BF capn-
carbon dioxide, smoke
BF: ox(y)-, ox(i)-
oxygen, acid
BF: corn(i)-, Corn(u)-
horn, horn like
BF: kerat-
horn, horn-like
BF: lith-
ex. monoLITH
stone, calculus
BF: vitr(i)-
glass, glassy
BF: adip-
- fat
- ex. ADIPose cells (fat cells)
BF: Muc-, Muc(i)-
mucus, mucuous membrane
BF: Acet-, acet(i)-
- acid, vinegar
- ex. ACETate, ACETIc acid
BF: pyr-, pyret-
fire, fever
BF verb: Crin-
- to secrete
- ex. endoCRINology - studying gland secretions
Suffix Noun: -agogue
agent inducing flow
Suffix Noun: -ase
- enzyme
- ex. AmylASE - enzyme in mouth
Suffix Adj: -ad
toward, in the direction of
Suffix Adj: -eal
relating to
Suffix Adj: -form
having the shape of
Suffix Adj:-ose
full of, pertaining to
Terminations Adj:
-ferous, -ferent (fer/ous, fer/ent)
bearing, carrying
Terminations Adj:
-genic, -genous (gen/ic, gen/ous)
causing, caused by
Terminations Adj:
-omatous (o/mat/ous)
pertaining to tumors
Terminations Noun:
-oma (o/ma)
Terminations Noun:
-omatosis (o/mat/o/sis)
tumorous condition
Terminations Noun:
-poeisis (poei/sis)
Terminations Noun:
-rrhea (rrhe/a)
- flow
- ex. diaRRHEA - shit FLOWS
Terminations Noun:
-therapy (therap/y)