Amos' home town?
Where did he do his Ministry?
What did the Prophets do?
Talked to people claiming to be God's people.
Nature of Prophets
- 90% Fourth-telling
- 10% Fore-telling
Characteristics of Prophets
- Courageous
- Called by God
- Communion with God
- Individualists
- Denounced Evil
- Kingdom of God
2 ways to study Prophets?
Which one did we do?
- Canonically
- Chronologically ***
Pre-Literacy Prophets
- Samuel
- Nathan
- Elijah
- Elisha
Amos' Style
- 1. Clear Language
- 2. Rhythm
- 3. Imagery
What were Amos' jobs
- Sheppard
- Fig Tree Pincher
How do you make God laugh?
Tell him your plans
King during Amos
Jeroboam II
Theology of Amos
- 1. God's power over Nations
- 2. Call for social justices
- 3. Daily righteous
- 4. Privilege and responsibility
Literature of Hosea
"Confused text of Sorrows"
- Organization
- - Biographical
- - Oracular
What was the 8th century called? Why?
"Golden age of Prophecy"
Before 722 & 587 giving warnings
Who did Hosea Minister to?
Hosea's wife and Children?
- Wife - Gomer
- Children-
- - Jezreel - National Embarrassment
- - Lo - Rahamah - "Not Pitted" - No Mercy on Israel
- - Lo- Ammi - "Not My People" - Dissolve of Covenant
Theories about Gomer
- Harlot at time of Marriage
- Allegorical story
- Idolater at the time of Marriage
King in Judah that served
King in Judah that served 40 years
Syncretism (Hosea)
- Mush things together that don't go together
- Yahweh & Canaanite beliefs = Israel
- God's change against them not beliefs but actions
Theology of Hosea
- Covenant love - Hessed
- Human Free Will
- Compassionate God
- Call to repentance
History of Deutro-Isaiah
- End of Baby Exile
- Cyrus the Great - Persia/Medes
- 1st return - Led by Zerubebel
- Laid Foundation - 536
- 8th Cent
- Country Guy
- "Who is like Yahweh"
- very direct in his ministry to Judah
- addressed to rules
- Concerned to Socially Oppressed
Micah Fore-Telling
- Fall of Israel
- Destruction of Jerusalem
- Captivity and return
- Bethlehem birth of Messiah
Political situation in Jerusalem during Micah
- Death of Uzziah
- His son Jotham
- Weak Ahaz
- Hezekiah
Theology of Micah
- Sin of Social Exploration
- Sin of injustice
- God's judgement
- God's requirements
God's Requirements
- Do justice
- Love kindness
- Walk humbly with your God
- Major 8th Cent 1-39 Most quoted book from OT in NT
- "Greatness of Prophetic Books"
- "Salvation of Yahweh"
- contemporary with Micah
- Public Ministry
- His Call "Here I am, Send me"
Which Prophets tell their call
- Amos
- Hosea
- Isaiah
- Jeremiah
Political in Judah in Isaiah
- Rulers:
- Jonathon, Ahaz, Hezekiah
- Syro-Ephraimitic war in 739 (Syria & Ephriam tribe war)
- Sennacherib Invasion of Jerusalem
- Ahaz sold Judah out to the Assyrians
False Beliefs during Isaiah
- Permanence of God's covenant
- Sole Obligation of Observing Rituals
- "Day of the Lord" - as triumphs for Israel"
- Eternal Divine Safety of Jerusalem
Theology of Isaiah 1-39
- Holiness of God - no book since Leviticus said this
- Remnant
- Lord over history
- Importance of Faith
Who is Deutro-Isaiah
- 2nd Isaiah 40-66
- Students that wrote it after they got back for exile
Theology of Deutro-Isaiah
- Suffering servant
- National Restoration
- Mission - Be his ppl
- (Which they didn't do - Why God came to Earth)
7th Century Prophets
- Nahum
- Zephaniah
- Habakkuk
- Jeremiah
Which Chapter in Isaiah has every verse quoted in NT
6th Century Prophets
Minor Prophets
- Amos Obadiah
- Hosea Joel
- Micah Jonah
- Nahum Haggi
- Zephaniah Zechariah
- Habakkuk Malichi
Major Prophets
- Isaiah
- Jeremiah
- Ezekiel
- Lamentations
- Daniel
Capital of Assyria
Who did Nineveh Fall to?
- Strong rapid prophecy against Nineveh
- Hometown of Elkosh (Judah)
- Hatred of Assyria
Assyrian Empire during Nahum
- Prior to Sennacherib
- Ashurbanipal is King
- Fall of Nineveh
Who is Ashurbanipal
- Main Assyrian King
- Most Powerful King ever had
- Taken in the entire Fertile crescent
- Grandson of Sennacherib sack of Thebes
- 605 Carcimesh Battle
- Assyrian King when it fell
- Tried to rule even after it fell - didn't work to well.
Carcimesh Battle
- 605
- Babylonians, Assyrians, Egyptians
- Babylonians Won
- (Necho headed here when killed Josiah)
Theology of Nahum
- God's Power over Nations
- - answer to God of how they treat people
- God's Judgement
- Minor Prophet "Yahweh Hides" during days of Josiah
- Influenced by Amos "Day of the lord"
- Influenced by Isaiah "Remnant"
- Talking to Jer. ppl in power
- Great-Great-Grandson of Hezekiah (Royalty) (Josiah's Cuz)
Judah during Zephaniah
- Manasseh King
- Silenced prophecy ("Yahweh Hides")
- Josiah becomes king
- Assyria dies out
- Religious reform by Josiah
Whose Manasseh
- Bad King of Judah
- Stopped prophecy
- Brought in foreign idols into the temple
- People blamed him for 587
Theology of Zephaniah
- "The day of Yahweh" - day of judgement
- Universal Judgement
- - everyone answers to God
- Remnant - Left over ppl
- Minor 7th Cent
- Interrogative Prophecy - question sermon
- Expected Answers
- "Embraced"
- Date 608 there watching it fall.
- Josiah's Death
- (How can bad things happen to good ppl)
- Jehoahaz and Jehoiakim took over
- Baby's Exile Judah
- (3rd Deportation)
- Carcemesh Battle
- Baby's won
- 1st Deportation - Daniel
Who was prophet during 1st deportation
Who did the Babys take.
Judah during Habakkuk
- Fall of Nineveh - 612
- Death of Josiah 609 (died by Necho)
- Jehoahaz
- - taken off throne by Necho
- Jehoiakim - chosen by Necho
- - 2nd son
Theology of Habakkuk
- Temporary pleasure of the wicked
- - Sometimes bad ppl win
- Question of the righteous suffering - why do good ppl suffer
- Life of faith for righteous
- Job Deals with same things
Jeremiah the Book
- Longest book of Content
- Longest prophetic book - Poetry QINAH
- Secretary - Baruch
- Multiple Scrolls
- Oral from 626-605 (told to write down)
- Division of ppl keeping records
Judah during Jeremiah
- Josiah (609)
- 626 - Ashurbanipal's death/Jere's call
- Religious Reform
- Jehoahaz/Jehoiakim
- Carcemesh/1st depart/Jere writing
- 2nd depart
Jeremiah the man
- 7th Cent/ "Yahweh Throws" - needs in hurry
- Anathoth- suburb of Jer
- Called in "13th yr of Josiah"
- Influenced by Hosea - "weeping prophet"
- there when 587 happens (Stayed in Jer)
- Taken to Egypt after DOD revolted and ran
Political during Jeremiah
- Josiah death 609
- Ashurbanipal's death
- Religious Reform
- Carcemesh
- 1,2,3 Deportations
- Gedaliah
Who stayed in Judah during Exile
- Poorest of Poor (DOD)
- Jeremiah
- Appointed Governor of Non-Exiled by Baby's
- reported to Neb
- Killed when POP=DOD revolt
Who did Jere tell not to revolt
Non-Exile Poorest of poor
What happens to Non-Exiled and Jeremiah
- revolted then killed Gedaliah
- Ran to Egypt
- Jeremiah assumed to have died in Egypt
- Ruler of Baby
- Deportations of Jer
- Destroyed of Jer
- died in 562 ppl shocked cause they saw him as god
How many kings of Judah after exile
Theology of Jeremiah
- Individuals Responsibility
- -Break up of country ind. responsibility for relationship w/ God
- Remnant
- Faithfulness
2 ways Jeremiah was Faithful
- To his call
- Mist of Suffering
Appendix: The Exile (Nature)
- Deportations
- -Suburb of Baby (Chebar River)
- Baby - allowed them keep their culture and traditions
- Advanced Culture - gained
- Segregation - later allowed to join in Baby life in little ways
Babylonian Kings
- Nebuchadnezzar - destruction of Jer.
- Evil-Merodach - Son of Neb - changed everything dad did -killed by Bro-n-law
- Nergal-Shar-Usur -B-N-L to above
- Nabonidus - Not Neb's Family
- Belshazzar - Son of above Ruled at same time with Dad
What did Nabonidus do
- (Not of Neb's Family)
- Became king
- Established a new religion and capital
- Worshiped other god's
- Nebonidus' Son
- People's choice of King
- Served as co-regent in Baby
- in book of Daniel
- Him and his dad died at some time .
Appendix: The Exile (Prophets)
- Daniel- in Baby
- Ezekiel - in Baby
- Jeremiah - 587 in Jer. then Egypt
- Possible Deutro-Isaiah - when exile was over they were back home
Developments during Exile
- Synagogue -place of worship, school, community place - built several all over when got home.
- Dietary laws
- Circumcision
- 6th Century
- Shortest book in OT (21 verses)
- "Hymn of Hate" - against Edom
- "Servant of Yahweh"
- Edom- Help Neb & Baby against Israelites
Who were cousins to the Israelites and Betrayed them
Capital of Edom
What's so Special about it
- Petra = Rock
- city carved into a mountain
- could only get to by going over a canon
- Edomites would stand above and throw rocks and knock people off.
- Romans - took over later on.
Theology of Obadiah
- Judgement Upon Edom
- Remnant
- Major
- "God with Strengthen"
- Home - Jer until 597 (2nd deport) Chebar river in Baby
- Priest -Ministry in 587 but not in Baby
- "Son of man' - Called by God
- Novelty actions
What were the 4 Novelty Actions of Ezekiel
- 1. Mud City - what's happening back home
- 2. Eating in front of house - unclean conditions
- 4. Cutting Bread - Bread and water that's all you get
- No mourning at wife's death.