What are the major functions of the urinary system?
- Regulation of volume,compositon, and pH
- Remove metabolic waste by making urine
- Rate of RBC production by producing Erythropoietin Regulate blood pressure by producing renin(enzyme-hormone)
- Regulate calcium ion absorptionby activating Vitiman D
What makes up the urinary system?
- pair of kidneys
- pair of ureters
- urinary bladder
- urethra
Located on either side of the vertebral column, high in the posterior wall of the abdominal cavity, between the 12th thoracic and 3rd lumbar vertebrae, retroperitoneal
Which kidney is higher and why?
Left (1.5-2cm) because right kidney is displaced by the liver
Space behind parietal peritoneum
3 Tisssue layers that cover kidneys
- Renal capsule
- adipose capsule
- renal fascia
What is the innermost fibrous tissue layer that covers the kidney?
renal capsule
What is the middle tissue layer that covers the kidney?
adipose capsule
What is the outermost tissue layer that covers the kidney and serves to anchor the kidney to surrounding tissues?
renal fascia
12 cm long, 6cm wide, 3 cm thick, about 5 oz. in weight, reddish brown bean shaped organ
Enterance to the renal sinus, point where ureter leaves kidney, and blood vessels, lymph vessels and nerves communicate with kidney
Indentation in the medial border
What will be found in the renal sinus?
- renal vessels
- renal pelvis
Superior end of ureter, recieving area for urine
Renal pelvis
Funnel-shaped sac
Renal pelvis
What are the 2 kidney regions?
- Renal cortex
- Renal medulla
Reddish outer region of kidney, contacts the renal capsule, appears granule due to arrangements of tiny tubules associated with nephrons
Renal cortex
Continuations of the renal cortex that are separated by renal pyramids
renal columns
Kidney's inner region composed of 5-18 conical tissue masses called renal pyramids
renal medulla
The _____ of the renal pyramid is directed toward the renal cortex
The _____ of the renal pyramid projects into the renal sinus
Apexes form the ________ of the pyramids
renal papillae
Renal papillae project into _______
Minor calyx
Monor calyx converge and form _____
Major calyx
Major calyx merge to form the _______, the expanded portion of the ureter
renal pelvis
Formed in the kidneys to remove metabolic waste from the blood
Hormone produced in the kidney to stimulate RBC production
Proteolytic enzyme-hormone that is produced in kidney and stimulates formation of vascoconstrictor Angiotensin
Renin(helps regulate BP)
How does the kidney help regulate absorption of calcium ions?
activates vitamin D
Which artery supplies the kidney with blood?
renal artery
Where does the renal artery arise from?
abdominal aorta
Where does the renal artery enter the kidney?
Large diameters, conveys blood to the glomerulus of a nephron
afferent arterioles
network of blood capillaries, site of filtration, only found in the renal cortex
Blood leaves the glomerular capillaries and enters ______(smaller in diameter)
Efferent arterioles
Efferent arteioles branch into a capillary network called ____________
Peritubular capillary system
Blood flow through the peritubular system is under ______ pressure
Network of capillaries that surround various portions of the renal tubule
peritubular capillary system
Portion of the peritubular system that dips into the renal medulla and back, supplies the loop of Henle, and is associated with Juxtamedullary nephrons
Vasa Recta
Single vein that exits kidney at hilum and empties into inferior ven cava
renal vein
Functional unit of the kidney
A single nephron is consists of a ______ and a ______
- renal corpuscle
- renal tubule
Where would the glomerulus and bowman's capsule be found?
renal corpuscle
Double layered cup at the end of a renal tubule that recieves fluid filtered in the glomerulus
bowman's capsule
What are the layers of squamos epithelial cells that compose the inner and outer layer of the bowman's capsule?
- Parietal layer(outer)
- Visceral layer(Inner)
Which layer of the bowman's capsule directly covers the glomerulus and is composed of podocytes?
Highly modified epithelial cells with little feet
Secondary processes of podocytes that embrace capillaries of the glomerulus
Narrow spaces that lie between pedicals
slit pores
Can the pedicals from one podocyte embrace more than one glomerular capillary?
Renal tubule continues from ______
bowman's capsule
Sequnce of strucures in the renal tubule
- proximal convoluted tubule(PCT)
- Nephron Loop(Loop of Henle)
- Distal Convoluted Tubule (DCT)
- Collecting duct
Located in renal cortex, lined with simple cubodial or columnar epithelium, contains microvilli, large cells, quite coiled
Thick then thin descending limbs(similar to PCT) that penetrate into pyramids of the renal medulla
descending loop of henle
thin ascending and then thick ascending limbs(similar to DCT)
ascending loop of henle
Thin limbs of the loop of henle are composed of _______
squamos epithelium
Thick limbs of the loop of henle are composed of ___________
cuboidal epithelium
Terms that refer to the height of the epithelium of the nephron loop
thick and thin
Located in the Renal cortex, coiled but shorter than PCT, lined with cuboidal epithelium, NO microvilli,smaller cells with large lumens
Distal Convoluted tubule (DCT)
Part of collection system that empties urine into minor calyox through renal papilae, straight tubule joined by several merging DCT
collecting duct
Consists of juxtaglomerular cells and macula densa
juxtaglomerular apparatus
Located at the point of contact between DCT and afferent and efferent artireioles of its parent nephron
juxtaglomerular apparatus
Cells of macula densa are sensitive to what ion content of tubular fluid?
Modified wall segment of DCT where cells become columnar
macula densa
What cells produce renin?
juxtaglomerular cells
Renin is secreted whenever the B/P in the afferent arterioles ______
Cells found in the tunica media of the afferent arteriole near attachment to glomerulus
juxtaglomerular cells
What are the 2 types of nephrons found in the kidney?
Which nephrons are more numerous, with short loop of henle that dont' reach the medulla
Which nephrons have their renal corpuscules located in the renal cortex, near the kidney surface?
Which nephrons have their renal corpuscules near the medulla, long loops of henle, and are important in concentrating urine?
Removes waste from the blood and regulate water and electrolyte concentrations
openings in the glomerular capillaries that make them more permeable
water, ions, and dissolved materials are filtered out of glomerular capillary and into glomerular capsule
glomerular filtration
Glomerular filtration is mostly due to ______
filtration pressure, caused by hydrostatic pressure of blood in glomerular capillaries
What 2 forces oppose the filtration
- collioid osmotic pressure(plasma)
- capsular hydrostatic pressure(bowma's capsule)
Opposing filtratin source(during glomerular filtration) that is due to the presence of proteins, creates a drawing force, causing water returns to plasma of glomerular capillaries
colliod osmotic pressure
Would colloid osmotic pressure occur in the bowman's capsule?
Opposing filtratin source(during glomerular filtration) that is due to the resistance of the water and solutes to flow into the capsule due to fluid already being present
capsular hydrostatic pressure
An increase in either of the opposing forces during glomerular filtration would _____ filtration
Fluid received by the bowman's capsule, similar to tissue fluid, lacks proteins
Kidneys produce _____ ml of glomeular fluid per minute and ______ L per day
Glomerular filtration rate is proportionate to
filtration pressure
Vascoconstriction of an effernet arteriole would ______ glomerular hydrostatic pressure, which would increase GFR
How is filtration rate regulated in the kidneys?
Filtration rate is influenced by the ______ nervous system
If blood pressure and volume decrease the SNS would ______ the afferent arterioles, which would _____ GFR, therby ______ urine formation
- vasoconstrict
- decrease
- decerase
If there were excess body fluids in the system the SNS would cause _____ of the afferent arterioles, which would ____ GFR, therby _____ urine output
- vasodilate
- increase
- increasing
Where is renin secreted?
juxtaglomerular cells
Renin is released in response to stimulation from SNS and renal _____(in the afferent arterioles) when B/P _____
When sodium, potassium, and chloride ions are low in the tubular fluid the ____ _____ will also stimulate the release of renin
macula densa
Renin splits ______ to create _______
- angiotensinogen
- angiotensin I
What enzyme converts angiotensin I to angiotensin II? Where is this enzyme concentrated?
Most potent vasoconstictor of the body?
angiotensin II
Angiotensin II stimulates the release of ______ from the ____ _____
- aldosterone
- adrenal cortex
aldosterone release:
______ sodium reabsorption
______ urine output
_____ Blood volume and B/P
What hormone will be released from the atria when it is streached due to high blood volume and B/P?
atrial natriuretic peptide(ANP)
inhibits release of renin and aldosterone, helps return B/P to normal
atrial natriuretic peptide(ANP)
What portion of the nephron is effected by the release of aldosterone?
DCT and collecting duct
Where does most reabsorption happen on the nephron?