Abnormalities RED Blood Cell

  1. Name for aspects of RBC evaluation
    • -size
    • -color
    • -shape
    • -inclusion bodies
  2. What is the size of a normal RBC?
    • -6-8 microns
    • -about the size of small lymphocyte
    • -MCV 80-99 fl
  3. What is the shape of a normal RBC?
    • -round and bi-concave disc
    • -high surface-to-volume ratio (pliable,flexible, deformable) (capable of unusual changes in shape that are necessary to pass thru microcirculation)
  4. What is the color of a normal RBC?
    • pink to reddish-orange (in wright stain) depends on amount of Hgb
    • -normal size of cental pallor is 2-3 um in diameter
  5. The inclusion bodies lacks what?
    nucleus and organelles, still able to function and survive for approx. 120 days
  6. this is any variation in size due to deficiency in the raw material and is associated w/ increased RDW
  7. What is the range for a normal RDW?
  8. Anosocytosis is seen where?
    • -most forms of anemia
    • -leukemias
  9. Image Upload 2Name the cell
  10. What are the characteristics of a microcyte?
    • *<6 microns
    • *MCV is <80 fl
    • *seen in: iron deficiency, Thalassemia, Lead poisoning, Sideroblastic Anemia
  11. Image Upload 4Name this cell
  12. Macrocytes are seen in what?
    liver disease, post-splenectomy; megaloblastic process, hypothyroidism; chemotherapy & newborns
  13. This cell is >8 microns and MCV is >99 fl
  14. Image Upload 6
  15. this cell has a decreased Hgb, increased central pallor, MCHC is <32%
  16. name some characteristics of Hyperchromasia
    • -RBC's decreased surface-to-volume ratio
    • -decreased to absent central pallor
    • -increased volumes of hemoglobin
    • -MCHC is >36, usually spherical not biconcave
  17. this refers to the entire red cell morphology in the scanned area if a peripheral smeal, and grade 1+ to 4+
  18. Name the grading scale for RBCs Morphology
    • normal...5%
    • slight...5-10%
    • 1+..10-25%
    • 2+...25-50%
    • 3+...50-75%
    • 4+...>75%
  19. this cell has no central pallor, its reduced surface-volume ratio, irreversible, due to abnormality of the cell membrane(Defect or loss of cell membrane)
  20. spherocytes are seen in what?
    • -hereditary spherocytosis
    • -immune Hemolytic anemia
    • -post-transfusion
  21. Echinocytes is also called what?
    crenated or burr cells
  22. this cell is 10-30 even evenly spicules distrubuted, and may artifact in origin due to specimen contamination, sharp tips.
  23. this cell occurs in small numbers, unevenly spaced spicules
    true burr or echinocytes
  24. Echinocytes are associated with what?
    • -uremia(waste in blood from kidney)
    • -heart disease
    • -dehydration
    • -untreated hypothyroidism(slow metabolism)
  25. Acanthocytes have what range of irregularly spaced spicules
    3-12, spicules vary in lenth and are blunt rather pointed
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Abnormalities RED Blood Cell