Frontal Belly
- Location: Frontal Bone
- Action: Raises skin on forehead; raises eyebrows
Occipital Belly
- Location: Occipital Bone
- Action: Draws Scalp Back
Obicularis oris
- Location: Circles mouth; lips
- Action: Closes and shapes lips
Orbicularis oculi
- Location: Around Eye
- Funcion: Closes eye, produces blinking
- Location: Cheek muscle
- Action: Elevates and protracts mandible, prime mover of lower jaw.
- Location: Over Temple
- Action: elevates and retracts mandible
- Location: Behind ear to sternum and clavicle
- Action: unilateral action, lateral flexion, rotation of head to opposite side.
Rectus Abdominis
- Location: Up and down center of abdomen, xyphoid process to pubic bone.
- Action: Flexes vertebral column, compresses abdominal wall
External Oblique
- Location: Ribs to Linea Alba
- Action: Lateral flexion of vertebral column to opposite side, flexes vertebral column.
Internal Oblique
- Location: Top of hip to Linea Alba
- Action: Lateral flexion of vertebral column
Transversus Abdominis
- Location: Crosswise around belly and back
- Action: Lateral flexion of vertebrae, flexes vertebral column, compresses abdominal wall.
- Location: lines bottom of thoracic cavity
- Action: Contraction lowers diaphragm and increases size of thoracic cavity.
External Intercostals
- Location: Between ribs � toward outside
- Action: Elevates ribs during inhalation
Internal Intercostals
- Location: Between Ribs � toward inside
- Action: Depresses ribs during forced exhalation
- Location: Cervicle Vertebrae to 1st rib
- Action: Flex neck, elevate 1st and 2nd ribs during forced inhalation.
Erector spinae (sacrospinalis)
- Location: 3 subgroups, total of �9� separate muscles. They are located on the back, on the dorsal surface of the ribs and vertebral column
- Action: Extend the head and vertebral column.
Scalene complex
- Location: There are �3� of these muscles. They are located on the front of the vertebral column and ribs
- Action: flex and rotate the head and to assist in inspiration.
Pectoralis Minor
- Location: scapula to ribs
- Action: protracts and depresses scapula
Serratus anterior
- Location: ribs to medial border of scapula
- Action: Prime mover in scapula protraction
- Location: Occipiatl bone to clavical
- Action: retract, elevate and depress scapula
Levator scapulae
- Location: Cervical vertebrae to scapula
- Action: elevates and rotates scapula
Rhomboids (major and minor)
- Location: Scapula to spine (C2 � T5)
- Action: elevates and retracts scapula
Pectoralis Major
- Location: Clavicle to humerus
- Action: Prive mover of arm; flexion, adducts & rotates medially
Latissimus dorsi (swimmers muscle)
- Location: Spine to Humerus
- Action: prime mover of arm, extension, adducts and medially rotates arm
- Location: Scapula to Humerus
- Action: adducts and flexes arm
- Location: Clavicle to humerus
- Action: flex and medially rotate arm, abduction, extend and laterally rotate arm.
- Location: Scapula (suprascapular fossa) to humerus
- Action: abducts arm
- Location: bottom of scapula to humerus
- Action: adducst and laterally rotates arm
Teres Major
- Location: Scapula to humerus
- Action: extends adducts and medially rotates arm
Teres Minor
- Location: Scapula to Humerous
- Action: adduct and lateral rotate
Biceps Brachii
- Location: Scapula to radius
- Action: flex forearm, supinator
- Location: humerus to ulna
- Action: primary flexor of forearm
Triceps Brachii
- Location: Humerus to ulna
- Action: Primary extensor of forearm, extends and adducts
- Location: humerus to ulna
- Action: extends forearm
- Location: Humerus to radius
- Action: flexes forearm
- Location: Humerus/Ulna to radius
- Action: Supinates forearm
Pronator teres
- Location: Humerus/Ulna to Radius
- Action: pronates forearm
Flexor Carpi Radialis
- Location: Humerus to base of metacarpals
- Action: flexes wrist, adducts hand
Palmaris Longus
- Location: Humerus to hand
- Action: weak wrist flexor
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus
- Location: Humerus to base of metacarpals
- Action: extends wrist, abducts hand
Thenar eminence
- Location: Fleshy mass at base of thumb
- Action: flexes and abducts thumb
Intermediate (midpalmar) muscles
- Location: Palm of hand
- Action: flexes and abducts fingers 2 � 5
Hypothenar eminence
- Location: fleshy mass at base oflittle finger
- Action: flexes and abducts finger 5
Psoas Major
- Location: vertebrae to Femur
- Action: Flexes Thigh
- Location: Pelvic girdle (iliac fossa) to femur
- Action: flexes thigh
Gluteus Maximus
- Location: Ilium to Femur
- Action: Extends Thigh
Gluteus medius
- Location: Ilium to Femur
- Action: abducts thigh
Gluteus Minimus
- Location: Ilium - Femur
- Action: abducts thigh
Tensor fasciae latae
- Location: down side of thigh
- Action: abducts thigh
Adductor longus
- Location: pubic symphysis to femur
- Action: Adducts thigh
Adductor Brevis
- Location: Under Adductor Longus
- Action: Adducts Thigh
Adductor magnus
- Location: Medial thigh
- Action: adducts thigh
- Location: Sacram to femur
- Action: laterally rotates thigh
Obturator internus
- Location: Pelvic Area
- Action: Laterally rotates thigh
- Location: Pelvic Area
- Action: adducts thigh
Rectus Femoris
- Location: Center of thigh
- Action: extends leg, flexes thigh
Vastus lateralis
- Location: Lateral side of thigh
- Action: extends leg
Vastus Medialis
- Location: medial side of thigh
- Action: extends leg
Vastus intermedius
- Location: between lateralis and medialis under rectus femoris
- Action: extends leg
Biceps femoris (part of hamstrings)
- Location: back of thigh
- Action: rotates let laterally, extends thigh & flexes leg medially
Semimembranosus (part of hamstrings)
- Location: Back of thigh
- Action: rotates leg laterally, extends thigh and flexes leg. Rotates leg medially
Semitendinosus(part of hamstrings)(T = Top)
- Location: Back of thigh
- Action: rotates leg medially
- Location: longest muscle of the calf
- Action: flexes leg
- Location: back of calf under gastrocnemius
- Action: Flexes Foot
Fibularis (peroneus) longus
- Location: back of calf
- Action: everts foot
Tibialis anterior
- Location: along shin
- Action: inverts foot
Tibialis posterior
- Location: calf
- Action: inverts foot
The corrugator
Frowning or sorrow muscle (corner of eyebrows down)
The Orbicularis Oris
Kissing Muscle (around mouth)
The Buccinator
Trumpeter muscle (in cheeks)
The frontalis
- Surprise Muscle
- (eyebrows up)
The masseter
Chewing Muscle
The boxer�s muscle
Serratis amteropr
The Latissimus Dorsi
Widest or broadest muscle of the back
The Sartorius muscle
- Tailors muscle (longest muscle of the body)
- Outer portion of pelvic girdle, cuts across thigh
The major muscles on the back of the thigh: Biceps femoris, semimbranosus; semitendinosus
The gastrocnemius and soleus
Calf of the leg
The tendon of the gastrocnemius and soleus; attaches to the calcaneum (heel) bone
- Achilles tendon
- (calcaneal tendon)
4 deep muscles that surround, stabilize and move the shoulder joint:
Teres minor
Rotator (musculotendinous) cuff
Muscle Tissue Characteristics
- 1. Excitability: Notable response to stimuli
- 2. Contractility: Shortens
- 3. Extensibility: Can Stretch
- 4. Elasticity: Returns to original shape
Muscle Tissue Function
- 1. Body Movement: Muscles contract and pull to move bones
- 2. Maintenance of posture: Specific skeletal muscles stabilize joints
- 3. Temperature regulation: Energy required for muscle tissue contraction generates heat which maintains body temperature.
- 4. Support and movement of materials: Digestive system
- 5. Support: Protection of organs and support their weight within the abdominopelvic cavity
Around entire muscle organ
Fascicule (fascicles)
A group or bundle of muscle fibers
Surrounds or defines a fascicle
Around each muscle cell
Cell membrane of muscle cell
Muscle cell, muscle fiber, or myofiber
Surrounded by endomysium
Types of muscle tissue
- � Skeletal, striated, or voluntary
- � Cardiac or heart
- � Smooth, non-striated, visceral or involuntary
Skeletal Muscle Tissue
- Fascia: Flat or membranous sheet of connective tissue
- � Superficial fascia: Also called �hypodermis� or �subcutaneous� tissue
- � Deep Fascia: Is the type associated with muscles � it binds and separates muscles, strengthens them, and allows for movement. It gives rise to the epimysium, perimysium, endomysium, tendons, aponeuroses and tendon sheaths associated with skeletal muscles.
End of muscle to muscle
Broad flat tendon
Where muscle attaches to bone � doesn�t move
Attaches to the moving part
Main part of muscle
Blood and nerve supply to skeletal muscles
Typically one artery and one or two veins with a nerve; each muscle cell in close contact with one or more capillaries; each muscle fiber innervated by a nerve process
Muscle cell (fiber) or myofiber
- Single muscle cell
- Function: Metabolic activities; contraction
- Plasma membrane of a muscle fiber
- Function: Surrounds muscle fiber and regulates entry and exit of materials
- Cytoplasm of a muscle fiber
- Function: Site of metabolic processesfor normal muscle fiber activities
Sarcoplasmic reticulum
- Series of membrane enclosed channels; comparable to E.R.
- Function: stores calcium ions needed for muscle contraction
T-Tubule (transverse tubule)
At right angles to long axis of cell; opens to outside of sarcolemma � thus contains extracellular fluid
- Consists of T-Tubule and adjacent terminal cisternae
- (see sketch in workbook p109)
Consists of (3) types of myofilaments
Thin Myofilamints
- Play a large part in contraction
- Can change shape
Actin (Thin)
Contractile; have myosin binding sites; bean or pea shaped; twisted together into a helix
Cover myosin binding sites on actin in a relaxed muscle fiber
Holds Tropomyosin strands together
Tropomyosin-troponin complex
Tropomyosin attached to troponin
Thick myofilaments
Twice as large as thin. Assembled from budles of myosin
Looks like 2 golfclubs twisted together; a �motor protein� � uses ATP to push or pull molecules
Cross bridges (myosin heads)
The �golf club� heads; have actin binding sites
Structural proteins
Not as abundant as contractile proteins (actin and myosin); approx a dozen types: for alignment, stability, elasticity, extensibility, etc. of myofibrils
Titin (connectin)
Attaches things together. i.e. anchors thick filaments to the z line (disc) helps recoil after contraction
Stack or unit of myofilaments; from z line to z line
Z lines (discs)
Define sarcomere; pass through i band
A(anisotropic) band
Thick and thin myofilaments � overlapping
i (isotropic) band
Thin myofilaments only
H zone
Thick myfilaments only