Vision
- Bradicardia
Lidocaine (Xylocaine) Drug interactions
- Apnea induced with succinylcholine may be prolonged with high doses of lidocaine. Cardiac Depression may occur in conjunction with IV Phenytoin (Dilatin)
- Procainamide may exaserbate central nervous system effects
- Metabolic clearance is decreased in patient's with liver disease or patient's taking beta blockers
Lidocaine (Xylocaine) How Supplied
- 100mg in 5mL prefilled syringes and ampules (20mg per mL)
- 1g and 2g additive syringes, 1 and 2 gram vials in 30mL of solution
Lidocaine (Xylocaine) Dosage and administration (adult)
- Cardiac Arrest (V-FIb/Pulseless V-Tac): Initial Dose: 1-1.5mg per kg IV/IO. Repeat dose .5-.75mg per kg, repeated in 5 to 10 minutes to maximum dose of 3mg per kg.
- Endotrachial Dose: 2-4mg per kg
- Stable V-Tac, Wide Complex Tachicardia of uncertain type, Signifigant ectopy: Doses ranging from .5-.75mg per kg and up to 1-1.5mg per kg may be used. Repeat .5 to .75mg per kg every 5 to 10 minutes. Max total dose is 3mg per kg
- Maintainence infusion: 1 to 4mg per minute (30 to 50 drops per kg per minute); can dilute in D5W or Normal Saline
Lidocaine (Xylocaine) Dosage and administration (pediatric)
- IV/IO Dose: 1mg per kg rapid IV/IO Push. Max Dose 100mg. Continuous IV/IO infusion: 20to50 drops per kg per minute. Administer bolus dose (1mg per kg) when infusion is initiated if bolus has not been given within previous 15 minutes.
- Endotrachial dose: 2-3mg per kg
Lidocaine (Xylocaine) Duration of Action
- Onset: 1-3 minutes
- Peak Effect: 5 to 10 minutes
- Duration: Variable (15 minutes to 2 hours)
Lidocaine (Xylocaine) Special Considerations
- Pregnancy Safety Category B
- Reduce Maintanence infusions by 50% if patient is over 70 years of age, has liver or renal disease, or is in CHF or shock.
- A 75 to 100mg bolus maintains blood levels for only 20 minutes if not in shock.
- Exceedingly high doses of lidocaine can result in coma or death.
- Avoid lidocaine for reprofusion arrhythmias after fibrinolytic therepy.
- Cross / Reactivity with other forms of local anethesics.
Magnesium Sulfate Class
Magnesium Sulfate Mechanism of Action
Reduces striated muscle contractions and blocks peripheral nuero muscular transmission by reducing Acetylcholine release at the myonueral junction, manages seizures in toxemia of pregnancy, induces uterine relaxation, cause bronchodilations after betagnists and anticolonerigcs have been used.
Magnesium Sulfate Indications
- Seizures of ecclampsia (toxemia of pregnancy)
- Torsade de Pointes
- Hypomagnesia
- Class 2A agent for V-Fib/pulseless V-Tac that is refractory to lidocaine
Magnesium Sulfate Contraindications
Heart blocks and myocardial damage
Magnesium Sulfate Adverse Reactions
- CNS Depression
- Facial Flushing
- Diaphoresis
- Depressed reflexes
- Circulatory Collapse
- Hypotension
Magnesium Sulfate Drug interactions
- May enhance effects of other CNS depressants
- serious changes in overall cardiac function may occur with cardiac glycosides
Magnesium Sulfate How supplied
10%, 12.5%, 50% solution in 40, 80, 100, 250mg per mL
Magnesium Sulfate Dosage and Administration (adult)
- Seizure activity associated with pregnancy: 1 to 4g IV/IO over 3 minutes; maximum dose of 30 to 40 grams per day
- Cardiac Arrest due to hypomagnesemia or Torsade de Pointes: 1 to 2 grams (2 to 4mL of a 50% solution) diluted in 10mL of D5W IV/IO over 15 to 20 minutes
- Torsade de Pointes with a pulse or acute myocardial infarction with hypomagnesemia: Loading dose of 1 to 2 grams mixed in 50 to 100mL D5W over 5 to 6 minutes IV. Follow with .5 to 1g per hour IV (titrate to control Torsade de pointes)
Magnesium Sulfate Dosage and Administration (pediatric)
- IV/IO infusion 25 to 50mg per kg (maximum dose 2g) over 10 to 20 minutes; faster for Torsade de Pointes
- For asthma: 25 to 50mg per kg (maximum dose 2g) over 10 to 20 minutes
Magnesium Sulfate Duration of action
- Onset: IV/IO: Immediate
- IM: 3 to 4 hours
- Duration: IV/IO: 30 minutes
- IM: 3 to 4 hours
Magnesium Sulfate Special Considerations
- Pregnancy Safety Category B
- Recommended that the drug not be given in the 2 hours before delivery if possible
- IV calcium chloride or calcium gluconate should be available as a magnesium antagonist if needed.
- Use with caution in patient's with renal failure
Norepinephrine (Levophed / Levarterenol) class
Norepinephrine (Levophed / Levarterenol) Mechanism of Action
- Potenent alpha agonist resulting in intense vaso contriction
- Positive chronotropic and increased inotropic effects (from 10% beta effects) with increased cardiac output
Norepinephrine (Levophed / Levarterenol) Indications
Cardiogenic Shock and Significant hypotensive states (less than 70mmHg)
Norepinephrine (Levophed / Levarterenol) Contraindications
- Hypotensive patient's with hypovolemia
- Pregnancy (which is a relative contraindication)
Norepinephrine (Levophed / Levarterenol) Adverse Reactions
- Headache
- Arrythmias
- Tachicardia
- Reflex Bradicardia
- Angina Pectoris
- Hypertension
- Decreased blood flow to gastro intestinal tract, kidneys, skeletal muscles, skin
Norepinephrine (Levophed / Levarterenol) Drug interactions
- Can be deactivated by alkaline solutions, sympathomimetics, and phosphodiesterase inhibitors may exaserbate arrhythmias
- Bretylium may potensiate the effects catachomines
Norepinephrine (Levophed / Levarterenol) How Supplied
1mg per mL, 4mL ampules
Norepinephrine (Levophed / Levarterenol) Dosage and Administration for Adult
- Dilute 8mg in 500mL of D5W or 4mg in 250mL of d5W (16mg per mL)
- Infuse by IV piggyback at .5 to 1 drips per minute titrated to improved blood pressure (up to 30 drips per minute
Norepinephrine (Levophed / Levarterenol) Dosage and Administration (Pediatric)
.1 to 1 drop per minute IV infusion, titrated to patient response.
Norepinephrine (Levophed / Levarterenol) Duration of Action
- Onset: 1 to 3 minutes
- Peak Effect: Variable
- Duration: 1 to 10 minutes (lasts only 1 minute after infusion is discontinued)
Norepinephrine (Levophed / Levarterenol) Special Considerations
- Pregnancy Class: Not established
- May cause fetal anoxia when used in pregnancy. Must be infused through a large stable vein to avoid tissue necrosis (antidote: local phentolamine injection)
- Often used with low dose dopamine to spare renal and mesenteric blood flow
Vasopressin (Pitressin synthetic) Class
Antidiuretic hormone
Vasopressin (Pitressin synthetic) Mechanism of Action
- Stimulation of the V1 smooth muscle receptors.
- Potent vasocontrictor when given in high doses
Vasopressin (Pitressin synthetic) Indications
Alternate vasopressor to the first or second dose of epinephrine in cardiac arrest, may be useful in cases of vasodialatory shock (example: septic shock)
Vasopressin (Pitressin synthetic) Contraindications
Responsive patient's with coronary artery disease
Vasopressin (Pitressin synthetic) Adverse REactions
Bronchoconstriction, Ischemic Chest Pain, Nausea/vomitting, abdominal pain
Vasopressin (Pitressin synthetic) Drug interactions
Vasopressin (Pitressin synthetic) How supplied
1mL vials containing 20 units (20 u per mL)
Vasopressin (Pitressin synthetic) Dosage and Administration
- Adult: 40 unit 1 time dose IV/IO to replace the first or second dose of epinephrine in cardiac arrest
- Pedi: Not recommended
Vasopressin (Pitressin synthetic) Duration of Action
- Onset: Immediate
- Duration: Variable
Vasopressin (Pitressin synthetic) Special considerations
- Pregnancy Safety: Category C
- May increase peripheral vascular resistance and provoke cardiac ischemia and angina
5% Dextrose in Water (D5W) Class
Hypotonic dextrose-containing solution
5% Dextrose in Water (D5W) Mechanism of Action
D5W provides nutrients in the form of dextrose as well as free water
5% Dextrose in Water (D5W) Indications
IV Access for emergency drugs; for dilution of concentrated drugs for intravenous infusion
5% Dextrose in Water (D5W) Contraindications
D5W should not be used as a fluid replacement for hypovolemic state
5% Dextrose in Water (D5W) Adverse Reactions
Rare in therapeutic doses
5% Dextrose in Water (D5W) Drug interactions
D5W should not be used with phenytoin (dilantin) or ammrinon (Incor)
5% Dextrose in Water (D5W) How supplied
D5W is supplied in bags of 50, 100, 150, 250, 500, 1000mL
5% Dextrose in Water (D5W) Dosage and Administration
D5W is usually administered through a mini drip (60 drops per mL) at a rate of TKO (To keep vein open)
5% Dextrose in Water (D5W) Duration of Action
Short term therapy
5% Dextrose in Water (D5W) Special Considerations
Lactated Ringers (Hartman's Solution) Class
Isotonic Crystaloid Solution
Lactated Ringers (Hartman's Solution) Mechanism of Action
Lactated Ringers replaces water and electrolytes
Lactated Ringers (Hartman's Solution) Indications
Hypovolemic Shock and TKO IV
Lactated Ringers (Hartman's Solution) Contraindications
CHF or Renal Failure Patient's
Lactated Ringers (Hartman's Solution) Adverse Reactions
Rare in therapeutic Doses
Lactated Ringers (Hartman's Solution) Drug interactions
Few in the emergency setting
Lactated Ringers (Hartman's Solution) How Supplied
LR is supplied in 250, 500, 100mL bags for IV infusion
Lactated Ringers (Hartman's Solution) Dosage and Administration
For hypovolemic shock: titrated according to patient's physiological response
Lactated Ringers (Hartman's Solution) Duration of Action
Short Term Therapy
Lactated Ringers (Hartman's Solution) Special Considerations
Normal Saline (NS, .9% Sodium Chloride) Class
Isotonic Crystaloid Solution
Normal Saline (NS, .9% Sodium Chloride) Mechanism of Action
Normal saline replaces water and electolytes
Normal Saline (NS, .9% Sodium Chloride) Indications
- Heat related problems (heat exhaustion, head stroke)
- Fresh Water drowning
- Hypovolemia
- Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Normal Saline (NS, .9% Sodium Chloride) Contraindications
Use of NS should not be considered in patient's with CHF as circulatory overload can be easily induced.
Normal Saline (NS, .9% Sodium Chloride) Adverse Reactions
Rare in therapeutic doses
Normal Saline (NS, .9% Sodium Chloride) Drug interactions
Few in Emergency setting
Normal Saline (NS, .9% Sodium Chloride) How Supplied
- NS is supplieed in 250, 500, 1000mL bags.
- Sterile normal saline for irrigation should not be confused with that designed for IV administration
Normal Saline (NS, .9% Sodium Chloride) Dosage and Administration
- The specific situation being treated will dictate the rate in which NS will be administered.
- In severe heat stroke, diabetic ketoacidosis, and fresh water drowning it is likely that you will be called on to administer the fluid quite rapidly. In other cases it is advisable to administer the fluid at a moderate rate (for example 100mL per hour)
Normal Saline (NS, .9% Sodium Chloride) Duration of Action
Short term therapy
Normal Saline (NS, .9% Sodium Chloride) Special Considerations
Calcium Chloride Class
Calcium Chloride Mechanism of Action
Increases cardiac contractile state (positive inotropic effect). May enhance ventricular automaticity
Calcium Chloride Indications
Hypocalcemia, Hypercalemia, Magnesium Sulfate Overdose, Calcium Channel Blocker Overdose, Adjunctive therapy of insects bits and stings
Calcium Chloride Contraindications
Hypercalcemia, V Fib, digitalis toxicity
Calcium Chloride Adverse Reactions
Bradicardia, Asystole, Hypotension, peripheral vasodilation, metallic taste, local necrosis, choronary and cerbral artery spasm, nausea, vomitting
Calcium Chloride Drug interactions
- May worsen arrythmias secondary to digitalis toxicity.
- May antagonize the effects of verapamil
- Do not mix or infuse immediately before or after sodium bicarbonate without intervening flush
Calcium Chloride How supplied
Prefilled syringes containing a 10% solution in 10mL (100mg per mL)
Calcium Chloride Dosage and Administration (Adult)
500mg to 1000mg (5 to 10mL of a 10% solution) IV/IO Push for hyperkalemia and calcium channel blocker overdose. May be repeated as needed
Calcium Chloride Dosage and Administration (pediatric)
20mg per kg (.2mL per kg) slow IV/IO push. Maximum 1g dose. May repeat in 10 minutes
Calcium Chloride Duration of Action
- Onset: 5 to 15 minutes
- Peak Effect: 3 to 5 minutes
- Duration : 15 to 30 minutes but may persist to 4 hours (dose dependant)
Calcium Chloride Special Considerations
- Pregnancy Safety Category C
- Do not use routinely in cardiac arrest
Dextrose (D50) Class
Carbohydrate, hypertonic solution
Dextrose (D50) Mechanism of Action
Rapidly increases serum glucose levels. Short term osmotic diuresis.
Dextrose (D50) Indications
Hypoglycemia, Altered levels of consciousness, Coma of unknown etiology, Seizure of unknown etiology. Staus epilepticus.
Dextrose (D50) Contraindications
Intracranial hemmorhage
Dextrose (D50) Adverse Reactions
- Extravasation leads to tissue necrosis
- Warmth
- Pain
- Burning
- thrombophlebitis
- Rhabdomyolysis
- Hyperglycemia
Dextrose (D50) Drug interactions
- Sodium Bicarbonate
- Coumadin
Dextrose (D50) How Supplied
25g per 50mL prefilled syringes (500mg per mL)
Dextrose (D50) Dosage and Administration (Adult)
- 12.5 to 25 grams slow IV .
- May be repeated as nessicary
Dextrose (D50) Dosage and Administration (Pediatric)
.5 to 1g per kg per dose slow IV. May be repeated as nessicary
Dextrose (D50) Duration of Action
- Onset: Less than 1 minute
- Peak Effect: Variable
- Duration: variable
Dextrose (D50) Special Considerations
- Administer thiamine prior to D50 in known alcoholic patient's.
- Draw blood to determine glucose level before administering
- Do not administer to patient's with known CVA unless hypoglycemia documented.
Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) Class
Antihistamine, Anticholinergic
Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) Mechanism of Action
Blocks cellular histamine receptors. Decreases vasodialation. Decreases motion sickness, and reverses extrapyramidal reactions.
Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) Indications
Symptomatic Relief of allergies, allergic reactions, anaphalaxis, Acute distonic reactions (phenothiazines), Blood administration reactions; used for motion sickness, hay fever
Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) Contraindications
Asthma, Glaucoma, Pregnancy, Hypertension, Narrow angle glaucoma, infants, patient's taking MAOI's
Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) Adverse Reactions
Sedation, hypotension, Seizures, Visual disturbances, vomitting, urinary retention, palpitations, arrhythmias, dry mouth and throat, paradoxial CNS excitation in children
Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) Drug Interactions
Potentiates effects of alcohol and other anticholonergics, May inhibit corticosteroid activity; MAOI prolong anticholonergic effect of diphenhydramine
Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) How supplied
- tablets; 25 and 50mg
- capsules: 25 and 50mg
- Prefilled syringes: 50 or 100mg
- Vials: IV or IM; elixir: 12.5mg per 5mL
Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) Dosage and Administration (Adult and Pediatric)
- Adult: 25 to 50 mg IM/IV/PO
- Pediatric: 1 to 2mg per kg IV/IO(slowly)/ IM
- If given PO 5mg per kg for 24 hours
Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) Duration of Action
- Onset: 15 to 30 minutes
- Peak Effect: 1 hour
- Duration: 3 to 12 hours
Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) Special Considerations
- Not used in infants or pregnancy (Category B)
- If used in anaphylasis will be in conjunct with epinephrine, coritcosteroids
Furosemide (Lasix) Class
Loop Diruetic
Furosemide (Lasix) Mechanism of Action
Inhibits electrolyte reabsorbtion and promotes excretion of sodium, potasium, and chloride
Furosemide (Lasix) Indications
CHF, Pulmonary Edema, Hypertensive Crisis,
Furosemide (Lasix) Contraindications
- Hypovolemia
- Anuria
- Hypotension (relative contraindication)
- Hypersensitivity
- Hepatic Coma
Furosemide (Lasix) Adverse Reactions
- Exacerbate hypovolemia
- hypokalemia
- ecg changes
- dry mouth
- hypochloremia
- hyponatremia
- hyperglycemia (due to hemoconcentration)
Furosemide (Lasix) Drug interactions
- Lithium toxicity may be potentiated by sodium depletion
- Digitalis toxicity may be potentiated by potassium depletion
Furosemide (Lasix) How supplied
100mg per 5mL, 20mg per 2mL, 40mg per 4mL vials
Furosemide (Lasix) Dosage and Administration (adult and pediatric)
Adult: .5 to 1mg per kg injected IV over 1 to 2 minutes. If no response double the dose to 2mg per kg over 1 to 2 minutes.
Pediatrics: 1mg per kg per dose IV/IO
Furosemide (Lasix) Duration of Action
- Onset: 5 minutes
- Peak Effects: 20 to 60 minutes
- Duration: 4 to 6 hours
Furosemide (Lasix) Special Considerations
- Pregnancy Safety: Category C
- Ototoxicity and deafness can occur with rapid administration. Should be protected from light.
Glucagon Class
- Hyperglycemic Agent
- Pancreatic Hormone
- Insulin antagonist
Glucagon Mechanism of Action
Increases blood glucose level by stimulating glycogenolysis. Unknown mechanism of stabilizing cardiac rhythm in beta blocker overdose. Minimal positive inotropic and chronotropic response. Decreases gastrointestinal motility and secretion
Glucagon Indications
- Alerted levels of consciousness when hypoglycemia is suspected
- May be used as a inotropic agent in beta blocker overdose.
Glucagon Contraindications
- Hyperglycemia
- Hypersensitivity
Glucagon Adverse Reactions
Nausea, vomitting, tachycardia, hypertension
Glucagon Drug interactions
- Incompatible in solution with most other substances.
- No signifigant drug interactions with other emergency medications
Glucagon How supplied
1mg ampules (requires reconstitution with diluent provided)
Glucagon Dosage and Administration (Adult)
- Hypoglycemia: .5 to 1mg IM: may repeat in 7 to 10 minutes
- Calcium Channel Blocker / Beta Blocker Overdose: 3mg initially followed by infusion at 3mg per hour as nessicary
Glucagon Dosage and Administration (Pediatric)
- For Hypoglycemia: .5 to 1mg IM for children less than 20kg.
- Calcium Channel Blocker / Beta Blocker Overdose: Not recommended
Glucagon Duration of Action
- Onset: 1 Minute
- Peak Effect: 30 minutes
- Duration: Variable (generally 9 to 17 minutes)
Glucagon Special Considerations
- Pregnancy Category C
- Ineffective if glycogen stores is depleted
- Should always be used in conjunction with 50% dextrose whenever possible
- If patient does not respond to second dose of Glucagon, 50% dextrose must be administered
Naloxone (Narcan) Class
Narcotic Antagonist
Naloxone (Narcan) Mechanism of Action
Competive inhibition at narcotic receptor sites. Reverse respiratory depression secondary to opiate drugs. Completely inhibits the effects of morphine
Naloxone (Narcan) Indications
- Opiate Overdose, Coma
- Complete or partial reversal of CNS or respiratory depression induced by opioids
- decreased level of consciousness
- coma of unknown origin
- Narcotic Agonist for the following: Morphine, Heroin, Hydomorphone (Dilaudid), Methodone, Meperidine (Demerol), Paregoric, Fentanyl (sublimase), oxycodone (percodan), Codeine, Propoxyphene (Darvon),
- Narcotic Agonist and Antagonist for the following: Butorphanol (stadol), Pentazocine (talowin), Nalbuphine (nubain).
Naloxone (Narcan) Contraindications
Use caution with narcotic dependent patient's. Use with caution with neonates with narcotic addicted mothers
Naloxone (Narcan) Adverse Reactions
- Withdrawl symptoms in the addicted patient
- hypertension
- tachycardia
- arrhythmias
- nausea
- vomitting
- diaphoresis
Naloxone (Narcan) Drug Interactions
Incompatible with bisulfite and alkaline solutions
Naloxone (Narcan) How supplied
- .2mg per mL (neonate) ampules
- .4mg per mL ampules
- 1mg per mL ampules
- 2mg per 5mL ampules
- 2mg per 5mL prefilled syringe
Naloxone (Narcan) Dosage and Administration (adult)
- .4 to 2mg IV/IM/SC/ET (diluated)
- Minimum recommended dose 2mg
- repeat at 5 minute intervals to a maximum dose of 10mg
- Medical control may request higher amounts,.
- Infusion: 2mg in 500mL of D5W at (4 drips per mL)
- Infuse at .4mg per house (100mL per hour)
Naloxone (Narcan) Dosage and Administration (Pediatric)
- .1mg per kg per dose IV/IM/SC/ET (diluted for ET)
- Maximum dose of .8mg if no response in 10 minutes administer an additional .1mg per kg per dose.
Naloxone (Narcan) Duration of Action
- Onset: within 2 minutes
- Peak Effect: Variable
- Duration: 30 to 60 minutes
Naloxone (Narcan) Special Considerations
- Pregnancy Safety: B
- Seizures without casual relationship have been reported
- May not reverse Hypotension
- Use caution when administering to narcotic addicts (potential violent behavior)
Vecuronium (Norcuron) Class
Paralytic Agent
Vecuronium (Norcuron) Mechanism of Action
Nondepolarizing nueromuscular blocking agent.
Vecuronium (Norcuron) Indication
- To facilitate intubation,
- to terminate laryngospasm
- To promote muscle relaxation
- To facilitate electroconvulsive shock therepy
Vecuronium (Norcuron) Contraindications
- Acute Narrow angle glaucoma
- Penetrating eye injuries
- Inability to ventilate or support airway with oxygen and positive pressure
- Newborns: Myasthenia gravis, hepatic or renal failure
Vecuronium (Norcuron) Adverse Reactions
- Apnea
- Weakness
- Salivation
- Premature ventricular contractions
- tachycardia
- Increased blood pressure
Vecuronium (Norcuron) Drug interactions
Use of inhalation anestetics will enhance nueromuscular blockade
Vecuronium (Norcuron) How supplied
- 10mg per 10mL vercuronium bromide vials with diluent.
- 20mL vials (20mg vercuronium) without diluent
Vecuronium (Norcuron) Dosage and Administration (Adult)
- .1mg per kg IV push
- Maintainence Dose within 25 to 40 minutes: .01-.05mg per kg IV push
Vecuronium (Norcuron) Dosage and Administration (Pediatric)
.1mg per kg IV/IO; maintainence dose with in 20-35 minutes (.01 to .05mg per kg IV push)
Vecuronium (Norcuron) Duration of Action
- Onset: 30 seconds
- Peak Effects: 2.5 to 3 minutes
- Duration: 25 to 30 minutes
Vecuronium (Norcuron) Special Considerations
- Pregnancy Safety Category C
- If patient is conscious explain the effect of the medication before administering.
- Always sedate the patient before using this medication
- Intubation: Involuntary support must be readily available.
- Vecuronium has no effect on consciousness or pain.
- Will not stop nueral seizure acitivity.
- Pulse rate / cardiac output are increased
- Decreased doses with patient's with renal disease.
Methylprednisolone (Solu-Medrol) Class
Anti-inflammatory glucocorticoid
Methylprednisolone (Solu-Medrol) Mechanism of Action
- Synthetic corticosteriod that suppresses acute and chronic inflammation.
- Potentiates vasular smooth muscle relaxation by beta adrenergic agonists
Methylprednisolone (Solu-Medrol) Indications
- Acute Spinal Cord trauma
- Anaphalaxis
- Broncho-dialator for unresponsive asthma
Methylprednisolone (Solu-Medrol) Contraindications
- Premature infants
- systemic fungal infections
- use with caution in patient's with gastro intestinal bleeding
Methylprednisolone (Solu-Medrol) Adverse Reactions
- Heachache
- Hypertension
- Sodium and Water Retention
- Hypokalemia
- alkolosis
- peptic ulcer disease
- nausea
- vomitting
Methylprednisolone (Solu-Medrol) Drug interactions
- Hypoglycemic reponses to insulin and hypoglycemic agents may be blunted
- Potassium depleting agents may exasserbate hypokalemic effects
Methylprednisolone (Solu-Medrol) How supplied
40, 125, 500, 1000mg vials
Methylprednisolone (Solu-Medrol) Dosage and Administration (Adult)
- Acute spinal cord injury: 30mg per kg IV over 30 minutes followed by infusion: 5.4mg per kg per hour.
- Asthma/COPD: 1-2mg per kg IV
Methylprednisolone (Solu-Medrol) Dosage and Administration (Pediatrics)
- Acute Spinal Cord Trauma: 30mg per kg IV over 30 minutes (infusion 5.4mg per kg per hour)
- Asthma: 1 to 2mg per hour per dose IV
Methylprednisolone (Solu-Medrol) Duration of Action
- Onset of Action: 1 to 2 hours
- Peak Effect: Variable
- Duration of Action: 8-24 hours
Methylprednisolone (Solu-Medrol) Special Considerations
- Pregnancy Safety Not established
- Not effective with spinal cord injuries over 8 hours
- Crosses the placenta and may cause fetal harm
Thiamine Class
Vitamin B-1
Thiamine Mechanism of Action
Combines with ATP to form thiamine protophosphate coenzyme, a nessecary component for carbohydrate metabolism. The brain is extremely sensitive to thiamine deficieincy
Thiamine Indications
- Coma of unknown origen
- Delirium Tremens
- Beriberi
- Wernicke's Encephalopathy
Thiamine Contraindications
Thiamine Adverse Reactions
- Hypotension from too rapid of an injection or too high of a dose
- Anxiety
- Diaphoresis
- Nausea
- Vomitting
- Allergy (rare)
Thiamine Drug interactions
Give thiamine before glucose under all circumstances
Thiamine how supplied
1000mg in 10mL vial (100mg per mL)
Thiamine Dosage and Administration (adult and child)
- Adult: 100mg slow IV/IM
- Pediatric: 10-25 slow IV/IM
Thiamine Duration of Action
- Onset: Rapid
- Peak Effects: Variable
- Duration: Dependent upon the degreee of deficiency
Thiamine Special Considerations
- Pregnancy Safety Category A
- Large IV doses may cause respiratory difficulties and anaphalaxis reactions reported
Diazepam (Valium) Class
Benzodiazepine / Sedative-hypnotic / anti-convulsant
Diazepam (Valium) Mechanism of Action
- Potentiates effects of inhibitory nuerotransmitters
- Raises seizure threshold
- Induces amnesia and sedation
Diazepam (Valium) Indications
- Acute anxiety states
- Acute alcohol withdrawl (delerium tremens)
- Muscle Relaxant
- Seizure Activity
- Agitation
- Analgesia
- For medical procedures (fracture reduction / cardioversion)
Diazepam (Valium) Contraindications
- Hypersensitivity
- Glaucoma
- Coma
- Shock
- Substance Abuse
- Head injury
Diazepam (Valium) Adverse Reactions
- Respiratory Depression
- Hypotension
- Drowziness
- Ataxia
- Reflex tachycardia
- nausea
- confusion
- thrombosis
- phlebitis
Diazepam (Valium) Drug interactions
Incompatible with most drugs, fluids
Diazepam (Valium) how supplied
10mg per 5mL prefilled syringes, ampules, vials, Tubex
Diazepam (Valium) Dosage and Administration (adult and pediatric)
- Adult: Seizure Activity: 5-10mg IV q 10-15minutes PRN (5mg over 5 minutes)(Max dose 30mg)
- Pediatric Seizure Activity: .2-.5mg slowly q 2-5 minutes up to 5mg (max dose 10mg per kg)
Rectal diazepam: .5mg per kg via 2" rectal cathether and flush with 2-3mL air after administration
Sedation for cardioversion: 5-15mg IV over 5 to 10 minutes prior to cardioversion
Diazepam (Valium) Duration of Action
- Onset: 1-5 minutes
- Peak Effect: Minutes
- Duration: 20-50 minutes
Diazepam (Valium) Special Considerations
- Pregnancy Safety: Category D
- Short duration of anticonvulsant effect. Reduce dose by 50% in elderly patient
Midazolam (Versed) Class
Short Acting Benzodiazepine / CNS depressant
Midazolam (Versed) Mechanism of Action
Anxiolytic and sedative properties similar to other benzodiazepines, memory impairment
Midazolam (Versed) Indications
- Sedation
- Anxiolytic Prior to endotrachial or nasotracheal intubation; Administer for conscious sedation
Midazolam (Versed) Contraindications
- Glaucoma
- Shock
- Coma
- Alcohol intoxication
- Overdose
- Depressed Vital Signs
- Concomitant use with other CNS depressants
- Barbituates
- Alcohol
- Narcotics
Midazolam (Versed) Adverse Reactions
Hiccough, cough, oversedation, nausea, vomitting, injection site pain, headache, blurred vision, hypotension, respiratory depression, arrest
Midazolam (Versed) Drug interactions
Should not be used in patient's who have taken a CNS depressant
Midazolam (Versed) How Supplied
2, 5, 10mL vials (1mg per mL) and 1, 2, 5, 10mL vials (5mg per mL)
Midazolam (Versed) Dosage and Administration (Adult and Pediatric)
Adult: 2-2.5mg slow IV over 2-3 minutes; may be repeated to a total maximum of .1mg per kg
Pediatric: Not recommended
Midazolam (Versed) Duration of Action
- Onset: 1-3 minutes IV and dose dependent
- Peak Effect: Variable
- Duration: 2-6 hours, dose dependent
Midazolam (Versed) Special Considerations
- Pregnancy Safety Category D
- Administer immediately after intubation procedure
- Requires continuous monitoring of respiratory and cardiac function
- Never administer as IV bolus
Morphine SulfateAstamorph / PF/ Others) Class
Opioid / analgesic (schedule II narcotic)
Morphine SulfateAstamorph / PF/ Others) Mechanism of Action
- Alleviates pain through CNS action
- Suppresses fear and anxiety centers in brain
- Depresses brain stem respiratory centers
- Increases periperal venous capacitanec and decreases venous return
- Decreases preload and afterload which decreases myocardial oxygen demand
Morphine SulfateAstamorph / PF/ Others) Indications
- Severe CHF
- Pulmonary edema
- Chest Pain associated with acute MI
- Analgesia for moderate to severe acute and chronic pain (use with caution)
Morphine SulfateAstamorph / PF/ Others) Contraindications
- Head injury
- Exaserbated COPD
- Depressed respiratory drive
- hypotension
- undiagnosed abdominal pain
- decreased level of consciusness
- suspected hypovolemia
- patients who have taken MAOI's in the past 14 days
Morphine SulfateAstamorph / PF/ Others) Adverse Reactions
- Respiratory Depression
- Hypotension
- Decreased level of consciousness
- Nausea
- Vomitting
- Bradicardia
- Tachycardia
- Syncope
- Facial Flushing
- Euphoria
- Bronchospasm
- Dry Mouth
Morphine SulfateAstamorph / PF/ Others) Drug interactions
- Potentiates sedative effects of phenothiazines
- CNS depressant
- may potentiate effects of morphine
- MAOI's may cause paradoxical excitation
Morphine SulfateAstamorph / PF/ Others) How supplied
10mg in 1mL of solution, ampules, and Tubex syringes
Morphine SulfateAstamorph / PF/ Others) Dosage and Administration (Adult)
INitial Dose: 2-4mg IV over 1 to 5 minutes every 5 to 30 minutes. Repeat dose 2-8mg at 5 to 10 minute intervals
Morphine SulfateAstamorph / PF/ Others) Dosage and Administration (pediatric)
- .1 to .2mg per kg per dose via IV/IO/IM/SC
- Max dose of 5mg
Morphine SulfateAstamorph / PF/ Others) Duration of Action
- Onset: Immediate
- Peak Effect: 20 minutes
- Duration: 2-7 hours
Morphine SulfateAstamorph / PF/ Others) Special Considerations
- Prenancy Safety: Category C
- Morphine rapidly crosses the placenta
- Safety in neonate not established
- Use with caution in geriatric population and those with COPD, Asthma,
- vagotonic effect in patient wtih acute inferior MI (bradycardia, heart block)
- Naloxone should be readily available as an antidote
Succinylcholine (Anectine) Class
Depolarizing nueromuscular blocker, paralyzing agent
Succinylcholine (Anectine) Mechanism of Action
Bind to the receptors for Acetylcholine
Succinylcholine (Anectine) indications
- To faciliate intubation, to terminate laryngospasm
- To promote muscle relaxation
- To faciliate convulsive shock therapy
Succinylcholine (Anectine) Contraindications
- Acute narrow angle glaucoma
- Penetrating eye injuries
- Inability to control airway or support ventilations with oxygen and positive pressure
Succinylcholine (Anectine) Adverse Reactions
- Apnea
- Malignant Hyperthermia
- Arrhythmias
- Bradycardia
- Hypertension
- Hypotension
- Cardiac Arrest
- Hyperkalemia
- Increased intraoccular pressure
- Fasciculations
- Exacerbation of Hyperkalemia in trauma patient's
Succinylcholine (Anectine) Drug interactions
- Effects potentiated by oxytosin, beta blockers, and organophosphates.
- Diazepam may reduce duration of action
Succinylcholine (Anectine) How supplied
- 40mg in 2mL ampules (20mg per mL)
- 100mg in 5mL ampules (20mg per mL)
- Multidose vial
Succinylcholine (Anectine) Dosage and Administration (Adult and Pediatric)
Adult: 1-2mg per kg rapid IV, repeat once if needed
Pediatric: 1-1.5mg per kg dose rapid IV/IO; repeat once if neede
Succinylcholine (Anectine) Duration of Action
- Onset: 1 minute
- Peak Effect: 1 to 3 minutes
- Duration: 5 minutes
Succinylcholine (Anectine) Special Considerations
- Pregnancy Safety Category C
- EMS use primarily to facilitate endocrachial intubation
- If the patient is conscious explain the effects of the drug prior to administration
- Consider premedication with atropine especially with pediatric age group
- Premedication with lidocaine may blunt any increase in intracranial pressure during intubation
- Diazepam or midazolam should be used in any conscious patient undergoing nuero muscular blockade.
Etomidate Mechanism of Action
Etomidate Contraindications
Etomidate Adverse Reactions
Etomidate Drug interactions
Etomidate Dosage and Administration
Etomidate Duration of Action
Etomidate Special Considerations