Educational Pyschology

  1. The meaning of stimuli in the context of relevant information
    inferred reality
  2. A set of principles that relates social environment to psychological development
    psychosocial theory
  3. The process of adjusting schemes in response to the environment by means of assimilation and accomodation
  4. Inborn automatic responses to stimuli
  5. Research study aimed at identifying and gathering detailed information about a topic of interest.
    descriptive research
  6. Level of development immediately above a person's present level
    Zone of Proximal Development
  7. View of cognitive development that emphasizes the active role of learners in building their own understanding of reality
  8. Research into the relationship between variables as they naturally occur
    correlation study
  9. A person's perception of his or her own strengths, weaknesses, abilities, attitudes, and values
  10. Evaluation of conclusions through logical and systematic examination of the problem, the evidence, and the solution
    crtitical thinking
  11. Paying attention to only one aspect of an object or situation
  12. The process of restoring balance between present understanding and new experiences
  13. Mental patterns that guide behavior
  14. Stage at which children learn to represent things in the mind
    preoperational stage
  15. Procedure used to test the effect of a treatment
  16. Support for learning and problem solving
  17. The concept that certain properties of an object remain the same regardless of changes in other properties
  18. Children's self talk, which guides their thinking and action; eventually internalized as silent inner speech
    private speech
  19. Gradual, orderly changes by which mental processes become more complex and sophisticated
    cognitive development
  20. A set of principles that explains and relates certain phenomena
  21. In Piaget's theory of moral development the stage at which children think that rules are unchangeable and that breaking them leads automatically to punishment
    heteronomous morality
  22. A special program that is subject of an experiment
  23. The study of teaching and learning with applications to the instructional process
  24. Research carried out by educators in their own classrooms or schools
    action research
  25. Selection by chance into different treatment groups; intended to ensure equivalence of the groups
    random assignment
  26. Play in which children engage in the same activity side by side but with very little interaction or mutual influence
    parallel play
  27. Variables for which there is no relationship between levels of one compared to another
    uncorrelated variables
  28. People who are equal in age or status
  29. Relationship in which high levels of one variable correspond to high levels of another
    positive correlation
  30. Stage at which children develop the capacity for logical reasoning and understanding of conservation but can use these skills only in dealing with familiar situations
    concrete operational stage
  31. Symbols that cultures create to help people think, communicate, and solve problems
    sign systems
  32. The process of comparing oneself to others to gether information and to evaluate and judge one's abilities, attitudes, and conduct
    social comparison
  33. According to Erikson, the set of critical issues that individuals must address as they pass through each of the eight stages
    psychosocial crisis
  34. Relationship in which high levels of one variable correspond to low levels of another
    negative correlation
  35. Modifying existing schemes to fit new situations
  36. Developmental stage at which a person becomes capable of reproduction
  37. Experiment in which conditions are highly controlled
    laboratory experiment
  38. The study of learning and teaching
    educational psychology
  39. Play that occurs alone
    solitary play
  40. Knowledge and skills relating to reading that children usually develop from experience with books and other print media before the beginning of formal reading instruction in school
    emergent literacy
  41. Play in which children join together to achieve a common goal
    cooperative play
  42. The tendency to analyze oneself and one's own thoughts
  43. Stages 1 and 2 in Kohlberg's model of moral reasoning, in which individuals make moral judgements in their own interests
    preconventional level of morality
  44. A skill learned during the concrete operational stage of cognitive development in which individuals can mentally arrange and compare objects
  45. Degree to which results of an experiment can be applied to real-life situations
    external validity
  46. Actions that show respect and caring for others
    prosocial behaviors
  47. Stages 5 and 6 in Kohlberg's model of moral reasoning, in which individuals make moral judgements in relation to abstract principles
    postconventional level of morality
  48. Something that can have more than one value
  49. Explanation of the relationship between factors
  50. Inability to develop a clear direction or sense of self
    identity diffusion
  51. Experiment conducted under realistic conditions in which individuals are assigned by chance to receive different practical treatments or programs
    randomized field experiment
  52. Play that is much like parallel play but with increased levels of interaction in the form of sharing, turn-taking, and general interest in what others are doing
    associative play
  53. Experiment that studies a treatments effect on one person or group by contrasting behavior before, during, and after application of the treatment
    single-case experiment
  54. Group that receives no special treatment during an experiment
    control group
  55. Group that receives treatment during an experiment
    experimental group
  56. In Kohlberg's theory of moral reasoning, hypotheitcal situations that require a person to consider values of right and wrong
    moral dilemmas
  57. Stage during which infants learn about their surroundings by using their senses and motor skills
    sensorimotor stage
  58. The degree to which an experiment's results can be attributed to the treatment in question rather than other factors
    internal validity
  59. Arranging objects in sequential order according to one aspect
  60. Orderly and lasting growth, adaption, and change over the course of a lifetime
  61. Stages 3 and 4 in Kohlberg's model of moral reasoning, in which individuals make moral judgements in consideration of others
    conventional level of morality
  62. Understanding that an object exists even if it is out of sight
    object permanence
  63. Experimentation with occupational and ideological choices without definite commitment
  64. Understanding new experiences in terms of existing schemes
  65. The value each of us places on our own characteristics, abilities, and bahviors
  66. Doing things for a purpose
  67. Stage at which one can deal abstractly with hypothetical situations and reason logically
    formal operational stage
  68. Theories based on belief that human development progresses smoothly and gradually from infancy to adulthood
    continuous theories of development
  69. The degree to which teachers feel that their own efforts determine the success of their students
    teachers efficacy
  70. The ability to think and solve problems without the help of others
  71. The ability to perform a mental operation and then reverse one's thinking to return to the starting point
  72. An adolescent's premature establishment of an identity based on parental choices, rather than his or her own desires
  73. Believing that everyone views the world as you do
  74. In Piaget's theory of moral development, that stage at which a person understands that people make rules and that punishments are not automatic
    autonomous morality
  75. Theories describing human development as occuring through a fixed sequence of distinct, predictable stages governed by inborn factors
    discontinuous theories of development
  76. A state of consolidation reflecting conscious, clear-cut decisions concerning occupation and ideology
    identity achievement
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Educational Pyschology