soccer referee signals

  1. What the sign for Offside
    Image Upload 2
  2. sign the AR gives to get attention
    Image Upload 4
  3. Sign for Indirect free kick
    For an indirect kick, do the direction but then hold your arm straight up to indicate a goal cannot be scored directly.Image Upload 6Image Upload 8
  4. sign of Offsides by AR
    Image Upload 10
  5. sign for a goal by the CR
    Image Upload 12
  6. sign for atvantage
    Image Upload 14
  7. AR sign for Corner Kick
    Image Upload 16
  8. AR goal Kick sign
    Image Upload 18
  9. AR Throw In
    Image Upload 20
  10. CR Corner Kick
    Image Upload 22
  11. CR Direct kick
    Image Upload 24
  12. CR Goal Kick
    Image Upload 26
  13. CR Throw in
    Image Upload 28
  14. CR Penalty Kick
    Image Upload 30
  15. Yellow Card
    Image Upload 32
  16. I stole most of the photos for these cards from

    Seiwald, Christopher. "The Watch and the Whistle." N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Apr 2010. <>.

    What a cool site check it out!!
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soccer referee signals
signals soccer referees use