Social Studies Ch. 22

  1. Argentina, Brazil, and Chile
    ABC Powers
  2. group of Americans who opposed ratification of the Constitution
    Anti-Imperialist League
  3. (1900) revolt in which Chinese nationalists known as the boxers attacked foreigners in order to end outside involvement in China’s affairs; put down by U.S. Marines and other forces after two months
    Boxer Rebellion
  4. President William Howard Taft’s policy of influencing Latin American governments through economic, not military, intervention
    Dollar diplomacy
  5. (1903) proposed agreement with Colombia to allow the U.S. to build a canal across the Isthmus of Panama
    Hay-Herran Treaty
  6. (1903) agreement between the U.S. and Panama that gave the U.S. a 99 year lease to build a canal on a 10-mile wide strip of land across the Isthmus of Panama
    Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty
  7. the practice of building an empire by founding colonies or conquering other nations
  8. policy of avoiding involvement in other nations’ affairs
  9. revolution begun in 1910 by Francisco Madero against Mexican director Porfirio Diaz
    Mexican Revolution
  10. (1899) Declaration, made by U.S. Secretary of State John Hay, that all nations should have equal access to the trade with China
    Open Door Policy
  11. canal built by the U.S. across the Isthmus of Panama to link the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans; opened in 1914
    Panama Canal
  12. (1902) Amendments to the Cuban constitution that gave the U.S. the right to become involved in Cuba’s foreign and domestic affairs; was in effect until 1934
    Platt Amendment
  13. areas of a country, particularly in China during the late 1800’s, where foreign nations control much of the trade and natural resources
    Spheres of influence
  14. bonus payments
  15. (1898) amendment to a U.S. resolution declaring that the U.S. did not intend to take over and annex and independent Cuba
    Teller Amendment
  16. the use of sensational, often exaggerated new stories in newspapers or other publications to attract readers
    Yellow journalism
  17. (1890) law that allowed all countries to ship sugar duty-free to the States
    McKinley Tariff
  18. Secretary of State arranged the purchase of Alaska
    William H. Seward
  19. Queen who presented a new constitution that returned power to the monarchy
  20. Commodore who was sent to Japan to secure “friendship, commerce, a supply of coal and provisions”
    Matthew Perry
  21. published the New York World; was very critical of the Spanish
    Joseph Pulitzer
  22. writer of New York Journal
    William Randolph Hearst
  23. led Filipino rebels who joined U.S. troops, to take control of the Philippine capital, Manila
    Emilio Aguinaldo
  24. Secretary of State who negotiated the Hay-Pauncefote Treaty with Britain in 1901
    John Hay
  25. chief engineer of the French Canal Company; informed Hay and Roosevelt of a possible revolt in the Colombian providence of Panama
    Philippe Bunau-Varilla
  26. Roosevelt explained his thinking to the Monroe Doctrine
    Roosevelt Corollary
  27. President of Mexico from 1877 to 1880 and 1884 to 1911; eagerly welcomed foreign investment
    Porfirio Diaz
  28. Democratic Reformer who began the Mexican Revolution in 1910
    Francisco Madero
  29. General who took power and had Madero killed in 1913
    Victoriano Huerta
  30. led revolt against Huerta
    Venustiano Carranza
  31. led rebels in North to overthrow Huerta
    Francisco “Pancho” Villa
  32. led rebels in South to overthrow Huerta
    Emiliano Zapata
  33. General sent by President Wilson along with 15,000 soldiers into Mexico
    John J. Pershing
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Social Studies Ch. 22
Important Terms