Hrometz Cardio Exam #2 Review

  1. Agents associated with reflex tachycardia
    • DHPs: nifedipine, nicardipine, nisoldipine, nimodipine, isradipine, felodipine, amlodipine, clevidipine
    • Non-specific alpha blockers
    • vasodialators
  2. Agents NOT associated with reflex tachycardia
    • PAH vasodialators: epoprostenol, treprostinil, iloprost
    • Neseritide
    • Nitroprusside
    • beta-1 selective antagonists
    • alpha-2 antagonists
    • ganglionic blockers: reserpine and metyrosine
  3. Agents causing fluid retention
    • alpha-blockers
    • Vasodialators
  4. Agents that don't cause fluid retention
    • diuretics, ACEI/ARB/RI, BB, Fenoldopam, Neseritide
    • CCBs: cause peripheral edema NOT fluid retention
  5. Agents associated with orthostasis
    • Vasodialators
    • Nitrates
    • Metyrosine
    • NSAB > SAB
    • ***Reserpine has a slow blocking of NE, so it's compensated and there's not orthostasis
  6. Agents have dangerous rebound HTN
    • alpha-2 agonists
    • Nitroprusside
  7. Agents causing decreased heart rate or even bradycardia
    • beta-blockers
    • Non-DHPs
  8. Agents exacerbating angina/MI
    • hydralazine - vasodialator by giving you reflex tachy
    • minoxidil - increase HR, force of contratction
    • DHPs - due to reflex tachy
  9. Agents tx pheochromocytoma
    • metyrosine
    • BBs - symptoms
    • NSAB - symptoms
  10. Agnets tx angina
    • Nitrates
    • BBs
    • CCBs
  11. Agents tx HTN emergency
    • Nitroprusside
    • Fenoldopam
    • Esmolol
  12. Agents tx HF
    • ACEI/ARBs
    • BB
    • Nesertide
  13. Agents tx arrythmias
  14. Agents tx supraventricular arrythmias
    • CCBs (non-DHPs)
    • BBs
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Hrometz Cardio Exam #2 Review
Exam #2 Review for Cardio