Bio Lab Test 1

  1. testis
    produce sperm
  2. epididymis
    store sperm
  3. vas deferens
    transports sperm to urethra
  4. urethra
    • recieves seminal secretions from testes and accessory glands.
    • drans execretory products from urinary bladder
  5. seminal vesicles
    secrete alkaline fluids that aid in neutralizing vaginal acidity and contain nutrients to promote sperm motility and viability and hormones to stimulate uterine contraction
  6. bulbourethral glands
    produce alkaline secretions that assist in lubrication and also aid in neutralization of vaginal acidity
  7. preputial gland
    secretes alkaline fluid to neutralize acidity of the vagina and provide lubrication
  8. penis
    deposits semen in female reproductive tract. expels urine from body
  9. ovary
    produces eggs
  10. oviducts
    • recieves egg at ovulation
    • site of fertilizatrion
  11. uterine horns
    site of implantation and embryonic development
  12. urethra
    drains execretory products from urinary bladder
  13. vagina
    • reieves penis during copulation
    • serves as part of birth canal
  14. urogenital sinus
    common champer formed by junction of the urethra and the vagina that drains urine from the body and serves as part of the reproductive canal during copulation and birth
  15. papilla
    develops into the clitoris
  16. ductus arteriousus
    short connection joining the pulmonary trunk with the aorta and allowing a portion of the blood from the pulmonary trunk to enter the aorta instead of flowing to the ungs
  17. foramen ovale
    re-routes blood to bypass the lungs
  18. doudenum
    recieves chyme from the stomach along with bile and digestive enzymes from the gallbladder and pancreas
  19. chromosomes
    • consist of DNA and associated small particles known as histones
    • Genes lpcated at specific locations along the chromosome
    • Centromeres that serve as the points of attachment for 2 identical hromatids of each replicated chromosome
  20. homologous chromosome
    a chromosome that contains the same genes at the same location along the chromosomes
  21. somatic cells
    body cells such as skin and muscle cells
  22. diploid
    A cell or an organism consisting of two sets of chromosomes: usually, one set from the mother and another set from the father. In a diploid state the haploid number is doubled, thus, this condition is also known as 2n.
  23. Germ cells
    • reproductive cells, including sec cells such as ova and sperm and spores.
    • contain only one member of each homologous chromosome pair, contain 23 chromosomes
    • Kinetochores along the centromere region of the chromosome.
  24. haploid
    cells having just one member of each chromosome pair
  25. prophase
    • nuclear envelope dissolves
    • duplicaated chromosomes consense
    • kinetochores attach to the microtubules
  26. metaphase
    sister chromatids linr up in the center of the cells, along the metaphase plate
  27. anaphase
    sister chromatids start to separate from one another
  28. telophase
    nuclear envelopes srat to form around each group of seperated chromatids
  29. cytokinesis
    division of the cytoplasm
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Bio Lab Test 1
Bio Lab Test 1