- Nitroglycerin, dilates veins & coronaries=orthostasis
- Indications: Angina
- Liberate NO from endothelium, PO
- No venodilation=no ortho
- Indications: HTN
- SE: Reflex tachy, Fluid retention, Immunological SE(Lupus)
- Active metabolite=NO
- Dilates both arteriole and venules, Decrease O2 demands
- Indications: hypertensive emergency, for surgery
- SE:arterial hypoxemia with COPD, Rebound HTN, cyanide
- Opening K+ channels, Arteriolar vasodilations, renin stimulator
- Indications: Severe HTN (last, never alone), Hair growth
- SE: Incerase O2 demands
- D1 agonist, a2 agonist, dilate peripheral ateries and natriuresis
- Indication: Hypertensive emergency
- SE: IOP, Reflex tachy, HeadA (q15min monitor)
- BNP=stimulate vasodilation and natriuresis, decrease preload
- Suppress RAAS, CNS sympathetic outflow
- Indications: IV for acute CHF with dyspnea at rest
- Procardia
- DHP, Increase in CO
- Indications: Angina, HTN
- SE: Reflex tachy, Peripheral edema, Gingival hyperplsia
- Norvasc, Amvaz
- DHP, Increase in CO
- Indications: Angina, HTN
- SE: Reflex tachy, Peripheral edema, Gingival hyperplsia
- DHP, Increase in CO
- Indications: Angina, HTN, *Subarachnoid hemorrhage(PO)
- SE: Reflex tachy, Peripheral edema, Gingival hyperplsia
- DHP, Increase in CO, *Only IV CCB
- Indications: Angina, HTN
- SE: Reflex tachy, Peripheral edema, Gingival hyperplsia
- Calan, Isoptin, Covera
- Negative Ino, Chronotorpy, Some vasodilation
- Indications: Angina, HTN, Supraventricular tachycardias
- SE: Cardiodepression, LV fail, AV block, Constipation, Peri.Ede
- Cardizem
- Negative Ino, Chronotorpy, Some vasodilation
- Indications: Angina, HTN, Supraventricular tachycardias
- SE: Cardiodepression, LV fail, AV block, Constipation, Peri.Ede
CCB Strength
- Systemic: DHP>Verapail>Diltiazem
- Coronary: DHP>Diltiazem>Verapamil
- -ino,chorno: Verapamil>Diltiazem>DHP