Uworld 7

  1. Most common type of nephrotic syndrome in HIV patients?
    Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
  2. Most common cause of Nephrotic syndrome in adults?
    In kids?
    • Membranous glomerulonephritis- spike and dome
    • Minimal Change Disease- podocyte foot effacement
  3. Membrano-Proliferative glomerulonephritis is seen in what 5 dz conditions?
    Type I?
    Type II?
    • Type I--tram track appearance
    • HBV
    • HCV
    • SLE
    • Mixed cryoglobulinemia
    • Subacute bacterial glomerulonephritis
    • Type II---C3 nephritic factor
  4. Glomerulonephritis associated with hypocomplemetemia?
    • PSGN
    • Lupus nephritis
    • Membranoproliferative type II
  5. Renal Dz associated with
    diffuse capillary thickening?
    Membranous glomerulonephritis
  6. Renal Dz associated with
    Hypercellular glomeruli?
  7. Renal Dz associated with linear pater of immune complex deposition?
    Good Pasture
  8. Renal Dz associated with deposition of IgG, IgM, IgA and C3 in mesangium?
    Bergers IgA nephropathy
  9. Renal Dz associated with Nodular glomerulosclerosis?
    Kimmelstiel-Wilson lesion-Diabetic Glomerulopathy
  10. Renal Dz associated with most common nephrotic syndrome in adults?
    Membranous Glomerulonephritis
  11. Renal Dz associated with podocyte foot effacement?
    Minimal Change disease
  12. Renal Dz associated with hep B?
    Membrano Proliferative GN
  13. Renal Dz associated with HIV?
    Focal Segmental Glomerulonephritis
  14. Renal Dz associated with anti-GBM antibodies, hematuria, hemoptysis?
    Good Pasture
  15. Renal Dz associated with subendothelial humps and tram-track appearance?
    Membranoproliferative Type I
  16. Renal Dz associated with cataracts, deafnes and nephritis?
    Alport's syndrome
  17. Renal Dz associated with crescent formation in the glomeruli
    • RPGN--Alports
    • wegeners
    • Microscopic Polyangitis
  18. Renal Dz associated with segmental sclerosis and hylanosis?
    Focal segmental glomerulonephritis
  19. Renal Dz associated with purpura on back of arms, legs, abdominal pain and IgA nephropathy?
    Henoch-SChloei Purpura
  20. Renal Dz associated with Wire-loop appearance?
  21. Renal Dz associated with apple-green bifringence with congo-red stain under polarized light?
  22. Renal Dz associated with spiking of the GBM due to electron dense subepithelial deposits?
    Membranous glomerulonephritis
  23. Renal Dz associated with RBC cast?
  24. Renal Dz associated with WBC cast?
    • pyelonephritis
    • acute interstitial nephritis-eosinophilia
  25. Renal Dz associated with bacterial cast?
  26. Renal Dz associated with epithelial cast?
    Acute Tubular Necrosis
  27. Renal Dz associated with Waxy cast?
    Chronic renal failure
  28. Renal Dz associated with granular muddy casts?
    Acute tubular necrosis
  29. 4 causes of Renal Papillary Necrosis?
    • Diabetes
    • Acute pyelonephritis
    • Chronic acetominophen
    • Sickle cell
  30. 5 causes for Eosinophilia?
    • Neoplasm
    • Allergy
    • Asthma
    • Collagen Vascular disease
    • Parasites
  31. TUmors producing polycythemia?
    • Paraneoplastic--pheochromocytoma
    • Hails-Hemangioblastoma
    • RBC--RCC
    • Hyperplasia- HCC
  32. 2 Loffler's conditions?
    • Loffler eosinophilic pneumonitis
    • Loffler's cardiomyopathy
  33. Reasons for Eosinophilia?
    • Drugs
    • Neoplasm
    • Allergy
    • Addison's adrenal insufficiency
    • Acute interstitial nephritis
    • Astham
    • Collagen Vascular disease
    • Parasites--Loffler's eosinophilic pneumonitis
  34. Macrophages in joints?
  35. Russell cells?
    Ig chains accumulated in the cytoplasm
  36. What are the 2 accelerating factors in a clotting cycle?
    5 and 8
  37. What protein breaks down accelerating factors?
    Protein C and protein S
  38. 2 drugs that inhibit thrombin?
    • Heparin via ATIII
    • Bivalirudin
  39. Calcium binder?
  40. Direct inhibitors of thrombin?
    • Bivalirudin
    • Argatroban
  41. Why is warfarin usually started with heparin?
    bc acutely warfarin induces a hyper-coagulable state by decreasing protein C and S
  42. What 2 molecules increase permeability, vasodilation and pain?
    bradykinin, histamine, serotonin
  43. 3 GpIIb/IIIa antibodies?
    • Abciximab
    • Tirofiban
    • Eptifibatide
  44. What pathology of the kidney produces increased levels of EPO?
    any pathology i.e hydronephrosis, cyst, Renal cell carcinoma
  45. Rx for heparin induced HITT?
    Bivalirudin, levalirudin
  46. Basophilic stapling of RBC's is caused by?
    • Thalasemia
    • Anemia of CD
    • Iron def
    • Lead
  47. Target cells?
    • HbC
    • Asplenia
    • Liver disease
    • Thalasemia
  48. Acanthocytes (spikes RBC's) are caused by?
    • liver dz
    • Abetalipoproteinemia
  49. What RBC morphology is seen with the following?
    • Basophilic Stippling
    • Heinz Bodies
    • shistocytes
    • Acanthocyte
    • Howel Jowell body/Target cells
  50. What is the confirmation for beta thalasemia minor?
    HbA2 >3.5 %
  51. Both Beta thalassemia major and minor have increased levels of what hemoglobin?
  52. Fanconi's anemia is caused by what?
    defect in DNA repair
  53. 2 enzyme causes and 4 structural causes for hemolytic, normocytic anemia?
    • Pyruvate kinase
    • G6PD
    • Hereditary spherocytosis
    • Sickle Cell
    • HbC
    • PNH
Card Set
Uworld 7
Uworld 7