R & J notes

  1. Shakespeare's birth and death
    1564 & April 23, 1616
  2. Poppers
    actors that were not respected
  3. Where was Shakespeare born & died?
    Stratford on Avon
  4. Lord Chamberlain's Men
    (The King's Men)
    • preformed for royalty
    • shakespeare's company
    • preformed at Globe Theater
  5. Groundlings
    • people who couldn't afford seats
    • stood on ground in front of stage
  6. 4 types of plays shakespeare wrote
    • comedy
    • history
    • tragety
    • romance
  7. poetry
    • meterical writing
    • blank verse
  8. iambic pentameter
    • 1st unstressed (u)
    • 2nd stressed (-)
  9. prose
    normal language
  10. why did shakespeare writing in iambic pentameter?
    it is the most pleasing rythem to our ear
  11. blank verse
    unrhymed iambic pentameter
  12. real life
    something that has/or could have happened
  13. stage life
    • just an illusion
    • doesn't actually happen
  14. drama
    a literary form that imitates life
  15. Dramatic Conventions
    • give information to audience they couldn't otherwise get from the presentation of action
    • help experience willing suspension of disbeliefs
  16. soliloquy
    1 actor "converses" with himself about inner feelings
  17. aside
    character speaks directly to the audience without the other characters on the stage hearing (promotes audience involvement)
  18. dramatic irony
    the audience knows something that the characters do not
  19. tragedy
    • serious action which leads to a disastrous conclusion for the protagonist(s)
    • an imitation of an action that is complete, whole, & of certain magnitude
  20. introduction
    gives background, setting, & characters
  21. complication
    • rising action
    • building of tension
  22. climax
    • peak of action & intensity
    • turning point for protagonist(s)
  23. falling action
    • new direction for main characters
    • continues suspense
  24. catastrophe
    • moment marking the protagonist(s) tragic failure
    • (usually death)
    • shows nubility of protagonists
  25. courtly love
    • idealized love
    • women put "on a pedestal"
    • the way it is supposed to be (rules)
    • Paris->Juliet
  26. unrequited love

    • unreturned
    • Romeo->Rosaline
  27. pun
    a play on words that has more than 1 meaning at the same time
  28. oxymoron
    • a figure of speech in which 2 dissimilar words are put together to form a common phrase
    • "hate/love"
    • "pretty ugly"
    • "jumbo shrimp"
    • "seriously funny"
  29. juxtaposition
    placing 2 unlike things/scenes near eachother to highten the contrast of each
  30. mood
    • emotional tone of a STORY(not character)
    • can use emotional adjectives to describe
    • (hound: moor->melocolny)
  31. plot
    • progression of events in a story

    • introduction->complication->ect.

  32. characterization
    • what they say & think
    • what they do
    • what others say & think about them
  33. setting
    • time & place of a story
    • shakespeare uses words & characters actions to describe: ask for torch=nighttime
  34. imagery: metaphor
    comparing 2 unlike things useing is/are
  35. imagery
    rich, descriptive language that creates a picture
  36. simile
    comparing 2 unlike things using like/as
  37. conflict

    • struggle between 2 forces

    • person vs self
    • person vs society
    • person vs other person
    • person vs nature
    • person vs fate

  38. symbolism
    • object that has a literal meaning & suggests another
    • wedding ring=love
    • gravestone=death
  39. what was the sorce of the play?

    Arthur Brooke poem: The Tragicall History of Romeo & Juliet
  40. When was early modern english?

    • 1500-1660
    • Elizabethen Era
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R & J notes
romeo and juliet