closed corporation
a corporation whose stock is owned by relatively few people and is not sold to the general public
open corporation
a corporation whose stock can be bought and sold by any individual
domestic corporation
a corporation in the state in which it is incorporated
foreign corporation
a corporation in any state in which it does business except the one in which it is incorporated
alien corporation
a corporation chartered by a foreign government and conducting business in the united states
common stock
stock owned by individuals or firms which may vote on corporate matters but whose claims on profit and assets are subordinate to the claims of others
preffered stock
stock owned by individuals or firms who usually do not have voting rights but whose claims on dividens are paid before those of common stock owners
a distribution of earnings ti the stockholders of a corporation
a legal form listing issues to be decided at a stockholders meeting and enabling stockholders to transfer their voting rights to some other individual or individuals
corporate structure
board of directors(the top governing body of a corporation, the members of which are elected by the stockholders
advantages of corporation
limited liability, ease of raising capital, ease of transfer of ownership, perpetual life, specialized management
Limited liability (advantages of corporations)
a feature of corporate ownership that limit each owners financial liability to the amount of money that he or she has paid for the corporations stock
disadvantages of corporation
double taxation, conflict within the corporation, government regulation and increased paperwork
s corporation
a corporation that is taxed as though it were a partnership
limited liability company
a form of business ownership that combines the benifits of the restrctions and disadvantages of those forms of ownership
not-for-profit corporation
a corporation organized to provide a social, educational, religious, or other service rather than to earn a profit
an association of individuals or firms whose purpose is to preform some business function for its members