Emotional intelligence
ØAbility to understand emotions in ourselves and others and to use that understanding to manage relationships effectively.
•A persons ability to detect & manage cues & emotional information
•Describes an ability, capacity, or skill to perceive, assess, and manage the emotions of one's self, of others, and of groups.
•The term "emotional intelligence" appears to have originated with Wayne Payne (1985) but was popularized by Daniel Goleman (1995)
- ØRange of emotions and moods that people
- experience in their life context.
- §Emotions are strong positive or negative feelings
- directed toward something or someone.
Dimensions of Emotional Intelligence
•Social Skills
•Intense feelings that are directed at someone or something
•Reactions to a person or event
•Brief- more fleeting than moods
•Accompanied by facial expressions
•Action-oriented in nature
•Numerous emotions
The four emotional intelligence competencies
•Self-awareness - The ability to understand our emotions and their impact on us and others.
•Social awareness - The ability to empathize and understand the emotions of others.
•Self-management – The ability to think before acting and control disruptive impulses.
- •Relationship management - The ability to establish
- rapport with others to build good relationships.
Self-conscous and Social Emotions
- Self-conscious are internal and help regulate behavior
- Social arise from external sources and
Everyone feels these emotions
Brain system causing emotions
limbic system
Emotion and mood contagion
spillover effects of one’s emotions and mood onto others.
Emotional labor –
relates to the need to show certain emotions in order to perform a job well
Influence Moods
•Small tokens of appreciation
•Having leaders in good moods
•Positive self-talk
Deep and surface acting
Modify moods for situation
on the front but truly feel differently
Display rules
The degree to which it is approproate to display emotions
Sources of emotions and moods
- •Day
- of Week & Time of Day
- ØPredisposition to respond in a positive
- or negative way to someone or something in one’s environment.
Cognitive, affectve, and behavioral component
- A
- ØReflects underlying beliefs, opinions,
- knowledge, or information a person possesses.
- B
- ØSpecific feeling regarding the personal
- impact of the antecedent condition evidenced in the cognitive component.
- C
- ØIntention to behave in a certain way
- based on the affect in one’s attitude.
Cognitive dossonance
ØDescribes a state of inconsistency between an individual’s attitudes and/or between attitudes and behavior.
Organizational comitment
Rational Commitment
Emotional Commitment –
Employee Engagement
ØDegree of loyalty an individual feels toward an organization.
– Reflects feelings that job serves one’s financial, developmental, and professional interests.
Reflects feelings that what one does isimportant, valuable and of real benefit to others.
– A positive feeling or strong sense of connection with the organization.
Five facets of job satisfaction:
The work itself
ØQuality of supervision
ØRelationships with co-workers
ØPromotion opportunities
ØRewards Pay
Withdrawal behaviors
dissatisfied workers are more likely to quit, miss work, or look for other jobs
Organizational Citizenship
Ø A willingness to “go beyond the call of duty” or “ go the extra mile” in one’s work.
§Interpersonal organizational citizenship behaviors have individuals doing extra things that help others.
- §Organizational citizenship behaviors
- advance the performance of the
- organization as a whole.
job satisfaction alone is not a consistent predictor of individual work performance.
The model suggests that performance leads to rewards that, in turn, lead to satisfaction.
Research does find a link between individual performance measured at one time and later job satisfaction.
Last fact
rewards influence satisfaction while performance contingent rewards influence performance. The prevailing management advice is to use performance-contingent rewards well in the attempt to create both.