Surg Tech 1-ch. 1

  1. Aristotle
    Established an early "scientific" mindset, founder of comparative anatomy.
  2. Celsus
    Described the signs of inflammation.
  3. Galen
    First great anatomist; controlled thought, unchallenged for 1500 years; biology made its serve theology.
  4. Pare
    Greatest surgeon of the 16th century; began to ligate arteries after amputation; stopped cauterizing wounds w/ hot irons & oil.
  5. Vesalius
    Father of modern anatomy; challenged Galen openly & correctly; performed dissections on human cadavers himself; used illustrators to create permanent records; changed the while approach to anatomical studies.
  6. Harvey
    Heart; detailed cardiovascular anatomy; demonstrated basic functions of the circulatory system.
  7. Pasteur
    Father of microbiology, virology & immunology.
  8. Lister
    Developed technique of antiseptic surgery.
  9. Halsted
    Developed meticulous closure of wounds.
  10. Roentgen
    Developed the x-ray machine.
  11. Semmelweiss
    Dad wanted him to be in military, coralation between doctors doing an autopsy & then going to deliver a baby w/o washing hands, ended up in mental institution.
  12. History of Surgical Technology
    • Nurses filled this role.
    • World War II began.
    • Trained corpsman(ORT)-in Korean war to assist in surgery.
  13. Changes in Profession-1970
    First certifying exam for ORT's. AORN-association of operating room nurses took charge; developed the exam along w/hitirons surgeons.
  14. Changes in Profession-1973
    AORN & AORT split. Wanted own voice but not together; not the same.
  15. Changes in Profession-1978
    AORT (association of operating room technicians) changes name to AST.
  16. Changes in Profession-1981
    Core Curriculum for the Surgical Technologist published. Still used today, the same as other states.
  17. Changes in Professtion-1985
    Code of Ethics published-how we're going to take care of patients. Every heath care profession has this.
  18. Changes in Profession-1988
    Standards of Practice adopted-how we are going to do things. Good step in right direction.
  19. AHA
    American Hospital Association
  20. ACS
    American College of Surgeons
  21. ARC-STSA
    Accreditation Review Committee for Surgical Technologists Surgical Assistant. Gives advice to allied health accreditation body. Work with AST, standards for ST programs, standards are being met.
  22. CAAHEP
    Commission of Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs. Give advice to allied health accreditation body.
  23. NBSTSA
    Nation Board of Surgical Technologists Surgical Assistant. Administers our certified exam.
  24. Certification
    • 125 "first scrubs" cases.
    • Graduate of an accredited surgical technology program.
    • Successfully pass national exam given by NBSTSA.
    • Nationally certified.
    • Voluntary-most states.
  25. Surgical Case Management-Preoperative
    Gloves, gowns, masks, eyeware (ppe), setting up back table, getting equipment, patient verification, counting items, drapping.
  26. Surgical Case Management-Intraoperative
    maintaing sterile field, handle medication, counting items, specimen, pass instruments, apply dressings.
  27. Surgical Case Management-Postoperative
    Tearing down stuff, cleaning room then back to preoperative.
  28. Surgical Team Members-Sterile
    • Actually doing the surgery.
    • Surgeon, STSR, Surgical assistant/First assistant, another doctor, PA, RN, CST-if taught by surgeon.
  29. Surgical Team Members--Non-sterile
    • Assistanting, documentation.
    • Circulator (RN, LPN, not CST), Anesthesia provider (head of patient), OR tech, CST (second circulator, skin prep, similar duties as OR tech, put monitors on patient.
  30. Hospital Funding-Not for Profit
    General acute care hospitals, nontaxable, owned by private corporations, profits go back into organization, may be supported with tax moines, fedaral state county or city hospitals are examples.
  31. Hospital Funding-Proprietary or invenstor--owned
    • Owned & operated by an individual or corporation, intent if to provide good patient care, profits are returned to the investors, profits are taxable.
    • Examples: Danny Kay's Children's Hospital
    • St. Jude's (make money from donations &
    • investors.
  32. Hospital Funding-Tax Supported
    • Usually totally supported by tax monies, government hospitals.
    • Example: VA hoptial
  33. Methods of Payment
    • Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)-go to physican first, then they direct you somewhere else if needed, both insurer & provider of care.
    • Preferred Provider Organization (PPO)-no gate keeper, still some preffered physicans, more flexible, lower cost.
    • Traditional insurance.
  34. Methods of Payment
    • Medicare-Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA): administered by federal government, make sure everyone is doing what they are doing.
    • Medicaid-government assistance, low-income, not traditional insurance.
Card Set
Surg Tech 1-ch. 1
Introduction to Surgical Technology