Meeting 2

  1. plasma membrane (any membrane)
    • has 2 functions:
    • 1) to act as a barrier
    • 2) but things have to pass through/be transported through as well...this is what proteins are good for
  2. lipid-anchor protein
    • polypeptides of interest aren’t hydrophobic in any
    • way but attach to the membrane using lipid anchors; anchors don’t span whole membrane; the peptides are functional only on ONE side of membrane
  3. peripheral membrane protein
    not covalently bonded to membrane; located at and are functional at the membrane; attached via weak interactions w/ head groups
  4. integral membrane protein
    • proteins that span the whole membrane and bridge between the 2 sides; essential for bridging exoplasmic & cytoplasmic
    • -have both hydrophobic (for internal) and hydrophilic residues (to interact w/ head groups)
  5. hydrophobic amino acids:
    • aliphatic (cyclic) ones are extremely hydrophobic (3 out of the 8); these are the ones that can interact with fatty acids (especially cholesterol)
    • -basically all those CH3's are good for fatty acid interactions
  6. micelle's v. liposomes
    micelle's have no internal acques compartment; liposomes do
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Meeting 2